Page 35 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 35
SPORTS Wednesday, October 10, 200 I - Page II WWF Column: Best Stables Women's soccer bad-a~s-make-fun-of-you-cause_ that it made me laugh every lime team's offensive I'm-just-bettermentality. The team they were together. X- I was never a When the wrestling reboom of also featured Ken Shamrock, The Degeneration II started as HBK, slump continu es 1997 began. stable's seemed to be . Big Show, Kane, and even Triple big fan ofO-X. a big part of the entire renaissance. H near the end. Triple H, and Chyna. A three- per- (Forthosewhodon'tknow,astable Nation of Domination- AI- son stable to me has always been in wrestling is a team or gang of though this group always seemed dumb. At first it was basically a down the Green Terror, scoring wrestlers who join forces to help a little too racist for me, after all It -tag team for HBK and Helmsley, SpOrl.f£dilor four goals in the second half and one another.) was a bunch of black guys wear- with Chyna as their manager. Jt has a long season for the played tough defense to take a 5-0 The trend in recent years has ing African colors and yelling all When Michaels retired, they put Western Maryland College shutout victory. Once again, been to move away from these the time, it worked. It developed X-Pac, then Billy Gunn and women's soccer team as they have "Kuliogowski played hard in goal stables, and allow wrestlers 10 de- Farooq into anuppcr card heel, and Roaddog in there? Huh? I guess I struggled to score points consis- with II saves, but was unable to velop their own personalities. ' was always a solid heel foe for the do have to give them some credit, tently and are currently stuck with stop the continuous Messiah attack However, I'd like to take a look baby faces to fall back on. they did makes fans care about a4-8 record, 2-3 in the conference .. throughout the contest. The team's back at the best stables of all time, I was always expecting the Na- three of the most untalented wres- "We are having problems scor- offensive problems were evident and rank them, based solely on my tion to have a huge main event feud tiers in history. ing, but we are a young team and again. as the team were held score- own opinion. with an Undertaker or Austin, but Of course, the three nimrods we just have to come together," less for the fourth time this season. nwo-without a doubt. the num- it never happened. The fact that always held back Helmsley, as his said freshman Kim.Lowry. ". , WMC looked to break their los- ber one stable of all time. ThenWo ' Owen Hart joined was the best career went through the struto- Despite their recent slump, the .ing streak in a home game against saved WCW, and was the leading thing that ever happened lO them, sphere as soon as he left. The team continues to work hard, and conference foe, Franklin Marshall. cause of the wrestling reboom. because seeing him' hang with whole purpose of the group was to ~opes to make a late season surge Throughout the contest, both Hulk Hogan had turned his stale Farooq, D-Lo, The Rock, and the rip off the nWo anyway, and it!rl,~nfthe second half of the season. ' team's defense was incredible as Americana was very do anything both teams couldn't ~~~~~~~~~s::~~T:!~:o~ r------'---'-----.;_-----, ' ~;:~~:~for ct=~i;e~eC~~~er 3~~:~~ ~a~:~~e, and failed to score in regu- on character into the most half as well. never worked others wa's such an odd matchup Terror The Green driving fcrce behindir all. ,Men's s. occer making Gettysburg. In overtime, the Gwen Terror All in all, the nWo gimmick I ki e From the start, the opposition' offense won the contest, when Ni- made fans care about WCW. the nWo ·asurge, QO 109 tor took over the game, scoring three sophomore Christine Mayne tro was a battle between first half goals 10 take a 3-0 lead scored the game's only goal. !twas nor never playoff berth andWCW for two whole years, and into the intermission. WMCdidn't a huge win for the team, trying 10 WCW has never been, quit, getting two second half goals tum around a frustrating season. was, as exciting since. from junior Melissa Merson and Despite struggling 10 score In fact, the best moment in Lowry, but came up short and fell points this season, the team had a WCW since the nWo disbanded RICK GRAMS on the road 4-2. huge game against non conference was when they reformed for a few Staff Writer against Gettysburg since 1994, as !t was another tough day for the opponent, Bryn Mawr College. weeks. Not only did it save theteamwonitssecondconsecu_' offense as they team only managed From the start, WMC scored Hogan's career and make Scott Two overtime victories, in- tiveconference match. Losse was eight shots on the Bullets in the early and often, as they_put up three Steiner's career as well as Nash's eluding a monumental win over credited with