Page 27 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 27
NEWS Wednesday, October 10,2001 - Page 3 War is not the "We will fight to participate in this movement," he said, "we will answer fight for peace within the society. War is not the answer. War will lead Continuedfrom page J to more violence." Violence begets for an eye makes the whole world violence. blind," "Don't dishonor the dead by '" was almost killed," said killing in their name," and "In a James Kreaton, one of many emer- time when we should be coming gency rescue technicians who came together, war will only tear us to the aid of the victims of the apart." World Trade Center. "I lost four The students from WMC people from my squad. War will not proudly displayed a flag decorated bring our loved ones back. I know with the peace symbol and a rain- what it means to see the death of bow of colors. They also held up innocent people." We should "re- decorative posters to further aid in solve to stand with the lnternational getting their message across. Action Center to stop war and end "No more victims! No more racism." violence! No more war!" The "Why kill people to show that crowd chanted. killing is wrong?" the crowd ques- There were several speakers tioned. Elizabeth Wallace, Rob.Caswell, and Kate Prisby listen to speakers preach peace at the present at the rally; many of them One incident occurred during Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. expressed condolences and a mo- the rally, where some protestors lent. "Why does America hate us so a problem. ment of silence for the victims of were doing a march on DC. and As a whole, the rally brought up much?" Caswell also explained that as September II's tragic events. wanted to join the rally at Freedom several interesting points that one In terms of racial profiling, they marched around the capitol All of the speakers did their best Plaza. Those rallying were told that usually doesn't consider when con- some speakers reminded the crowd to keep the crowd hyped and to the police refused to let the protest- templating war. Several speakers about Timothy McVeigh and his there was an incline in the road, a was higher that section than the spread their message. Repeatedly ors pass to join them. asked whether or not the bombs terrorist attack on. a government rest. That was everybody's first stressed at this rally was the need Spokesman Larry Holmes, a that the U.S. wants to drop would building in Oklahoma City, known chance to see how deep the crowd for peace; as Martin Luther King, representative from ANSWER, be able to differentiate between the as the 'Oklahoma City bombing.' was. "All you could see was a Jr. once put it, this is "no longer a speculated that maybe the police guilty party and the innocent. They stressed that McVeigh steady stream of people coming choice of violence or nonviolence, did not understand that this rally They expressed that if we have was a Caucasian male with a crew around the comer; it never ended." but a choice of nonviolence or non- was serious and that the people par- a war, no one really wins and in the cut, and then raised the question of stage setup There was a second existence." ticipating meant business. The end several lives are lost, especially why America did not profile Cau- at the capitol where an open-mike Ron Daniels, the Director for crowd roared, but participants rep- innocent women and children. casian males with crew cuts as a the Center for Constitutional resenting the WMC community Members of the Women for Af- result of this terrorist attack: Many session took place. They let stu- Rights was one of many speakers kept in mind that the police were ghanistan Women voiced that some dents come up and tell what school fell that addressed the group. the ones keeping the rally nonvio- Afghanistan children still ask cheered in support, but some had no they were from and how many oth- because
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