Page 33 - Phoenix2001-02
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FEATURES WednesdayOctober 10,2001 - Page 9 Jazz man Eric Byrd expected to return to teach at WMC MICHAEL VVSKOCIL listened to records of swing and Howard Burns Quartet per- club for three consecutive years StajJWriler be-bop. formed with other musical Hill has been attested to by many Some people arc said to have Incidentally, Byrd made his groups at the East Coast Festival at Baltimore's' New Haven who know him as a colleague and music in their souls. And Eric first appearance at Western Mary- Jazz Festival. Lounge Jazz Club and best jazz as a teacher. at Cafe 880. club in Connecticut Byrd, Adjunct Music Lecturer at land College as a student in the Outside of the Howard Burns The Eric Byrd Trlc has also His greatest contribution to Western Maryland, is certainly no early 90s. Graduating in 1993, Quartet, Byrd has been indepen- made three appearances at the WMC, says Bohrdreaux, has been exception. Byrd's reputation began when he dently recognized for other mu- East Coast Jazz Festival. the very Gospel Choir he directs. Since 1994 when he was became the only person in 'YMC "[Eric] built the Gospel Choir to the Eric Byrd Trio In 2001, added to the music faculty, Byrd's history to write and perform his sical achievements. solo CD Byrd en- was selected to be members of the a tremendous ensemble," launched his first seven-year teaching tenure has own graduation theme song. titled "The Fire Within (the Bourdreax stated. "He brings a made him a recognized member In 1994, one year after his Heart),' in 1998. Kennedy Center's Jazz Ambassa- great deal of vitality to. the Gos- of the WMC community. graduation, Byrd returned to Described as a "marvelous dorship Program, which has been pel Choir." During his years at Western WMC and was instituted as a compilation of standards and on tour as of September 7. Perhaps ever so indicative of Because Maryland. Byrd, among other ac- member of the, music faculty, re~ originals done with most first unavailable of this tour, Byrd was Byrd's influence on WMC are on this for comment complishments, has achieved ceiving the Faculty Creativity takes with no overdubs or punch- story. those notes taped to the door of greatness with the Gospel Choir Award in 1998. ins," on his website, Byrd's CD Upon returning, the Trio will his office in Levine Hall by that he teaches and conducts; he Outside of WMC, Byrd has became his impetus for the also former students. Kennedy at even took the choir on tour been actively involved in a score launch of a musical group bear- Center's appear Millennium the Stage. "Thank you for making my Vienna, Austria in December of musical endeavors. Since ing his name, the Eric Byrd Trio. But when will Eric Byrd be re- life at WMC worthwhile," one 1996. 1990, Byrd has served as the jazz Consisting of Bhagwan turning to WMC? note states. "Thank you for your Byrd's history reads like a pianist for the Howard Burns Khalsa and Alfonso M. Young, devotion and wisdom that you Margaret to Dr. According textbook example of a successful Quartet. Jr., the Eric Byrd Trio is known Boudreaux, music department have bestowed upon me. This is person raised from humble ori- The Quartet has been recog- throughout Maryland and Wash- chairperson, Byrd will likely be the best class I've taken at West- gins. Born and raised in New Jer- nized for the releases of two ington, D.C., and have also de- returning to teach and conduct the ern Maryland." sey, Byrd was instilled with a love highly acclaimed compilations- veloped their own CD collection Gospel Choir during the second for music at an early age. "Emblem" and "Lucinda's Ser- of original recording. This trio half of the fall semester, follow- Acting Director of she Writing Byrd's website bears his name enade." Both releases contain se- has performed a many clubs up Center, Lisa Breslin, contributed ( and states lected pieces from Byrd's compo- and down the East Coast. ing his group's tour of Latin her services by obtaining the America. that he and his father routinely sition repertoire. In 1998, the His group was voted best jazz Eric Byrd's presence on the sources for this article. ing to the campus events and spend ing over the work will not get it sire for summer to come back. Well Features Editor less time in your cramped room. done any quicker or an better for love (or anyone at all, for that mat- Libra Some fresh air really is good for that matter. However, if you make Ihate to say that Icannot make win- ter). Tell them how much they September 23 - October 23 you, believe it or not. Your luck will some time for yourself and just re- ter go away, so get your coat on and mean to you and that you are ready Fall break is the time for you to be strong on the 18th. lax and do something you love to spend time outside anyway. Help a to work out whatever it is