Page 126 - Phoenix2002-03
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Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - Page 10 '~.J-60 SECONDS What are your thoughts on Affirmative Action? By: Tiffany Lee Circle K recognized for 360? of improvement KATIE MARTIN Assist/lal News Editor The McDaniel chapter of Circle K was dually recognized at the Circle K Governor's Banquet held on March 8th for improvements made by their organization this year. Presi- dent Susan Lange represented Circle K in receiving the Most Improved Club Award and the Gem Award for Membership Growth. Lange said receiving the awards "gave the club a lot of recognition for the improve- ments we made and showed everyone we are a capable club in the services we perform." "We should keep it "It ends up dividing "It mainly helps out The banquet was held in Williamsburg, VA, with an estimated 300-400 people in atten- because it promises more than enabling. white females, so I dance. Circle K is an international service organization. Recognition came for the McDaniel and tries to provide It also penalizes don't understand how and organized membership numer- equal opportunitiy. white students instead it's reverse discrimi- chapter of Circle K after they increased once dwindling area this year. Anyone interested in in the Westminster ous service activities and Baltimore Not just for the of boosting minori- nation. It's a small becoming involved with Circle K majority but also the ties. Everybody attempt to give all can attend a meeting any Tuesday night at 9:00 pm inthe Liedy Room. minority. " should have equal minorities equal -Erica Wormley, 06' rights, but not to fill a opportunity, NOT Jubilee volunteers needed Biology quota." special treatment. " KATIEMART[N -Julta Keene, 04' -Krystle AUen, OS' Assistnat News Editor Biology Sociology HYPE is still in need of volunteers for the Second Annual Jubilee to be held on Satur- day, April 12th from noon to 4 pm. According to Jubilee Coordinator Steph Gulbin, students and organizations are needed to help set-up, clean-up, and man booths during the event. Set-up will begin around 10 am. The Jubilee is a free event held on the comer of West Main Street and Union Street under the arch, with various activities for children and their parents. II it organized by HYPE as a community service project to unify the Westminster community with the McDaniel College Community. Anyone interested in assisting is asked to contact Jubilee Coordinator Steph Gulbin at ext. 8228 or bye-mail at, as soon as possible. Students step up and out of their old shoes to help others "Affirmative Action "Nobody really "It should be kept KATIE MARTtN women's styles, band them together, and then should be kept knows what it's about because it provides Assistant Nl!Ws Ediwr deliver them to the Coalition of Catholic because it not only anymore. One individual s with a What do a pair of nike sneakers. black Churches. shoes,blue strappy helps minorities but argument says it way to speak out and ers have in common? sandals, and brown loaf- Unity member Jacqje Kellner said they a few These arealljust women as well. gives minorities make a change. This of the 250 pairs of shoes donated by chose [Q hold a shoe drive after considering Since racism does better jobs. This is also makes laws McDaniel College students for Unity's shoe events like an ice cream social or a clothing to make a differ- "we wanted drive because exist this is the only not valid because it more equal to every- drive during the week of March 24th-28th. ence in the bigger community. Shoelessness way to make sure wasn't its original one and brings issues The dri ve was sponsored through the is a bigger problem than you think" she said. that everything is itent. The original foreard hat are no Saving Soles Organization in Washington, According to the Saving Soles website, there DC and all of the shoes collected will be fair." intent was to have brough to attention. " distributed by the Coalition of Catholic are large numbers of people in met- -Lauri Gann, 04' representation of the -Tiffany Mack, 06' Churches to people and families in the ropolitan areas and around Communications total population and Psychology Washington area. Shoes were col- the world thai do not own fitting pair of a proper promote equality. " lected in boxes around shoes. .Pappy,03' campus throughout the Kellner Political Science! ~~\ Rhetoric ............................................ Mid Atlantic Writing Center Association (MAWCA) proudly presents ..., in r;~~~~~:= the the 14th Annual middle Red Square and • of played shoe related tunes such as walk- i n g up a ing on Sunshine, These Boots Were Made ally." for Walking, and Get On Your Feet. They Unity is an eight-member affinity hoped to get students attention to make one hous ing service group that is dedicated to final push for the donation of shoes. Saturday, April 5th This collection event was forced inside its mission of helping unite the city of Westminster with the college campus, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. due to the rainy weather. a few bringing students through activities such as the shoe drive. However, still came out to donate, ............................................. bags in hand. The next step for the members and Other community children service activities they par- huge in Hill Hall. Registration working in this year include, ticipated with of Unity is to sort the shoes into men's Westminster
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