Page 161 - Phoenix2001-02
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COMMENTARY Wednesday, May 8, 2002 - Page 5 Students should challenge authority after name change? Steve Sharkey encourages and celebrated the name change. home. This is all wrapped up on a a more diverse student body. Not power behind them. control in race, but also student body to speak up Or even better, the name could have platter. They and therefore the flow of just more diverse in geographic loca- I also challenge the students to week- information they dic- been announced at Alumni more diverse after WMC's identity is end when many graduates of this tate what we do. tion, religions, and political and ask the questions that we ask as but never get a suffi- individuals, changed. institution travel long distances to This is sort of like purchasing a social thought. I also hope that cient answer. Such as why our see this college and their old new home, putting down a deposit better means the most upstanding ethernet is so slow? Why is it that This space is usually reserved friends. and then right before you sign the that care about people. for Steve Sharkey's Editorials. Every time a new building is name on the dotted line they tell individuals better means more stu- our college is not yet energy effi- Hopefully Well let me tell you something. built or renovated there is a celebra- you that the foundation is rotten. dents and professors that can grasp cient and environmentally safe? Steve Sharkey does not exist any- tion. But this time the celebration In this process we have lost our on to this place and can call it their We are heated by a steam plant. more. It just wasn't working. 22 part is lacking. We have to come voice. Hopefully this will teach the home and make it their community. And why is it that we have to fill years no good. He had a good life, out there at 8:30 at night during future students of this college to Alumnus don't give back to the out five surveys every week re- with good friends. He was honest quiet hours and be quiet- some eel- lake it back. That way the students college because they don't feel tied garding housing, smoking, drug and intelligent and even managed and alcohol use, professor quality to have a good time once in a while. I challenge the board of trustees and administration to institute a and every other topic under the sun, But that was not enough. five-year plan or a fifty-year plan--not justa set of goals that will and yet they don't ask the questions Now Max Power is in charge. that we need answers to. I decided-that I wanted to be sexier, hopefully be achieved, but an everlasting vision that will guide Because the survey makers con- more athletic and have more trol the flow of information, they friends and money than ever be- this college into the future. therefore control the surveys and fore. ebration. It seems as though the will be important enough to hear to this place. Many feel as though their answers. In all seriousness this will be the time of the announcement is an at- about the big decisions less than they were never part of this com- Some of these surveys do not last editorial of my career here and tempt to slip the name under our three weeks after they are made. munity, and if they were nobody even have an extra space at the bot- I guess its time for me to ask the doors when nobody is looking. Since we have been completely cares now. tom for extra comments anymore questions that no student ever re- 1)0 instead the announcement focused on the name change have I challenge the board of trust- - that makes our ideas numbers, not ally asks about the direction of the will be made at time when students thoughts. college in general and in dealings will either be at Karaoke night, or any of us asked what is actually ees and administration to institute The answer for the students is plan- a five-year happening plan or a fifty-year to the college? with the name. bringing back the first wave of No. There was some reason -not just a set of goals that will simple - we don't speak up. Stu- A day or two after the trustees clothes for the move back home. why the board of trustees wanted hopefully be achieved, but an ev- dents 'raJ lying for individual causes met, all of us students got a little This announcement could make to change the name of the college. erlasting vision that will guide this and policy changes is the only way piece of paper in the mail announc- some squirrels mad, but what can It also seems that they -want to college into the future. that students will ever get what they ing the fact that there was a unani- they do, nip at your feet? change other things about the col- When this college was formed want here. mous decision on the new name The plain and simple reason for lege. back in 1868 those people were not I am going to challenge all of and that they are announcing it May announcing the name at 8:30 on I know that they want 'better" followers, they were leaders. They us as a college community to de- 10th at 8:30 p.m. It is sort of like May 10'" is that it is a public rela- students. (Ouch that hurts) But no- bucked the trend by deciding to al- cide what we want this place to be the time someone told me that they tions move. First off it is during body can really define what better low women in this college. They and how we are going to achieve had the hottest juiciest secret - but 23-hour quiet hours. is. I really want to know what their encouraged fresh, innovative ideas these goals. that they were not going to tell me. So if students did want to make new vision of the college is, if they" that made this institution an iucred- If we don't, I fear that ten years Well I would pose it to you that a protest they would be written up have one. Does better just mean ible college. from now this college will be be- there would be quite a few times on noise violations. Also, it is be- higher SAT scores and GPA's? Lei's get together as a commu- hind the trends and just another one that would have more effectively ing made when students are busy, Or does better mean wealthier nity and gel ahead of the trends, not of the pack, not what we want it 10 gotten together the friends of the so that it will be a bad time for them students that will donate more behind them anymore. I am not be--that is truly the best liberal arts campus. Spring Fling weekend to get things together. Then the money to the college after they talking about giving lip service to college in the nation. could have worked. That way stu- cherry on top is that they get to say graduate? ideals anymore. -Steve Sharkey is a senior dents could have gotten together that they told us before we went I would hope that better means I am talking about putting political science major. A message to the class of 2003.--- ----, Lately there has been an many of us this is the last summer ing fun on the week- Pssssstttt ... outpour of stories written to the at home with the parents and the ends. senior class. Well, I think that it is last time in our lives that they will Heck, we might time to address the juniors and give help pay for us. Cherish these even miss campus them some words of advice. safety. Well, maybe WANNA' KNOW THE NEW NAME? The past three years have flown This will also be just Matt Warehime. by so quickly. It feels like yester- I guess what I am day that we first stepped foot on the last year to get saying is just live it AND HAVE SOME FUN? campus to enter into our college up! Carpe Diem! careers. Now we will only have involved on campus Who knows what Join Inthe oelebration of one year left. and try new things. may happen next our College oommunity. One year. That sounds crazy year. Whatever it is, Take the plunge and just make the best of do it. You may find it. Before we know That's US. that there is it we will be the ones All ofns. trying to decide what something else out to do with the rest of our lives. I don't You'll be one of the very first 'there that you are know about the hell 6. .' to find out the new name _ you but good at. Iha.t scares -;1- out of me! '. and you'll get a free T-shlrt. So just be young '"~ , " times. Family is the most impor- while you can. Live . 8:30 p.m. Friday, May 10 tant thing in your life whether you each day to its fullest realize this or not. as if it is your last, Memorial Plaza, aka Red Square This will also be the last year and take the petty Donna Hurd to get involved on campus and try things with a grain of (Rain looation Gill Center) new things. Take the plunge and salt. Quick, before do it. You may find that there is the responsibility Popcorn, cotton candy, hot dogs, We only have one year to enjoy each other's company, complain something else out there that you sets in and the real the works are good at. about campus safety, enjoy the world takes over wonders of Glar, and all that col- Too often we say that we are your life. Free souvenir T-shirts lege has to offer us. So, don't take ready [0 leave this place. However, -Donna Hurd is it for granted. I think that one day we will look a junior English Don't overlook the fact that for back and wish we were still here- Speotacular fireworks at 10:30 p.m. going to two classes a day and hav- major.
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