the assist on the contest. Goalie Candi Kuligowski goals in the first half and five in and Hall's, but it also raised the Gettysburg, has the Terror Men's game-winning play. had 14 saves in a losing effort. the second half in route to a 8-0 level of those who opposed it. Soccer team ready to make a run Defibaugh was able to keep Looking to make a late season shutout win. DDP and Goldberg became so at the playoffs. the Bullets off the scoreboard surge, WMC played the underdog Freshman Brooke Weimer popular because the fans wanted to Two triumphs in the past two with three saves, including a role against tough conference foe. picked up two goals for the Green see them destroy the evil world or- weeks have put the team in posi- clutch stop as regulation was Messiah on October I, Terror. while Merson, Lowry, der. I'd rather not even discuss that tion for a run at the conference drawing to a close. In the first half. the Green Ter- freshman Dawn Fletcher, and jun- wolfpac arrccnyand remember the tournament. Smith said that the Gettysburg rorplayed smothering defense, and ior Brooke Boughter contributed nWo the way it should be remem- Senior midfielder Scott Smith game was a "big game," and despite failing to score again, were one goal apiece in the contest bered. said thai the Terror have set a goal added, "there was no way we down only 1-0 at the half. While their offensive slump The Four Horsemen- The to make the tournament, and said. were going to let them beat us." Unfortunately for WMC, continues, the team is striving for Horsemen were a group of four "We are determined to meet Senior Pat Danaher, a Messiah's offensive attack was re- consistency to get stronger and wrestlers who acted as if they were our goal." midfielder, said, "It was good to . lentless and they eventually wore make a late season run. justplainbeuertheneveryoneelse. Chris Wineke, a junior beat them at our own place in ~_I"'IIIiii""'JIF_ And usually they were. The ros- rnidfielder, closed the wild two front of our fans." ter changed often through the years, weeks forWMC with an overtime On the run towards the play- but the attitude didn't. They were goal to give the team a 2-1 win offs, both Smith and Danaher said superior athletically, and they let over Frostburg State. that WMC has to "run the table" you know about it. It was the third consecutive (meaning the team most likely They partied all night, got the overtime game for the team. Se- will have to win the remainder of women, and still would beat your ntor sweeper Barclay Losse its games) to qualify, but both said ass. Ric Flair made the horsemen, scored the Terror's other goal off that is something that can be he defined them. Flair as leader of of a Tim McCallum assist. done. the Horsemen was arguably the Senior goalkeeper Ryan It took Loose all of23 seconds most compelling character in wres- Defibaugh played a large role in to find the back of the net against tling history. Sid Viscious, Chris the victory, saving nine Bobcat Swarthmore in WMC's 3-0 vic- Benoit, and even Sting (for a few shots, as the Terror improved to tory on September 22. minutes he was, trust me) were 8-3, Cabot Goodrum and Tetteris Horsemen at some point. But Flair Leon Mach also had an assist padded the early lead with goals was the man. in the game, which was played on in the game. The Corporation- Please don't October 3. Goalkeepers Defibaugh and yell. I really enjoyed the corpora- WMC came up on the short junior Brent Kahudacombined to tion. The corporation was only end of another overtime game, 1- keep Swarthmore off of the around for a few months, but man 0, against Franklin & Marshall. scoreboard. were they good. When Vince Defibaugh was able to turn away Next up for the Terror is an McMahon feuded with Stone Cold nine Diplomat shots during the out-of-conference game against Steve Austin, the corporation acted September 29 game. Rutgers University-Camden on as his "thugs". They were the guys The loss at Franklin & October9,thenabighomegame that acted out McMahon's orders. Marshall dropped the team's con- against conference foe And to me, they were always ference mark to 2~3. Muhlenberg on October 13. compelling. Rock's gimmick as ofthose confer- Two away games follow, Corporate champion and in-ring ence victories was a huge win against Lancaster Bible College You can find more leader was the jump start of his ca- over Gettysburg, 1-0, in the first and Ursinus. trivia questions in the reer. in the Siring of overtime games Asked about the remaining Archie Griffin This is when his name changed on September 26. games, Danaher said, "Every next issue of the from Rocky Maivia to The Rock, Ryan Tenens, a junior for- game is going to be a battle." Phoenix. and this is when he developed his ward, scored the first Terror goal
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