Page 29 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 29
COMMENTAR_Y Wednesday. October to, 2001 - Page 5 Aninsight into an American family during tragedy Tammi Slater discusses the importance oj family To these individuals I say it is However, for some, this day that I learned that has served me other job which shows more cour- that during a tragedy now, more than ever before, fam- marked not only history but also the well and has always proven true. age, pride, and selflessness, day in you should want to be among The words of wisdom given to me and friends across the day families Over the past few weeks I feel ily, friends, and loved ones. To nation had loved ones so wrongly that "friends may come and go, but and day out then that of our trag- edies heroes. I, as well as the entire nation, have these individuals I say that college taken away from them. family is forever" ring true now I commend these individuals. aged greatly as a result of the un- is a time for growing up and be- There are thousands of grieving more then ever. Even for those Our country has shown tremendous fortunate tragedy of September II. coming independent in your families and friends inAmerica to- families who have fallen prey to the unity and hope in a time of hurt However. the repercussions of lifestyle, but not for growing away day that would give anything to sick coward who is accountable for from victims being kept alive by a September 11 have affected me and apart from those .who have have their families back with them this tragedy, family will still live stranger, to a doctor going well also in a way that has surprised me helped get you to this point. And and it both astonishes and outrages on. While only memories remain, beyond the call of duty to save with both pain and disappoinrmem. finally, to these individuals I say me that there are people out there nothing can ever compare to the lives, and a firemen administering What immediately comes to that it is a shame that you feel this that still undermine and overlook link and relationship of family. No one's last rights in his final mo- mind is a recent encounter with a way. best friend, no ments. student at WMC. While I re- first love, nor With selfless pride, it is these As the week drew to an end. and alize that not childhood friend surrounded all the coverage and shock contin- everyone is so can ever replace workers who remain strong by hell on earth to offer ued, I. like many others on this lucky to come family and if support, hope, and strength to those campus and around the world from a close there is anything anguished and grieving from this wanted only to be with their loved knit family we as Americans tragedy. They too are the ones who ones. However, this is where I was like my own or can learn from claim to just be doing their job, mistaken. live within this tragedy it is while so many are ultimately be- When asked by a fellow student driving dis- not to take our ing led to death. what my plans were for the upcom- tance of cam- time on this earth Amid the continual heartbreak- ing weekend, I explained that I was pus, it is not for granted. ing stories that keep transcending going home to spend time with my asking too Watching this from beneath all the turmoil, is a family. • much to pick tragedy and the need by all to be among those they Much to my surprise, I was up the phone aftermath of the love. taken aback by the snide remark to check on a ruins it has left' For those who ponder what they and laugh Ireceived by my answer. loved one. behind, has rede- will do this Friday night, perhaps a After walking away incredibly dis- Currently, it is fined American phone call home or a visit if pos- turbed by this student's lack of a time in pride and what sible would serve you well. compassion and understanding in Am e ric a this country For those who find this improb- this time of national tragedy, I re- where strang- stands for. The able, a reminder of the value of a alized how some people will just ers are reach- amount of people day, an hour, even a minute when never change. ing out to one who have the unimaginable unfolds should As a student who is from Mary- another to em- stepped up to speak for itself. land Iam grateful that Iam able to brace the inno- make a differ- If there is any remaining doubt visit home whenever I choose. cent who have ence are true he- I challenge you to look into the However, 1 have learned that fallen victim roes through my eyes of an American who has just there are many students.who do not to such a sick- eyes and so lost a loved one and you will find share my view, almost" finding it ening terrorist manyothers.Itis that no words need to be spoken, unthinkable why anyone in "col- act. September 11 marked a very the value and importance of fam- the firemen, policemen, Red Cross, for no words do this loss justice. lege" would want to be around sad day in American history which ily. and volunteers of all ages who have -Tammi Slater is a junior Com- family. will live on with this nation forever. Growing up there was a lesson my utmost respect. There is no munication major. Could 2001 be the greatest baseball season? A poem Matt Hurff discusses the of