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NEWS Wednesday, April 2,2003 - Page 3 Campus Safety News February 26 - March 29, 2003 6103: 12:0 I a.m., Report of rna- cohol in a dry dorm. COI\U'U.F.II BY KATIE CllAi\'I>ION Life and Campus Safety. lcious mischief to (he third floor 3/9/03: 6:02 p.m., DoCS responded of Blanche Ward Hall. Pancake 3/1/03: 1:05 p.m., Exterior door of her unattended vehicle was struck to fire alarm in Garden Apartments 3/14/03: 8:05 p.m .. College Whiteford Halt vandalized. No yrup was poured on doorways to by another vehicle while parked in building two. Upon investigation. stanchion recovered from a . suspects. Bair Stadium parking lot. Subject closet in ANW Hall. corns and throughout the hallway. determined to be false alarm. was indcmified through Invesriga- 3/3/03: I I p.m .• Unknown [ion. 126/03: 8:20 p.m., Student slid on 319103: 7;30 p.m., Clothes left in 3/17/03: Unkuownsuspecusj darn] ,ee into another vehicle while pull- subject(s) broke and entered into a washing machine in Daniel aged the rear door to North 'ng ioto upper ANW parking lot. soda machine in Winslow HaU. 3n103: 2:45 p.m .. Vehicle backed Mactea building were taken. No Apanmems building D. into DoCS vehicle creating minor known suspects, 3/4/03: Two vehicles parked with 8/03; Suspicious package in- damage to front driver's side quar- bumpers touching in Harrison ter panet. 3/9103: II ~2.7 p.m .. Fire alarm parking lot. Both vehicles' infor- sounded in Garden Apartments mation was taken. The driver of re- 8/0): 6:30 p.m.. Employee had 3n103: 3:27, NOll-student building one due to negligent stu- one vehicle is unknown. irrcr on her vehicle damaged ported on campus. Officer advised dent while cooking. hile parked in Rouzer Hall park- 3/5/03: 3:43 p.m .• Grease fife in that subject was harassing employ- g lot. Second incident in three ees and acting suspicious. Subject 3/12/03: Fire extinguisher found Garden Apartment building three. weeks. No suspect. given a trespass notice, missing from wall bracket in Gar- Students contained lire to kitchen. den Apartments building three. 11/03: Housekeeping reported Apartment has fire and smoke dam- 3/8/03: 1:28 a.m., Student ob- lass in exit door on second floor age. served urinating from third tloor 3/13/03: 2:30 p.m., Suspicious f Blanche Ward Hall had been 3/5103: 10:30 p.m .• Student reo stairwell window of McDaniel package left on front porch of roken. DoCS observed that the ported damage to vehicle in upper Hall. Student also in possession of Pennsylvania Avenue house. Kit sign above door was missing a someone else's Maryland driver's ANW parking. lot. anel. license. J.O was confiscated. 3/l3/O3; 3:37 p.m., Hit and run ac- cident occurred in the water tower 3/28103: 12:14a.m., Fraternity 3/6/03: 7 p.m.. Student reported 11/03; I: to a.m., Student docu 3/8/03; 1:45 a.m .. Non-student re- parking lot. Suspect identified sorority used Harvey Stone harassment by former boyfriend autl,ori,a';onl enred for a quiet hours violation, strlcted from campus was found in through vehicle registration. fireplace without who is also a student. Former boy- a fire code violation and failure to McDaniel Hall. Subject was told Possession of open containers friend to be warned and cease ac- amply in the Garden Apartment". to leave or would be arrested for 3/13/03: 10 p.rn., Unknown alcohol io a public area, nons or face criminal and college trespassing. Subject complied. suspecnsj stele a stanchion from sanctions. 1"1/03: 1:16a.m .. Studenti.nGar- the exterior of ANW Hall. 3:28103: 2~30 a.m., Fraternity p~nApa~enls ~l:Iiled to comply 3n103: 3/8/03: 6 p.m., Windowpane fell pected of hazing pledges. IIh Residence Life staff. Arson and burglary re- out or balcony door on the first ported "in North Village Apart- nom of Blanche Ward Hall. Stu· 11103; 1:52 a.m .. Two underage ments. lnvestigatiou in progr~s. tudellf5 found iIJpossesaioaof ~ Garden Apartment fire leaves four students temporarily homeless new cabinets, a new stove, and new NICOLEGRlMM carpeting that had been profession- Sta/fWr;ter ally cleaned. On Wednesday, March 5 around Though many students were 4:00pm, the fire alarms sounded in not aware that there had been a fire the Garden Apartments due to an in the Garden Apartments, resi· accidental fire in 3D. dents of the building were there to The fire erupted in the kitchen witness it first band. because of something that was left Pete Christake, resident of unattended on the stove. aparonent 3G, was forced out of the Erica Bowman, RLC for the building around 4:00pm and was Garden Apartments explained, allowed back in about 40 minutes "Fortunately, the students grabbed later. a fire extinguisher from the laun-' "At fIrSt I couldn't see smoke, dry room and had basically put the but as I got down to the first floor 1 This was the scene that many fire out before the Fire Department could see that smoke was coming witnesses remember the most. came." out of the windows," Christake re- Thankfully, the residents of Wbile the fire did not spread called. Garden Apartment 3D were not to other areas of the apartment Christake went on to explain hanned and the fITe was not as bad building, damage was still done in that (he Fire Department anived as it could have been. apartment 3D. The fire ruined the about 15·20 minutes after the alarm Overall, the campus handled wooden cabinets that lined the went off. this dilemma very well, which can kitchen as well as left the apartment police officers arrived on the be accredited to the quick thinking smelling of smoke. scene as well, and together there of the students of the apanment as During the week that their were a lot of emergency vehicles well as the fast response from Cam· apartment was renovated, the four present at the apartments. pus Safety and the Fire Depart- residents lived in alternative hous- Instead of working to put out ment. ing and were able to move back in the fire, the firemen were pulling on Sunday, March 23. out the damaged cabinets and were They were greeted with brand throwing them out the windows.
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