Page 28 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 28
Wednesday. October 10, 2001 - Page 4 COMMENTARY Staff A perspective on tragedy from Budapest Co-Editors-In-Chief Dear Editor: teresting to hear the many varied opinions asking that my letter speak out with others, My name is Sean Carroll, Claire Adams '02 ior college student currently and I am ajun- in of such a diverse group of students on what praying for caution andconsideration in the studying Edward K. Schultheis '03 Budapest for the fall semester. I would first should be done by the United States and its decisions that will change the face of our allies. to come. world in the months like to express my grief and condolences to But all of the students agree that war and I am quite honestly afraid if the events News Editor the victims of the terrorist attacks on the violence, at least against a nation and it's that may unfold, and I dream of a world of Jessica Watson '05 United States. people, is not the right answer to our prob- peace. War is such a strong and horrible It is hard to watch the unfolding events lems. It is hard to distinguish between the term, and this does not call for a war between from afar, and I feel that this e-mail may be innocent and those that should be punished civilizations, religions, or ideals. Assistant News Editor a way for me to reach home. I attend an in dire times as these; but the Afghan people I hope for. an educated and compassion- Tammi Slater '03 international college here. and the students are at the moment fleeing for their lives, in ate response that does not entail a war, but a and professors are very supportive to our fear that U.S. fighter planes will soon be lit- seizure, and arrest of the guilty party for their Features Editor American group. tering their countryside with death and de- wrongdoings. This is not an attack against We have had talks and seminars which struction, after the Taliban has already done the United States alone, but a crime against Shauna Dominguez '02 were attended by students from all over the a sufficient job of that. humanity and the common good. Embrace world, expressing what the future holds for The guilty party(ies) of this heinous act life, and cherish our freedom. Commentary Editor us. Being the strongest and most influential of cowardice and murder should be repri- Matt Hurff '03 political and economic nation, as well as manded, but not at the cost of more inno- Thank you for your time, best wishes. having- the strongest military, much of the cent lives. One people, and one religion do Sincerely, fate of the world depends on the decisions not represent the radical ideals of a corrupt Sean Carroll Assistant Commentary Editor made in response to this terrorism. It is in- Taliban and Osama bin Laden. I am, only Western Maryland College-Budapest. Erin Romanski '04 Does WMC need a name change? Sports Editor Greg Lederer '03 Dear Editor: have known that most students go home ev- got a letter concerning this last week. It told I've heard a rumor going around campus ery weekend, all going home in favor of the us to be quiet and respectful when coming that the college will-be changing its name in happening place that WMC is. back from parties off campus. Senior Writer the next two to three years. I havejust picked Most students go home every weekend This is another example of poor policy. Michael Jenkinson '02 it up from two or three people here and there, and Idon't blame them - there is no reason These past two examples show that college nothing concrete though. Some people be- to stay here on the weekends. Any chance students will drink no matter what - many Photo Editor lieve that the current name is "not prestigious of a party happening here has been obliter- times in destructive ways. A simple resolu- Courtney Federoff '04 enough" and that the naming of the college ated by strict enforcement of all college poli- tion would be for the college to allow more is misleading. cies. parties on campus. That waystudents could This school of thoughtbelieves that a new I have a recommendation for next year's drink safely, near their home. Instead of Staff Writers name would bring more money to the col- student guide and datebook. Instead of hav- getting blasted students would drink some Donna Hurd '03 lege as well as a better reputation. There- ing all of these complicated rules about al- and then go to a party and hang out with Tara DellaFranzia '03 fore this name change would be a sellout. cohol, room occupancy and noise violations friends. This in the long run would cause Jason Edwards '05 Beaver College renamed itself Arcadia Uni- just replace it with one simple sentence: students to drink in a more social, less de- would This Mary- Rick Grams '02 versity. the hell does that mean? Now I There