their team, however, they held five Cy Young awards in his career. gether in light of the tragedy of about the impressive 2001 MLB on to their players and as a result, Meanwhile, 37-year-old Barry September 11. version recent season made a very impressive wild card Bonds has been pursuing Mark While at Camden Yards, I can run in the second half. McGwire's single-season home run honestly say that Ihave never been This past week I went to Balti- Another thing that has been record for the entire season. The a part of such a touching more to catch an Orioles game with unique about this season has been chase has really brought another of our national anthem 01' singing a couple friends. While there I the play of many of the older play- dimension to the game and has cer- sights of other fans doing the same tragedy of "God The America." Bless came to realize that I was watch- ers in the league. tainly shown that you should never ing probably my favorite baseball Cal Ripken Jr. announced his consider players of such high cali- all across America, has really made season ever. retirement early in the season, and ber "in the twilight of their career." me proud to be a Sports fan, and Barbara Serghini of the For me, that is quite a statement as a result, he has brought a great While these older players have most importantly, proud to be an WMC housekeeping to make, as I have been a huge deal of attention to an Orioles team played an important part in this sea- . American. department shares her baseball fan for my entire life. that might not have been watched son, youth has really shined r have heard how baseball rose However, there has been something as often. While Ripken has not through. to the occasion during wwn and thoughts on Sept. 11 very special about this year in par- played up to his past standards this In St. Louis, rookie Bud Smith the Korean War, and with the re- America to many countries ticular-it has a combination of year, I personally feel fortunate to added to an already impressive sea- cent terrorist attacks, baseball has was called the "untouchables." everything that makes baseball have had a few more opportunities son by throwing a no-hitter and his shown to me why it was so impor- But on September II began great and America great. to see a living American legend in teammate Alben Pujols has put up tant during those times. Whether America's first of many troubles. There has been a tight pennant action. Meanwhile, in San Diego, MVP-like numbers as well. you like the sport itself, it is still My God! What a horrible race in almost every division ex- one of the best pure hitters ever, The list of impressive young an institution that can unite us all devastation. that was heard cept for the AL West, with some Tony Gwynn has been playing his pitchers is staggering: Hudson, as Americans and represents many across the nation! of the races going down to the very final season with the Padres. He, Zito, Mulder, Garcia, Oswalt, of the ideals of our society. That Pour planes crashing, causing last day of the season. The wild like Ripken has been a model of Miller, Buhrle, Duckworth, Pinero, fact can sometimes be glossed over such destruction. people in shock card has been a huge factor in this consistency, as he has played for Halliday, and Beckett are just a few with salary disputes and prima- and confused. Is this for real? For season as well, because it has al- the same team for his entire career of the influential young pitchers donna players at times though. we're not a bit amused! lowed many teams a chanceto for a salary much lower than his who will likely dominate the game This season, and an American So many children died on make the playoffs and as a result, market value. in the years to come as the past gen- tragedy has revitalized my outlook those planes. Revenge upon not trade away any of their star That's because he plays for love eration of players continues to re- on the game and the games connec- those who did this. for they are players before the trading deadline .. of the game, and because he is loyal tire. That list does not even begin tion with America as a whole. totally insane! This is especially apparent with to his home: something that is rare to touch on the list of promising hit- So, with all of these factors to- Ican't stop crying for what I the Oakland A's, who would have today in sports. ters on the verge of greatness, a list gether, I would argue that this sea- had heard and had seen. For this had no chance to make the play- Elsewhere, Rickey Henderson too long to even begin. son has been the greatest I have is pure evil and very mean. offs with the Mariners in their di- has been busy breaking the runs Another factor that has made ever witnessed. I'm soufruid that we'll go to vision. Their lackluster start 10 the scored record along with nearing this season so great has been the war. Tum the other cheek? Well season might have caused them to 3,000 hits, and Roger Clemens has way players and fans of Major -Matt Hurffis ajunior En- that was before! trade away many key components continued to. show why he has won League Baseball have come to- glishmajor
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