you are catch up on the homework you do (read a book, watch a movie, stranger on the 17th and the favor fighting about. They are ready to have not done. Sagittarius take a nap) it will make you feel will come back when you least ex- listen, so now is the perfect time. Procrastinating November 22 - pect it. Something may give you December 21 better and you will be ready The to unexpected crank out the assignments. then Ih more fun time, If you are plan- 15th will be a great day to indulge Taurus will happen but in the- long ning a trip for fall yourself in the finer things in life. April 20 - May 20 on the 13th run it will turn I break, make a list Is time going by that will too quickly out to do more & of what you need Aquarius not quickly for you or have you in enough? harm than good. so you do not for- January 20 - February 18 Whichever your an- tears of joy. Write those pa- = get anything. And If you listened to last issue's, swer is, make sure pers, read those , just because you advice about compromise, you arc you take the time to Leo books, and do are going on a trip, feeling pretty good right now and appreciate the little July 23- those homework you do not have a things seem to be in order. If you things in life. They August 22 assignments! ]mLA_ valid excuse to ne- did not listen to the advice, might not always be S top You'll feel better glect your home- you are still trying unsuccessfully there. And once they ScOrpiO being a when you do. VlUJ 4:J. work. After all, to have everything go your way. are gone, you will not tightwad Good fortune will come even though we Seriously back down and compro- be able to stop think- and go with your wayan the 20th. would like to think it is, college is mise. Otherwise you will eventu- ing about them. If you your friends not a full-time party. We are here to see the Scorpio to learn. Take a chance on the II th ally lose your friends and working do not enjoy life, what is the point honest new movies. Buy popcorn October 24 - November 21 and you may surprise yourself. in the real world will become quite of living it? So enjoy life and live and soda and candy and just enjoy Stop feeling so down in the a challenge. You will find some- happily. Pleasing events will occur having the luxury to spend time dumps. I know it is easier said than Capricorn thing on the 22nd that may very on the 16th. with people you like. You can't take well change your life. done, but you really must try. Fall December 22 - January 19 Gemini the money with you, so why hoard break and your birthday are around Take a break from your work Pisces May 21 - June 21 it now? I'm not suggesting you give the comer, so cheer up! Start go- and make time for yourself Stress- February 19 - March 20 So have you been saving your every last penny away, just don't be so conservative. 19th will The Let go crazy hard like Isug- money and working HIV/AIDS Testing something loose, off the wall this and fall do gested? If you have you will have be a good day for you to take a break from work. break. Don't let the little voice in acquired a bit of money and will Every Other Tuesday from 3-5 p.m. your head tell you that something have a great time over fall break. Virgo is too silly for you to do. But if it Otherwise you seriously need to August 23 September 22 Remaining dates are: starts telling you about danger, lis- reconsider where your priorities are Keep working on those plans to ten up because it might be right. and get down to business. Remem- make your dreams come true. I October 16,30 Take some friends with you and ber the saying "act your age and not never said this was going to be an November 13, 27 have the best time ever. After all, your shoe size?" Ithink that applies easy task, but I definitely think it you are only young and in college here. A chance to start something once. Your luck will change for the over will come your wayan the is one that is worth the sweat and get time. But do not let yourself better on the 14th. 21st. behind in your work because you For appointment call Mary )0 or Bernice are trying to reach the moon. It is Aries Cancer important to do that stuff too, no 410-876-4771 or March 21 - April 19 June 22 - July 22 matter how much we dislike it. You are feeling really pretty Take that special someone in Spend the afternoon of the 12th 410-876-4152 spunky lately, and the recent warm your life out on an expensive date. catching up on lost sleep, and weather had you in a great mood, You have been fighting a lot re- maybe you will have more good but now that it has changed back cently and it is time you made up dreams. It's free. confidential. and ano~mous to "October weather" you have' a with him or her. Life is too short to Graphics by Jessica Watson, need to be outside and a strong de- waste it fighting with someone you News Editor.
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