shall be no parties at Western And any structive manner. to stay on campus also cause the With the addendum: land College. during more students What Craig P. Johnson '03 am not against selling the college's name, fun to be had must be school sponsored. weekends, thus building the college commu- LeRoy McDuffie '05 history or connection to a great railroad sys- Here is the thinking behind the whole nity. Michael Vyskocil '05 tem. My only expectation is that if we sell system: If we stop parties then college stu- Wait, stop, scratch alJ that - if we let the the name we should do it right. We need to dents will not drink. This thinking is flawed kids have fun and have them stay on cam- Michael Wiles '03 make the big bucks. My first recommenda- because no matter what, college kids will pus we would lose OUf cherry deal with the tion would be a name change to Samsonite drink. I have talked to a bunch of freshman luggage industry. Artist Suitcase College. and they say that between 3 and 4 nights a Oh well, then we would have to go on Jessica Watson '05 By this we could get a lot of dough from week they get blasted and watch The our own good name that has worked for the a large company, plus we would have the Simpson's in their room. This is not a good last l3D+ years and that wouldn't be any fun added bonus of the name being completely way for students to be drinking. descriptive of the college. If this name Another problem is that many parties are Sincerely, Adviser change happened four years before I would now relegated to being off campus. We even Steve Sharky Open swim limited at WMC Students, Terry Dalton Erin Romanski discusses the faculty and The Phoenix is published biweekly. The limited availability of pool hours the day. Well, there are the obvious Completely practices. under- fpinions expressed do not necessarily represent to WMC students. swimteam And of course there are those awe staff, do you standable. t=::u!:;o;~~~'the faculty, or tre After the daily droll of classes, most stu- inspiring phys. ed. classes, who are there dents choose to partake in an activity that because of lack of access to larger bodies of want your The paper welcomes free-lance submissions n Macintosh disks in most word processor for- breaks up the monotony of their day. Some water. mats. The editors reserve tbe right to edit fo would rather sleep than use another brain cell However I for one find it difficult to com- opinion larity. length, and libel and to publish as spec unnecessarily. Others plop themselves in prehend why the preschoolers of Carroll front of the boob tube for hours on end of County are getting 11)0re enjoyment out of F.nni~.All submissions (excluding self-ad- r:rresseo diskettes) become the property of The mindless entertainment. Yet several actually the WMC campus pool than its tuition-pay- heard? Phoenix and cannot be returned. take advantage of their consciousness to get ing undergrade. Are there no other pools Please include a name and phone numbe in good workout Well, you had better not available tothe four year-olds of Westminster forverificarion. Names will be withheld only by truck over to Harlow Pool. That is never an that they have to mark our territory? Ithe discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. option. It may be a little harsh, but limiting the The Phoenix does not discriminate based on Despite the fact that most of us here are private use of the pool to a mere two and a Submit an article ge, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, paying $26,000+ for all of the facilities that half hours a day is absurd. this private college offers, the outside com- Putting this observation aside, I have had to the Phoenix ~~~,!~rigin, condition of handicap, or mari- munity is getting more use out of it than the the personal delight of getting shut out of students. Sure, "open swim" is offered be- so-called "open swim" hours because at 8:30 tween the hours of 12 noon and I p.m. and at night it's a barren wasteland. No lifeguard. Mail to: The Phoenix 8:30 to 10 p.m. No signs of human life. No apparent truth Call X8600 or WMC, 2 College Hill But unless you're one of the five people iii. advertising. Basically, if you're hoping Westminster, MD 21157 who is not either in class, eating lunch, or to swim off some stress or pump up the Matt Hurff for cracking the books during those limited time cardio, you had better head on down to the (410)751-8600 spans, you probably do not even know if the Y or hope you know a commuter with a pool. FAX, (410) 857-2719 pool is heated or not. Otherwise, you will be gravely disappointed. E-Mail: -Erin Romanski is a sophomore En- more details Let's think about what the pool could used for-the other 14 hours of glishmajor.
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