Page 36 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 36
Volume XXIV Number 3 Western Maryland College Terror Football squeaks by Muhlenberg, destroys Paterson three field goal/extra points, Scott After Jason Wingeart inter- SlajfWriler Stolzenberg, Tony Braglio, and-Ja- cepted a pass on Muhlenberg's en- This past Saturday, the Western son Wiles all blocked kicks. suing drive, the nail appeared to be Maryland football team defeated The week before the Terror in the coffin. Muhlenberg had William Patterson 55-23. The of- traveled to Muhlenberg for the other ideas. After the Terror of- fense continued it's high powered battle for the Centennial Confer- fense failed to move the ball, The attack, accumulating 580 total ence. Mules got the ball back with less yards of offense. Needless to say, the 28-25 over- then two minutes left. The pace was set by running time win was a little closer then the The Mules marched down the back Jemel Johnson, who rushed William Patterson blowout The field on the drive, and scored in less for 128 yards. Terror scored twice in the first half, then a minute. This tied the game Boo Harris found himself back both scores coming off of turnovers at 22, sending Western Maryland in his regular dominant form, pass- and both on the legs of bruising to their first overtime game in over ing for 218 yards and four touch- blocking back Jason Hartman. five years. . downs. He also ran for 85. Teron Then, for the first time all sea- Unlike the NFL, collegiate Powell caught two of the passes, son, the Terror offense stalled. overtime gives both teams an equal not an unusual sighting at Green Unable to move the ball for most amount of opportunities to score Terror games. of the game, the Terror relied on from their opponent's 25 until one .However, the standout perfor- their defense. And the defense held team gains a lead. mance the past two weeks from strong for most of the contest. But In the OT, the Terror defense senior wide receiver Christian- in the fourth quarter, up 14-3, found their dominant stroke again, Hamilton has been a major sur- Muhlenberg began to get past the as they stuffed Muhlenberg for prise. Hamilton caught two TO's, seemingly unstoppable Terror de- liule yardage on three plays. for 44 and 57 yards respectively. fense. On fourth down they kicked Field Hockey winning a Hamilton caught the 57 yarder Twice in a matter of ten min- field goal, forcing Western Mary- On the first two streak ends, but still on a crucial third down and seemed utes The Mules strung together land to either match the field goal, as if he was going to be pushed out long drives, taking the lead 15-14. or score a TO. of bounds. However, Hamilton With less then five minutes in the plays, The Terror was stuffed. to Louis beats Haverford juked the Patterson d-back in Barry game, and the offense sputtering, But on third down, Luster com- Sanders ankle-breaking fashion things looked bleak. pleted a screen pass before sprinting the final 40 some Boo Harris, who was still Wright. Wright then had only one yards for the score. plagued by a pulled Hamstring man to beat, and Big John Rydjeski GREG LEDERER take a 1-0 halftime lead. The lone Hamilton, a sprinter on the track from the previous week, sat in in front of him. Rydjeski pancaked Sports Editor team, displayed his raw speed on place of John Luster. the much smaller Muhlenberg d- Smoking! The Western Mary- goal would come back to haunt the failed team, as the teams to score both long scores as he sped away Luster didn't take his time, af- back, allowing Wright to score the land College Field Hockey team in the second half and WMC lost from packs of defenders on both. ter sbortpasses'to Powell and new winning TO. opened the season with eight their second straight game. The The Terror blocking teams con- contributor Nick Venuto, Luster The two wins move Western straight wins and an IIth rank in loss was disheartening considering tinued to be dominant this week as found the speed demon himself. Maryland to 5-J going into a con- the nation, but lost two close con- it was another one goal loss for the well. He hit Hamilton on a 62 yard pass. ference game against Dickinson ference games to break their hot team. Two weeks earlier the Terror The Terror sideline was ecstatic, as this week, before returning back streak. The team ended their losing blocked three punts against it seemed that they had won the home for homecoming two weeks Despite ending their perfect streak when they traveled on the Ursinus, this week they blocked game, from now. season, the team is still primed to road for a conference game against have a record season in 200 I. Haverford College. Unbeaten and riding a hot In another close game, both streak, the team visited conference teams failed to score in the first half foe, Muhlenberg College, looking and another nail biting finish was to continue their great play. eminent. In the first half, the opposition Unlike recent games, this close surprised the favored Green Terror game would go the way of the with two first half goals and solid Green Terror as freshman Laura defense to take a 2-0 halftime lead. Ford scored an unassisted goal and WMC fought back with a goal from the team held on fora slim I-Owin. sophomore star Kristin Barrick to While a two game streak might cut the lead to one, but Muhlenberg faze some teams, the Green Terror held on to give the Green Terror don't seem to worry about it. their first loss of the season, 2-1. "We are back on track now," Sophomore goalie Becky says freshman Laura Ford. Arnold had a strong game, stopping "The losses were like a lull in II shots. It was a tough nail biting our season, and it is good that they loss for the team, but they aren't happen in the middle of the season fazed by it. instead of the end," says Junior WMC looked to get back on the Christine Johnson. winning track against fierce rival, After ending their losing streak, Gettysburg College. the team looks ready to win a lot From the start, both teams of games this season. With nine played great defense and held each wins already this season, the sea- other to a standstill, but Gettysburg son looks bright for the Green Ter- picked up a late first half goal to
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