Page 32 - Phoenix2001-02
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Wednesday, October 10, 200 I - Page 8 FEATURES 60 SECONDS Learn unique perspectives What is your favorite thing about Glar? from a foreign student By: Courtney Federoff TARA DEI.LAFRANZIA a bit stricter than those in Europe. Staff Writer Outcroppings of domestic violence and homelessness also plague small towns in This year J had to fulfill my foreign lan- the United States. but this is not as fre- "Casino night and guage requirement. Having failed at quent where Maqueda comes from. French, I signed up for an introductory Here in America, there is also more napkin comments." German class. The professor. Dr. Upman, awareness of issues such as race. Allison Burns '02 took great care to introduce us to our ex- On September 11, Maqueda had only change students. been in the United States for three weeks. Psychology One of these students was Enrique While the attacks that look place were Maqueda, better known around campus as shocking to everyone, he was a bit con- "Rick." cerned at our understandable hysteria af- Maqueda offers a unique perspective on both his own native country of Spain as ter the event. In Spain. he explains, terror- ism is a threat. "French fries and pizza, well as his current residence, the United There are eight or nine different cul- States. 'cause they always have Maqueda'sjourney from Seville, Spain tural areas in Spain, and many people do began when he was very young. Since he not want to be unified with the rest of the them." was three, Maqueda has learned and been country. One northern group, the ETA (Euskadi Devin Collins '05 exposed to several different languages. Ta Askatasuna), declares their 'freedom' Because he moved at a very young age, Biology - PreMed he had to absorb the Galego language of by attacking military or other government buildings. northern Spain very early in life. In school, Despite the recent disheartening events, he managed to master Italian, English, and Maqueda has done very well in this coun- French. try. While vacationing. he picked up Por- He admires the way people start work- tuguese. As an exemplary student in In- ing at younger ages here because jobs are "Allan, all the way." troductory German. it is clear that available, and he approves of our general Jason "Alvin" Lowy '04 Maqueda has a talent for language. independent attitude here. While studying at the American Lan- Classes are also easier here - in Spain, Psychology/Philosophy guage Institute in his country, Maqueda Maqueda studied as a Computer Science learned of and applied for a scholarship to major for a five-year degree. come toWMC. Only ten percent of those who start in Adding diversity to our smallcampus, Maqueda serves as the Spanish Assistant. this academic field actually finish with the degree. Maqueda finished last year. His duties include tutoring students, orga- In Spain, students only take classes in nizing events, and being the director of the their major, which is quite different from Spanish house. "Frozen yogurt, the Wok Although he has visited almost every our liberal arts setting with BLARs in many different areas of learning. lady, and Mrs. Hill." country in Europe, this is Maqueda's first Through classroom help, academics, time in the United States. Sarah Gabell '05 Here. he notices that people rnaintain and friendships, international students have a great perspective to offer of our more distance between each other then in Criminal Justice Spain. This is represented by the amount community and country through a difficult time. of physical space we often put between Getting to know an international stu- ourselves and others while in conversation with them. dent lets you learn more than geography; While we appreciate our freedom and their perspectives and cultures are valuable assets to our increasingly diverse commu- "The number of plates I pride ourselves on being free, Maqueda be- nity. lieves that some of our rules and laws are get at every meal." MerryBeth McKee '03 Cultural Arts on the Hill Social Work Monday Night Music P.esents Tim Jenkins Odobe.22 7 p.m. ;'The balcony and the Mc Daniel Lounge Ceasar salads, oh yes!" Jeremy Robinson '04 Business/Economics The Mo.pheus Tdo presenls Meet the Compose.s Odobe.23 7 p.m. LevineRecital Hall "Steak and Shrimp Night." The Danish RescueofJ~'Ws,1943 Joe Dominick '04 Ongoing thmugh Odobe. 31 Business/Economics The Rice Galle.y ofa.t
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