Page 31 - Phoenix2001-02
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FEATURES WednesdayOctober 10,2001- Page 7 For love of the competition: a student faces the challenge TAMMI SLATER Ass;sranl News Editor done, one that I thoughtwas near true test in orienteering where they' tain biking. The youngest team in' just let it pass me by," she said. impossible," she said. Give Jessi Jones a day in the Due to the tremendous physi- were 'given a compass but no in- the competition, Jones and her However, Jones feels that her outdoors, where competition is cal strains that the formation on their altitude. team were pleased with friends have been a big incentive Strongand athletics is present, and their finish. for her to compete as well. The she is in her most desired spot. For Jones the competition ison a level that Jones On Sunday, September 31, day turned into a learn- admits-often scares her mother be- Jones competed in the Iron Mas- ing experience where she cause she says, "I like things that ters Race at Long Pine Reservoir, says more then anything show a fear of possible injury." located near Caledonia State Park else I learned "self disci- A former field hockey player where she spent the day among plinc and to enjoy .com- and track athlete in high school, teammatesracingtocomplete aday petition. Not 'stressing, Jones says she has moved on in her full of physical challenges. working as a team, and life to different venues and inter- Sponsored by Michaux Off~ being with my friends ests. Road Enthusiasts (MORE), along was great. Ireally pushed "I have become a lot more of with companies such as Red BUll, myself and my limits," an independent athlete as I've gOI- the event consisted of ten co-ed Jones said. ten older. and Ienjoy working as a An athlete who teams of three participating in thrives on the outdoors, team, so what I do fits me well," she said. events such as mountain biking, Due to her love for so many COURTESY OF JESSI JONES Jones enjoys kayaking, canoeing, and orienteering. "We didn't know Senior resst Jones (right) and her friend pose for the camera. which she has done for sports and recreational activities, Jones explained mat it was her Within the course of the day best friend Joe, a student at Penn our order or distance each team was presented with con- years, and serves as a whitewater she is not able to pinpoint what it is she loves the best, although what until five minutes before the race rafting instructor in the summer. State University as well as an ex- began, and so we only have those trol areas, where the team would Additionally, she has recently she does know is that they are all a ceptional athlete, who talked her five minutes to prepare ourselves," be asked hi) perform taken up sky diving, which she did part of the person she is today, and into doing the ten-hour event. she said. some sort of physical action, or for the first time this summer. She they alt serve as a different source "He asked me to compete in it solve a problem. Jones said her With only five minutes to pre- and said he would even pay for my pare tbemsetves for the grueling team was given controls such as explained that she felt an immedi- of inspiration to her. While Jones hopes to partake in ate love forskydivingand made her registration fee as my birthday day ahead of them, Jones reminded how well you know your team- second jump only five days later. something like this again, she says present," Jones said while adding herself of her reason for being there mates, chin-ups, identifying tree Within all these loves is a com- she is going to wait awhile to do it, that, "it was well worth it for some- types, and logic riddles to solve. mon thread of "challenge" which but that her next event may be a thing that Ijumped into." and how she simply, "wanted to The control points were used as a Jones nourishes on, and it is pre- 50-mile relay run with her sister. have fun, encourage her team- While Jones has run marathons in the past and competed in races, mates, and finish," Not surpris- test of teamwork and solidarity. cisely what fuels her to keep push- Until then she can refer to the tro- ingly, Jones and her team did all As a first-time competitor, physhewasawarded,whichJones ing herself beyond her normal she explains that nothing has com- pared to this experience. three. The team faced a two-hour ca- Jones and her team placed eighth boundaries. displays with pride in remem- "I love extreme challenges. 1 out of ten teams. However, it was brance of a day where she pushed "It was definitely one of the noe ride, twelve miles of mountain not only her first appearance but love the thrill and adrenaline rush herself to limits she never knewshe most challenging things Ihave ever biking along rocky terrain, and a also only her third time ever moun- of it all. I want to live my life, not had within her. SENIOR CITIZEN MEN & BOYS UNDER 12 is way too weird, that my high HAIRCUTS school nun was truly crazy, that $8.00 I anybody who watched the movie "Hannibal" is sick. IIIcfUdllS cut & fifIiNI. Cot..potuCMltlCt/» I ~ Specializing in: WIth_~-!~..!~!!;.~ Ibelieve incomedies that make -Men's, Women's and r--,-------., potatoes. Jacq Pundt you laugh so hard mat your face hurts and your gut hurts. 1believe Children's Hairstyling IMEN S HAIReU'! 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Kitty is psy- • SUn.l0.m,Spm there may not be a quick answer, chology major Cathy Pendorf, and College Square ~CUI~~~~'1.QI. but Kitty will read your problems she is not a licensed professional. Shopping Center - -- -- - -._-"" and give you a fewoptions you had There is no quick answer to any 444 WMC Drive not thought of yet. Just go ahead problem, but sometimes a question, Westminster and ask for help, ask Kitty... problem, or situation might come If you have a question, a prob- up where you just have no idea 410·857·0520 lem, or just a situation you would what to do. Kitty presents a forum 41 C)·857·0898 likean opinion on, writea letterand for people who would like to look send it to Kitty. Drop it through at their issues in a different way. Next to Safe way
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