Page 118 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 118
Wednesday, April 2,2003 - Page 2 NEWS Students react to war in Middle East Continued/rom Page 1 eight million dollars for months two through four. And these are just the low-end figures. Senior Yurenda Basnett spent a few min- utes discussing alternatives to war and giv- ing background history on the UN Security Council and their goals/objectives. After their presentations, the floor was open for questions and concerns as the in- formation-sharing event continued. Dr. Mohamed Esa, German professor, expressed fear that the U.S. will do to Iraq what Russia did to East Germany during World War H. Dr. Thomas Deveny, Spanish professor, read excerpts from Jimmy Carter's op ed piece from a March 9th newspaper, where Carter mediation for people's personal introspec- one of the most moving experiences for me.r talked about his uneasiness with this idea of tion and prayers. The participants lit candles Joyce is hoping to have Morrison and going to war and sought to suggest other al- and meditated and sought answers from the other musicians play at the upcoming Peace 'tCmatives for Bush to take. higher power of their own faith. Picnic. ": Following the night's session, Joyce said Following that was about an hour and a During his time at the podium, Walt she thought the event "went well: good flow half of open mike, where people volunteered Michael, artist in residence and director of of information, people were passionate about to sing, play the harp, read poetry, address Common Ground on the Hill, said that we learning more, and good in terms of getting something on their mind, or quote something should not let fear hurt us. He urged the and cast a doubt upon its righteousness the information out." said in a newspaper earlier. crowd to "Look around and acknowledge straightway got such a stem and angry warn- Then war broke out over spring break and Junior Christina Cheek read a powerful each other as friends, as someone [Q talk to ing that for their personal safety's sake they Joyce and Whitehair began planning the next and truthful poem she had written. "Weap- throughout the week and as event unfold. quickly shrank out of sight and offended no event and sending emails to get the word out ons of Mass Destruction" criticized Bush and Marty O'Connell, Dean of Admissions, more in that way ... [The stanger said] "Bless about March 25's prayer vigil. his reasons for war. But it was not her own read some poetry and had copies of Mark our arms, grant us victory, 0 Lord our God, A crowd of about 30 or 40 people gath- interpretation, but rather facts that she and Twain's ''The War Prayer" for people to take Father and Protector of our land and ered at the steps of Hoover Library to have a reliable sources had noticed. As she with them because the poem was too long ffag." ...The stranger continued "0 Lord our prayer vigil for those fighting in the war to "rapped," she talked of a silent middle class for her to read right there. God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody find a quick peace and get back to their nor- and all the fear Americans possess because Although the open mike session contin- shreds with our shells; help us to cover their mal routines at home. tbe upper class has scared us. ued after her poetry reading, this article will smiling fields with the pale forms of the their Stopping by for a few moments before Harp player Joe Morrison stepped up to end with a few lines from ''The .War Prayer." patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of getting to her next place to be, President Joan the podium and addressed the audience. "It was a great a time of great and exalt- the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, Coley commented on the necessity for such "People say that hearing the harp makes them ing excitement. The country was up in arms, writing in pain ...It was believed afterward a prayer vigil and teach-ins, "I think it is re- feel peaceful. By playing the harp, 1 hope I that the man was a lunatic, because there was breast burned the ally important because McDaniel is a place am promoting peace." And she played beau- the war was on, in every ... It was indeed a glad no sense in what he said." holy fire of patriotism of learning where all voices are heard and tifully for several minutes. and gracious time, and the half dozen rash The Phoenix will have coverage of we opinions considered." In an e-mail following the nightfs event, spirits that ventured to disapprove of the war Peace Picnic and upcoming vigil in the next The vigil began with a ten-minute silent Joyce commented that Iher harp playing was edition. McDaniel campus to son and Winslow Halls will then be closed Cut will not affect "I think if the price continues to increase indi- see new building for renovations. In the future, Seidel be used student tuition rates I can't go here," Manns explained. "It is roo cates that these halls will probably expensive and I don't really the see where improvements for administrative purposes rather than aca- Continued from Page 1 money goes, they don't tell us. I could go to demic. The building currently has no name; it's a cheap state school and have better re- Continued from Page 1 working name is simply "the new academic ing everywhere." sources than here." the fall increase will building," but when construction nears With the budget deficit growing because Luckily for students, the majority of classes taught there will be of the govemor's promise not to raise taxes be the only increase that occurs in tuition for Graduate students. completion, there will most likely be a do- and the legislature'S decision not to approve regardless of the tax cut. Of all things needed on campus, Seidel nor or someone whom the school might slots, colleges across the state are making "Students won't be effected, we made the makes a firm argument for the need of this honor. This person's name could be the new plans on what gets cut from their budgets. commitment in the fatl to the price," Seidel building's name. building at this time. "The impact of this will be felt," Seidel said. "Funds will be tight elsewhere." "Many people are not aware that there At best, the building will be ready for use, said. "It will be painful but not devastat- According to Seidel, equipment requests are 2000 to 3000 individuals enrolled in with faculty moved in to new offices in the ing." may not be filled. From Iawnmowers, trac- graduate classes in a given year. On a full Fall 2004 semester, but depending on con- A concern among students has been more tors and trucks to educational equipment, struction may not be ready until the follow- time equivalent basis, this translates into increases in tuition. Increased this fall from these requests may likely be denied. Addi- ing semester. nearly 700 full-time graduate students. The $27,040 to $28,140, tuition went up 4%. tional positions will also remain unfilled. In addition to the new academic build- current home of the Graduate School, Th- Since the tax cut to private colleges, students "It is highly unlikely for anyone to get ing, a "Campus Master Plan" is expected to ompson Hall, is a two-story converted Infir- have feared another increase. laid-off, we do not have a history of running be approved by mid-April. Seidel indicates mary with approximately 7,0CH) sq. ft. of that this plan would take into consideration "My dad hit the roof when we got the this way," Seidel explained. "We will sim- space." the various suggestions for renovation on notice that tuition was increasing this past ply not fill empty positions." The new building has no direct correla- fall," Sophomore Betsy Rosenbaum ex- Ten years ago when Maryland was in a Hall. Currently, such as Rouzer tion to the size of the undergraduate class, campus, are prioritized in accordance with plained. "I'm on scholarship like most stu- recession, funding to the college was re- projects but rather the needs of a Graduate program dents here and unfortunately with the in- duced. Seidel believes that tbe college wii1 need and available funding. that has been experiencing steady growth for crease in tuition, our scholarships do not be able to weather this storm better than ten This summer, Blanche Ward Hall will many years. receive a sprinkler system and new windows, increase as well." years ago when for two years employees did When the new building opens, Thomp- Freshman Liz Manns had similar feel- not receive pay increases. and construction on the new academic build- ''Cuts will be worse this time around," ing will begin ings to the fall increase in tuition. he explained "But we are in better shape" Fired up about a change on campus? Why not voice your opinion. Write a commentary for The Phoenix. Drop it off in the box at the information desk and BE HEARD! .. ,;:l:!:(
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