Page 117 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 117
Volume XXVII Number 3 Wednesday, April 2, 2003 Teach-in and candlelight vigil attract students Tax cut in to voice opinions about war with Iraq Maryl.and Over thirty students gathered in Memorial Plaza to talk about war for private colleges STACI GORGE Assistalll CQmmt!I1Wry Editor McDaniel students and faculty LAURA PETERSEN are concerned about what is going A:,·sistarll Features Editor on in Iraq, and even in Afghanistan With the Maryland budget right now. They are uniting with growing smaller each day, the like- other members of the McDaniel lihood of more funding being cut community for information shar- for private colleges continues to ing, prayers, and the chance to grow. voice what is on their minds. With the state holding the It started with a teach-in on power to lower funding to private Monday, March 10 and continued colleges up to 25%, McDaniel Col- with a prayer vigil on Tuesday, lege has already felt the squeeze March 25.1t will carry on with sev- when all private colleges in Mary- eral more events, including a Peace land were given an 8% funding Picnic at noon on Thursday April decrease earlier this year. 3 in the Library Memorial Garden According to Vice President of (where the rock sculpture is). Glar will be providing bagged lunches Administration and Finance Ethan for {hose who sign up for the meal Seidel, state funding has already exchange. been losl this year. There is also another candle- Through a program entitled the light prayer vigil and poetry read- New academic "Sellinger Program," private col- for every one dollar leges receive ing session on Wednesday, April 9 six dollars public institutions re- at 7 p.m. in Memorial Plaza (in ceive. This financial support has front of Hoover Library). non-sharing event, where a few stu- been temporarily lowered by 2.3% with Joyce and building to be "Basically we want to have one dents who worked causing the college loss in event every week to keep peace on Whitehair in planning the event did $400,000 anticipated dollars. everyoneis mind," said Mahlia an abundance of research on a cer- completed by fall 2003 Another loss included the denial Joyce, a coordinator of these tain topic to present it at the teach- of $3,000,000 dollars given each events. in. year to the college directly from the Joyce said they are always look- One topic included sophomore Building will house graduate, state of Maryland. Making up 7% ing for more students and faculty Aster Grahn's presentation of the of the school's $40,000,000 bud- to get involved with the planning economics and costs of litis war. psychology and education programs get. this has been a difficult blow and coordination of these events. Various media sources had lite fol- as well. To help out, write you name, email lowing figures: worse case sce- TARA DELLAFRANZIA pus' largest and most debated prob- "We were on an upswing for so address, and extension on a piece nario, $100 billion to $200 billion COmmt!lllary Editor lems. Seidel explains that the new long, when this happens it is shock- 44 campus will remove building of paper and drop in campus mail for the whole war; nine billion dol- A new academic building is parking spaces on the lots between ing," Seidel explained. "But it is a for Mahlia Joyce. lars spent in the first month of war; scheduled to be completed by fall nationwide problem, it is happen- Joyce and Eric Whitehair were Continued on Page 2 2004. the library and ANW. However, he The new building, which will also mentions that other campus Continued on Page 2 reside between Hoover Library and parking improvements will 200 or be made as soon as possible. ANW, will be home to Graduate -_ ----_ will be added spaces and Professional Studies, the Edu- more parking Seidel promises, driver- Inside also this summer, cation Department, the Psychology mentioning are-designed, Department, and Academic Sup- port Services. Those currently in friendly Harrison House parking lot. The lot will be paved. Thompson Hall (next to Admis- The new academic building will sions) and many in Winslow Hall also require parking to be shifted 'aniska Lopez Gonzalez. are in certain need of more updated back, behind ANW. The current addresses the concern facilities, and this new academic tennis courts are 10 become more behind form workers ill th building will fulfill that need. parking spaces, while a new tennis U.S. Some students are understand- court will be built elsewhere (site ably concemed about the implica- yet to be determined). tions of adding another building on Completely accessible to handi- d Schultheis and Erin campus. Dr. Ethan Seidel describes capped users, the new building will Romanski review "How to the new building and clarfies, "The feature an elevator. Lose a Guy in 10 Days" front of the new building will line Undergraduate students will And McDaniel is still growing•.• up with ANW so that the quad will utilize the building for some Psy- sr« sampseue starts 011the be preserved in its entirety." Another concern is parking, chology and Education classes, but Lacrosse season-:a rough A new acad
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