Page 26 - Phoenix2001-02
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Wednesday, October to, 200t - Page 2 NEWS. These flags have sentimental values Continued from page 1 "My husband is a veteran and he liked mg. "If they steal that, they will probably things like that. 1 took them right off my steal anything," she commented. husband's desk; that's why they have senti- Reiker wants the WMC community to mental values." have a heart. This is the same community Right now at the cash register there is a that claims to be supportive, claims to tend sign, hand- to the needs ofev- written by eryone and claims Reiker, kindly that they can come asking for together and over- anyone who come adversity. has the flags She is asking that or knows in- the members of formation this community about them to live up to their come for- claims; come ward, through and be q u e s tro n s that caring corn- asked. mUl'!-ity. "Some- If, y~u any . re- body said that information . the Mary Grace A/mandrel, Director of Mu/ticu/mra/ Sevices, proudly J should-have gardtng introduces Rau/ Yzaguirre, president of La Raza. never brought whereabouts of Continued from page J tboseflags in: these two flags On the subject of the media, Yzaguirre the 90s, it went down to only I%. This is I guess I just andlor donation had many points of concerns involving the something that is not right, said Yzagirre. trusted every- bucket. please see number of Hispanics on television. He be- There should be more Hispanic represen- one," she Reiker in the Pub. lieves that the media does not portray His- tation in television due to the increase in said. These flags are panics "accurately." , Latino influence in this country over the last At a time where the nation is in the extremely important to her and she would During the early and mid-twentieth cen- couple decades. middle of a tragedy and when everyone is like them returned to her care. tury, according to him, Hispanics were por- At the end of his speech, Yzaguirre an- promoting unity and coming together, you When she proudly displayed her flags in trayed as lazy people that always wore a som- swered questions pertaining to how Latinos just wouldn't expect for someone to disrupt the Pub, she did it not only as an act of loy- ... brero. pick a political party, and public defense is- the unison with something like this. alty to one's country but also out of trust in Yzaguirre said that according to starts- sues due to the threats of terrorism. She also noticed that the collection bucket this community. tics, during the 50s, there were only 30/(1 Hispanic Heritage Month will end on Latino representation on television; and in October 15. ampus safety blotter Hall 9/17 Alcohol violation for possession of al- 9/22 12:20 a.m. Trespassing in Blanche Ward Hall TAMMI SUTER 9/2110:48 p.m. Alcohol violation in cobol in public areas in Rouzer Hall 9/2 I 12 p.m. Theft in Decker Student Con- Sra(fWri/tr Whiteford Hall for underage possession/con- 9114 12:07 a.m. Alcohol violations for un- ter The following incidents were reported by sumption derage possession/consumption in Garden 9/12 12:30 a.rn. Theft in Whiteford Hall the Department of Campus Safety: 9/92:20 a.m. Alcohol violation in Whiteford Apartments Building 3 9/20 10:20 e.m. Property crimes 9115 II p.m. Alcohol violation in Rouzer Hall for underage possession/consumption 9/8 I:06 a.m. Alcohol violations for posses- 9118 Dishonesty for furnishing false infor- Hall for underage possession/consumption 9/9 12:52 a.m. sion of alcohol in mation in Blanche Ward Hall 91188 p.m. Harassment in Blanche Ward Property crime .,.. public areas in 91159:50 p.m. Alcohol violations for un- Hall in Whiteford Blanche Ward derage possession/consumption in "Carpe 9/145 p.m. Unauthorized use of college fa- Hall HaU Diem" gazebo cilities in Hoover Library 9/2211 :20 p.rn. 9/28: 15 a.m. As- 9/104:50 a.rn. Harrassment on campus 9/15 I I :50 a.m. Theft in McDaniel Hall Alcohol viola- sault in Blanche telephone system . 9/J5 IJ:45 p.m. Alcohol violation in tion in Rouzer Ward Hall 9116 I :27 a.rn. AJcoh91 violations for un- Blanche Ward Hall for underage posses- Hall for under- 911 1:30 p.m. derage possession/consumption in ston/cousumptlon age possession/ Residence Hall Whiteford Hall 9116 12:04 a.m. Alcohol violation in consumption policy violation of 91162 a.m. Alcohol violations for under- Blanche Ward Hall for underage 9/4 ]2:02 a.m. furnishings in age possession/consumption in Whiteford possession.consumption Alcohol viola- ANW Hall 9/162:30 a.m. Defacing of property crime tion in Rouzer 9/228:56 p.m. Al- 9/17 8:41 p.m. Statute fLaw violationin in Albert Norman Ward Hall Hall for under- cohol violations Harrison Parking Lot 917 2:10 a.m. Property crime in Whiteford age possession/ for underage pes- 91163 p.m. Property crimes and damaging Hall consumption session/consump- 9120 I:30 a.m. Alcohol violations for multi- 9/6 11:30 p.m. Alcohol violation and us- 9122 3:49 p.m. tion in Rouzer liter containers ing/providing false identification in Garden Alcohol viola- Hall Parking Lot 9/26 10p.m. Theft in AlbertNonnan Ward Apartments 1 tion in Harrison 9/22 10: 12 p.m. Hall 9113 11: 16p.m.Alcoholviolation in Rouzer Parking Lot Alcohol violation for underage possession! 9/30 1 :30 a.rn. Disorderly conduct off-earn- Hall for underage possession/consumption 9/182:46 p.m. Property crime consumption in Rouzer Hall pus 9/14 2:30 a.m. Property crime in Albert 9/53:13 p.rn. Property crime 9123 9:20 p.m. Alcohol violation for under- 9/212:22 a.m. Trespassing campus wide Norman Ward Hall 9n II :45 p.m. Alcohol violation in Daniel age possession/consumption in Rouzer Hall 9/9 12:52 a.m. Alcohol violations for un- 9127 12 a.m. Theft on Historic Drive Maclea Hall for underage possession/con- 9112 JO a.m. Theft in Englar Dining Hall derage possession/consumption in 9120 I :32 a.m. Violation of quiet hours in sumption 912 10: 15 p.m. Alcohol violations for under- Whiteford Hall Blanche Ward Hall 9/14 11 a.rn. Property crimes in Garden age possession/consumption in McDaniel 9111 3 p.m. Trespassing in Decker Student 9/14 Unauthorized use of college facilities Apartments Building I Hall Center in Gill Gym 9/15 9 p.m. Trespassing in Blanche Ward 9/22 2:30 p.m. Trespassing The Phoenix Wants You!! Do you think you have what it takes to write for the Phoenix? American Family Aide Fund Well, there's only one sure way to find out. The staff meets every Monday at 6 p.m. A Nonprofrt Organization If you are a victim or a family member in need ot Come join us, we're right pass GLAR and before Campus Safety. our services please go to our Webb site: Just follow the signs. For more information call x8600 or write: American Family Aide Fund P,O, Box 324, Monrovia, Maryland 21770 Please donate what you can and make a difference.
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