Page 37 - Phoenix2001-02
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Volume XXIV Number 4 Wednesday, October 31, 2001 Lewis Hall rededicated as Eaton Losing a ill WMC MCgo employee moke SwjfW,.iler Many members of the WMC community were shocked and sad- MARCUS WOOl)S dened to hear of the tragic passing Sla/1Wrila of a member of our building and maintenance staff. Charles Tucker, Should Western Maryland who was employed at WMC as a College ban smoking from every- Steam Room Technician, passed where on campus, including resi- away on September 26 due to car- dence halls? This was one of the diac arrest. He was found in the questions discussed at the last All college's steam room plant on College Council Meeting. Union Street. The All College Council is a Mike Webster, director of Cam- group of student leaders and fac- pus Safety, enumerating on ulty who meet together once a Tucker's death said that initial con- month to discuss pertinent issues cerns were raised when Tucker did on campus. They discuss a wide not respond to radio calls made to range of topics from parking him. spaces to a new residence hall. Subsequently, Campus Safety Philip Sayre, Dean of Student Students stop to admire the restored Lewis Recitation Hal! See page 2 for details 011 the ribbing cUlling dispatched an officer in search of Life, says that there are three ....__ ceremony and rededication that followed. Continued 011 page 3 main reasons why the college Marching for peace in the midst of war would ban smoking from the resi- dence halls. Smoking is a safety been a health issue, it has always issue, and it is a damage issue. Afghanistan. gathered in New York City alone rights and liberties. At the first protest thousands to protest against the war. And, stu- This trip, like the first protest, Although WMC has never Despite the recent war and gathered to preach and speak out dents from WMC made their long was provided for by Amnesty In- had a fire that completely de- bombings on Afghanistan, some on peace and racism, only to be journey to Washington, D.C. early ternational, a human rights organi- stroyed an entire dorm. WMC has members of the WMC community faced with yet another Saturday morning to follow up on zation on campus. had fires caused by cigarettes that a donn rOOtH.The still feel the need to come together obstacle.i.war. Students at WMC the goals set in the first protest. Students who participated in- have destroyed Life Department also Residence and protest for peace. are still pressing on to achieve their The second protest in D.C. was cluded Kate Prisby, president of spends a lot of money each year Shortly after the first rally and goal of peace. also sponsored by A.N.S.W.E.R.- Amnesty International, Rob replacing carpets with burn protest in Washington, D.C., held October 27 was a day of inter- - a broad coalition of peace groups, Caswell. Leigh Carrigues, Wendell marks. on Sept. 29 and sponsored by national protests, rallies; and teach- religious organizations, student Butler, and Jeremy Zenquis. Banning smoking from all A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop ins against war and racism. groups, anti-globalization, and This protest consisted of about residence halls is just oneof a few War and End Racism), President There were protests in over 130 anti-racism groups who oppose war Continued on page 4 options the college is considering George W. Bush decided to attack cities across the globe. Over 5,000 and racist attacks, and defend civil at the moment. There is also a Jan Term chance that the college will make some residence halls smoke free, but not all. trips Continued on page 3 cancelled Inside LERoy McDunn: Co-News Edilor In past--years_WMC students have spent their brief January terms _ rin Romanski discusses her prob seeing the world--and getting credit ems- with. a student pulling a fir for it. However, due to the terror- larm at 4:45 in the morning on ist attacks on September II, and an iij"ikfi,njjjd ·•••••• increased concern about travel, !II m many students won't be sending elive Homecoming 2ool! Phot postcards from exotic places home. ollage of students, football an This year, the January term trips un--WMC style! to Italy. Egypt, and England have been cancelled. Senior class representative Jeremy Kcit, Senior Queen Claire Adw/IS, Junior Prince According to Leon Checca. ammi Slater details the cottegiar Princess Andrew Parsley and Emily Seal. Sophomore Lady and Loi'd Eliza Wick and Tom class of 2005, " They [school] areer of Lauren Cemak and dis Marshall, and Freshman Duke ana Dutchess Bryce Kehoe (representing] Bradley Stewart and shouldn't cancelthe trips, because Felicia Donaldson. See page 12 for photo collage. usses what drives her to win. Continued on page 3
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