Page 77 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 77
SPORTS Wednesday, December 6, 2001- Page 13 Gamma Betas win the "civil war," avenge last year's loss GREG LEDERER Spor/sEditor On a dreary, cold Sunday in Hutsell called his own number and many blitzes to slow down the Be- November, two fraternities got to- scored on a quarterback draw up tas, but Duquette used his legs to junior Chad Lovett who played re- than words on the field, " said gether for a grid-iron classic foot- the middle of the field. With an buy more time in the pocket and lentless defense throughout the Miller. contest. ball matchup. At least, it was billed early 2-0 lead, the Betas didn't slow hit wide open receivers or run for "The real key to the game was up to be a bitter civil war. As the half was coming to a that we had better athletes and it up as they picked up two more big gains, as when he threw the During the week before the scores from junior Tom Brown and close, the Betas made another big showed on the field." fifth touchdown of the day Beta's game, the Gamma Beta and Rob Weaver. The crowd was and then ran for their sixth score play on defense when Miller inter- "Our defense played lackadai- Preacher fraternities prepared for stunned by the early dominance. on the next possession. cepted a pass and flew like a speed- sically in the first half, and we dug the matchup tirelessly and trash Down 4-0, the Preachers got on The brightest spot on the day for ing bullet to the end zone, ending ourselves into a hole that we never talked each other until the opening the scoreboard when junior QB the Preachers was junior George the first half 7-2. could get out of," said junior kickoff. Casey Michelsen found Nick Al- Beck, who despite the score, con- After the break, the Beta de- preacher Nate Karlin." Coming into the game, the ley on a long pass. tinued to fight hard and compete fense took over the game with five "The unfortunate thing about Preachers were favored by one II was a big score for the team, throughout the contest. consecutive interceptions, and the sports is that there has to be a loser point due to their upset win last but found it hard during the game Beck's perseverance was exhib- Preachers didn't score again. and the better team lost today." year. to deal with the relentless defen- ited on a second down play for the The thefts were spearheaded by "We are already counting the "We were up last year 8-4, but sive pressure of the Betas. Preachers where the QB tossed a Chris Kerns who picked off three days until next year's game when then we started fooling around and Michelsen, the QB for most of the long pass down the field into a sea passes and was stiff against the run. we can avenge our defeat and re- they somehow beat us 11-10," said game, was chased around all day of defenders. On offense, Hutsell came back claim what is rightfully ours." Gamma player/coach Matt Miller. at quarterback to throw two long Karlin picked up a couple sacks by Anthony Forte who picked up 2 Despite being in the backfield "This time, we are going to make a touchdown passes to loe Figola, in the contest and also caught three sacks and a couple of pressures, to stan the play, Beck hustled down statement on the field." and a pretty fade pass to Miller, passes for the team. and Brown who totaled five sacks field and when the ball was tipped As time ticked away to the start in the contest. who despite losing his shirt on the The game was exciting, and of the contest, many fans showed The defense pressure was up in the air, Beck was in the right play, still galloped into the people can't wait for next year's and caught the ball for the place up to cheer on the teams and watch summed up on one play where preacher's second score. endzone. battle. the carnage. It was only fitting that the last Forte blitzed from the back side and Beck caught eight passes in the Even the Phi Alphas showed up came around the corner to smash contest. score of the game came from the You too could to watch the action and supply the the preacher's quarterback as he let "The brightest spot for the Beta defense when they picked off teams with water. the ball go. preachers came from the play of a screen pass and took it in for the have your own As soon as the game began, the Up 4-1, the Betas utilized their George Beck," said Miller. final score, as the teams played to Betas took control early and struck other quarterback, junior led "He played like he was ten feet II points. both teams re- sports column, After the game, first when junior quarterback Duquette, who frustrated the de- tall, and it was unfortunate that he flected on the contest. "We suf- call x8600 for Aaron Hutsell found Miller on a fense with his running and throw- came up short in the end." long pass to take a 1-0 lead. ing all day. The preachers also received a fered a tough loss last year, and details. a lot since, On their next possession, The preacher's defense brought stiff defensive performance from they ran their mouths speak louder but we let our actions Rick's Rambling's on the world of Sports: The revival of the Hogs and the status 'ofMI:B tdntraction proceedings RICK GRAMS SlujfWriler In the world of sports, It doesn't to run the ball, given the fact that whose teams make take much time for things to the 'Skins fell behind early in con- market owners, year, resist any rev- existence. Although they do have new owner who will pay for play- money every change. Recently, this has been tests. some talented young players such ers and maybe even a new stadium. seen in both football and baseball. However, Davis is now able to enue sharing plan, feeling they as Brett Abernathy and Toby Hall, Unfortunately