Page 49 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 49
reflects on the Seattle Mariner's season and their place in history During the 2001 baseball sea- the gate, and led the division from However, they will always be re- son, the Seattle Mariners tied the the first day of the season. membered for losing in the play- 1906 Chicago Cubs by winning Sparked by probable Rookie of offs. 116 games during the season. the Year lchiro Suzuki, along with Instead, Seattle ran into a team They unfortunately also share solid pitching and defense, the that seems to be unbeatable in the another feat with those Cubs by Mariners were up by 20 games at postseason, the New York Yankees. failing to win a World Series title. the all-star break, and never looked Although It looked like some- The Mariners were knocked out back. one would finally beat the Yankees ofthe playoffs by losing to the New In recent years, Seattle had in the postseason, the A's. Oakland York Yankees in the American traded away pitcher Randy Johnson was leading them two games to League Championship Series. and outfielder Ken Griffey, Jr., both none and had two chances to beat Seattle now joins a list of teams often regarded as the best at their them at home in a best-of-five se- that had excellent regular season respective positions in the league. ries. records, only to fall short of win- However, the team did well in Unfortunately, the Yankees ran ning it all. these trades, getting players like off three straight wins to knock the Years from now, fans will look Freddy Garcia, Carlos Guillen and A's OUI of the playoffs, and didn't back and see a learn that "choked" Mike Cameron in the trades. slow down against Seattle. New in the postseason. While this is They also did well in the free York advances to meet the Arizona true, the Mariners deserve a better agent market, signing John Olerud Diamondbacks in the World Series, reputation. and Arthur Rhodes, bringing in and Seattle's season is over. Before the season started, many lchiro and Kazuhiro Sazaki from Like the 1997 Baltimore Ori- experts and baseball fans picked Japan. oles, this year's Seattle Mariners the Mariners to finish out of the With the money saved by not led their division from the first day playoffs, after losing superstar signing Rodriguez, Seattle added of the season and failed to even shortstop Alex Rodriguez to divi- Jeff Nelson to an already strong reach the World Series. sion rival Texas. bullpen as well as bringing in However, those Orioles were With the acquisition of leadoff Suzuki. expected to have a good season, hitter Johnny Damon, the Oakland The Mariners were a team that these Mariners were not supposed A's were supposed to run away was supposed to be demoralized to be close to first. with the division. In Spring Train- after losing their third superstar in Winning 116 games is an ing, manager Lou Piniella said that the recent past. achievement in itself. Instead of he expected the Mariners to finish However, instead of falling out being remembered as a team that with a winning.percentage of about of the playoffs, Seattle tied a 95- choked, the Seattle Mariners ...-600. instead, Seattle had a record- year-old record. They should be re- should be remembered for winning breaking season. membered for beating the odds and ll6games. The Mariners caught fire outof putting together a great season. "Gel OUIolmy way. tnat puck is mine"- Here the Green Terror field hockey team plays in a game at home. AI/hough the field hockey leam did not make il to the playoffs, they are still/ookingjorward to the ECAC
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