Page 129 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 129
SPORTS Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - Page 13 Sports Column: Craig Johnson Phoenix Sports Trivia asks "Say it ain't so, Gary?" 1. Who is the only 5. Who is the only Say it ain't so Gary, suy it ain't ing moment, J actually had some- 4. Knowing that Duke didn't win NBA player to so. Defending national champions thing to brag about to Yankee fans the title. Major league University of Maryland, led by (since the Orioles are still "rebuild- This one stems back to Shane order takeout on baseball player to head coach Gary Williams, have ing"). And it felt good; real good. Bunter. Elton Brand, Trajan officially been eliminated from this Langdon, and al lather past Duke the bench during a hit his one big year's NCAA men's basketball players who squashed the dreams game? league home run tournament, missing out on an op- 2. The recognition. of Maryland fans on a number of portunity to go down in history as Wherever I went, no matter occasions. off his brother? one of the few programs to win what stale, wearing Maryland gear It seems that over the past de- 2. Who is the only back-to-buck championships. always seemed to elicit a comment cade Duke has turned into a bas- But after losing a heartbreaker about the national championship ketball factory that brings in hand- NBA coach whose 6. Who is the only to Michigan State last Friday night success. These comments fuls of McDonald's High School team scored 184 by a score of 68-66, the Terps did ranged from very positive (i.e. All-Americans. and sends them shortstop in Major more than just end their reign as na- "They deserved to win that one. away with ACC championships. points in one league baseball tional champions ..... they ended my they had a real nice team") to nega- Being in the same conference, year of bragging, boasting, taunt- tive (i.e. "They got lucky. I hate we as Maryland fans are constantly game, and lost? history to committ ing, and flaunting the fact that my Maryland') to the absolutely ab- aware of Duke's presence, con- 6 errors in a single team, a school that everyone in my surd (i.e. "Duke should have won") stantly subjected to hearing about family besides me has attended, Traveling to other parts of the all their successes, streaks, and ac- 3. Who is the only game? were the best in the land. country, you find out that people complishments. major league Here are some of my favorite don't really know a whole lot about And every year we are told that memories from the past 12 months, . our state, other than we have good they are the team the beat. baseball player to 7. Who is the player brought to me courtesy of Juan crab cakes. Last year was no different, ex- Dixon, Lonny Baxter, and the rest But winning a national cham- cept for one minor detail. The learn reach base in 74 with the most re- of the 2001-2 Maryland Terps bas- pionship really put College Park on left standing at the end could not consecutive bounds (34) in an ketball {earn. the map and in the minds of people be found on Tobacco Road .... they around (he country, boosting re- were right in our own back yard. games? Men's Division cruiting and attracting a larger fan one NCAA Tourna- I. Dealing with Yankee fans. For base. So while the afterglow of the the first time in a long time, I was Now if we can just gel them to national championship may have 4. Who is the only ment game? able to say that one of my teams understand that a terrapin is just a faded out, the future still looks won a title, and the Yankees, the fancy word for a turtle. bright for the University of Mary- manager in Major most loved (not around here) and land men's basketball team. league baseball 8. Who is the player hated (yup) team in all of sports did With arguably the strongest re- not. 3. The women. All right this is a cruiting class in the country com- history to lose a with the most Of course, lowe a lot of the lie. Being a Maryland fan didn't ing to College Park next fall, my credit here to the Anaheim Angles, get me any more women .... maybe taunting days may be on temporary game because his points (61) in a who bounced the Yankees from the in a perfect world. hinrus ..... bur they are nOI over. team ran out of single NCAA Tour- playoffs on their way to a World Series tide. And granted it was not And last but not least... baseballs? nament game? in the same sport where the Terps found glory. But for one brief shin- McDaniel Women's Lax off to a tough start in early season play DtRK SAMPSt;:LLE SwjJwriter In goal for the Green Terror, outscored 5-1 in the second half, The winless women's Green Lindsay O'Steen recorded 12 saves leaving them in the dust at the fi- Terror lacross team returned nine starters for the 2003 season and has after being peppered with 39 shots, nal whistle. posted some difficult loses in their 25 of which were on goal. first four games of the season. On March 20, after trailing 12- Most recently, the Terror suf- 6 at halftime, the McDaniel Col- fered a 17-6 beating from the un- lege women's lacrosse team cut defeated Shorewomen of Washing- Wellsley College'S lead to 14- 12 Are you interested in ton while playing away in with l6:06 remaining in the game writing and have a Chestertown, MD the 26 of March. after Tracy Kessler scored her passion for sports? fourth goal of the half, but the The Shorewomen ran-off seven Green Terror could not manage a straight goals in the first quarter, goal the rest of the game, eventu- bringing their lead to a nearly un- ally falling [8-12. reachable level. Kessler lead the team with her The Phoenix is always Liz Sexton, Sara Thomas, and four goals while Sara Thomas con- Heather Nichols each recorded a looking for eager tributed a goal and two assists, Kim pair of goals in the game, while sport's journalists to Lowry recorded 3 goals and two freshman Caitilin Schellhorn assists. cover the many Spring posted her first two assists of her Kristin Ramey, Heather collegiate career. sports on campus. Sisman, Lindsay Ricks, and Caitlin The 13 of March, McDaniel fell 13-4 to the Skidmore Thorough- Schellhorn each scored one goal. In one best of McDaniel's breds. showings for the season, the Ter- The Thoroughbreds quickly If interested, call the mounted a 8 goal scoring streak, rors felt 9-7 against Goucher Col- lege after laking the lead at the half and lead 10-1 at the half. 6-4. Phoenix at ext. 8600 For McDaniel, Lindsay R.icks, Kessler and Sara Tho- Tracy Tracy Kessler, Heidi Hurtt, and mas each netted a pair of goals for Tara Smith each scored one goal, McDaniel, but the team was with Smith also tallying an assist.
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