for Expos fans, About six weeks ago, the Wash- run the ball about 25 times a game, should be able to keep the money they still have no history in base- there is not as strong of a case to ington Redskins were the laughing- they have earned through their ball. save the franchise as exists for the which lets Tony Banks avoid hav- teams. stock of the NFL. At 0-5, they had ing to win games with his arm. However, the way Major The Twins, on the other hand, Twins. just lost to their biggest rivals, the With Davis running the ball, the League Baseball and its commis- do have a history. Only {he Yan- Still, they deserve to be in the Dallas Cowboys. Redskins defense is able to stay off sioner Bud Selig have handled the kees have won more World Series league more so than the Devil The 9-7 loss, however, was the the field while the offense grinds than the Twins since 1987 (both the Rays. The Expos would be better closest the 'Skins had came to vic- out first downs. The rested defense issue has turned many people off Twins and the Toronto Blue Jays served with a change of scenery. tory in their first five games. The has been playing inspired lately, as towards baseball after their great have won two, the Yankees four). They have great young talent, such season. touchdown they scored in that evidenced in the victory over the The Twins finished second in as Vladimir Guerrero, Jose Vidro game was only their second of the Eagles. Selig met with the owners about the American League Central this and Javier Vazquez. Montreal just season. Donovan McNabb, one of the a week after the World Series. He season. They have had Hall of isn't a baseball town. However, midway through the most dangerous players in the came out of this meeting an an- Pamers like Harmon Killebrew, Washington D.C. could be. It fourth quarter of their si~th game, nounced unequivocally that base- Rod Carew and 2002 inductee is hard to believe that there is not league, was limited to 92 yards ball would get rid of two teams. the Redskins' fortunes began to passing and 39 yards rushing, with Kirby Puckett. team from our national past-time change. The Players Union was notcon- When Minnesota has been able in the nation's capital. But Major most of those rushing yards com- suited at all. With contraction, Linebacker Laver Arrington ing on the final play of the game. to field a decent team, they do draw League Baseball is scared about a picked of a pass from Carolina Pan- While the Redskins are poised many people will find themselves fans. In recent years, however, the lawsuit from Orioles owner Peter thers quarterback Chris Weinke and for a playoff run, something that out of work. Not only the 25 play- Twins have not done so, so the fans Angelos, who claims a team in teams' ers on each major-league raced 67 yards for a touchdown. was unthinkable a month and a half roster, but also all of the players in have not gone to watch their games. D.C. would take away from his fan The Panthers, who were in the ago, the game of baseball has gone those teams farm systems, front But this happens everywhere. [f base. And what is stopping base- midst of a drive that would have in the opposite direction. Coming office personnel, stadium workers the team is not performing, the fans ball from folding the Milwaukee added to their 14-0 lead, went on off one of the greatest seasons ever and all other employees. The fact stay at home Gust look at Oriole Brewers? to drop the game in overtime, 17- and a thrilling World Series, base- Park at Camden Yards). Yes, they did just open a new 14. that the union was not consulted on What the Twins need is an stadium, and before this season ball immediately took a public re- the issue is inexcusable. Since that game, Washington lations hit. owner willing to spend money to they were near the bottom of the The teams rumored has beaten the defending NFC The reason is the issue of con- nated are the Minnesota to be elimi- put a good team on the field. league in attendance and wins. Twins and champion New York Giants, the traction. Many players, fans, and the Montreal Expos. Why these Owner Carl Pohlad has the money But the deciding factor there Seattle Seahawks, Denver Bron- front-office personnel agree that to spend, but just won't do it. has to be that it's the team formerly cos, and the NFC East-leading contraction needs to happen. There teams were chosen over the Tampa A new stadium for Minnesota owned by Selig, and now in the Bay Devil Rays is a mystery. Philadelphia Eagles. The 13-3 vic- are simply too many teams that wouldn't hurt either. Governor name of his daughter. tory over Philly puts them one year in and year out have no shot Tampa Bay just came into the Jesse Ventura refuses to finance a Hopefully, Bud Selig and the game our of first place. at competing for the playoffs. league in 1998. While the expan- new stadium, but that didn't stop powers that be in the world of base- What are the reasons for this These teams cannot draw fans, sion brethren, the Arizona Dia- the late Jack Kent Cooke who was ball will do what the Washington won just the World turnaround? The main reason is the making it hard to produce revenue, mondbacks, the Devil Rays have occu- in a Similar situation when he built Redskins have already seemed to Series, running of Stephen Davis. In the a stadium for the Redskins with his do. which they could spend on free pied the cellar of the American first five games, Davis barely got own money. The Twins don't need They need to do an about-face agents to improve their teams. Big League East every year of their to be contracted; they just need a before it's too late.
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