Page 141 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 141
Volume XXV Number 5 Wednesday, April 24, 2002 College concert draws popular musical acts of The Pharcyde and Dropkick Murphys tudents MATTHEW HURFF wei I Co-Eaitor-in-Ckief rounded. It isn't often that you see the They were mixing of rap and Irish punk rock, funny and but it was done with great effect on goo d," April 12. when the dual-headliners Page said. The Pharcyde and the Dropkick The xperiences Murphy's came to WMC to bring Pharc yde back the annual CAPBoard con- began in M'\1TH.~w HURFF cert, which was not held last year. Los Ange- Co-EdilOrĀ·ill-CJlj"r According to CAPBoard Films les in 1990 A Liberal Arts education is su director Tim Saul, the concert at- and since ed roenllghren students in wa tendance was lower than expected then they ever anticipated. and this Sprin this year, with only around 300 have per- reek. two groups of WMC stu tickets sold when 500 were ex- formed as nts found thisout firsthand. Th pected to be sold. dancers on Despite the low attendance, the In Living crowd had a high amount of energy Color and and the two groups both were able have con- to interact well with the audience, tributed to ID"'pki,,k M"pl"" especially the Dropkick Murphy's. t h Saul said The Pharcyde and the In this time they have toured the Dropkick Murphy's were picked as Fighter in addition to their perfor- United States, Canada, Europe and dual-headliners because they mances in clubs and concerts. Australia. would draw more people because "We call ourselves the Pharcyde _Senior major Doug of their different backgrounds. 'cause it's a name that doesn't set Noviefl! has English the Dropkick seen This was not the case though. any boundaries," said member Tre Murphys at a homecoming show in Saul speculated that many "Slimkid" Hardson in Rolling and he enjoys their music a people on campus do not like go- Stone. Boston lor. ing to see a band if they do not Meanwhile Page, who has seen "I enjoy the energy of their know their name. "More people the Dropkick Murphy's three times music and performance, as well as should come out and see groups had high praise for the Irish punk the integrity of their working class that they don't know because ev- band from Boston. values, Novielli said. Last month, Sodhexo-Marriou, ery band must start somewhere," "They are a high-energy band He also felt that CAPBoard did the company that runs both Englar Saul said. and they have something to say," a great job bringing very unique Dining Hall and the Pub, won an Many of the WMC students he said. acts to campus. County the Carroll from who attended the concert enjoyed The Dropkick Murphy's began The one criticism of the concert award Department for having one Health both groups. Sophomore political in Boston in 1996, and in that time was Campus Safety. "If there is a of the cleanliest kitchens in the science major Neil Page thinks that have built a strong fan base that has next time for punk rock at WMC, county. the Pharcyde was really good. allowed them to combine an inter- they [campus safety] should relax The award was given to Execu- "I don't think the crowd was esting blend of rock, punk, and March 19, geared for them, but they made it Irish Folk. and realize that kids having said. fun tive Chef Dave Huffon Ies," Kane explained in a e-mai isn't dangerous," 2002. Huff said it is the first time Novielli Breaking News: WMC lacrosse coach that the school results has won the award. ntervlew why the organlzatic The award is given based on the SERVE President Kary Mage of three or four cumulative xplained arrested at Pennsylvania Ave. party surprise visits by the health depart- Continued on page 2 Huff said. ment during the year, When the inspectors come in, they may do temperature tests to make -~- - - - Mcrrnsw HURFI'" sonable and lawful command while It's not right for the police to tu sure that the food is hot enough or C( 21 others were cited for underage that place into a breurhelyzcr an cold enough [0 inhibit bacterial Inside GREG LEOEJlliR drinking at the party on Peunsyl- citation factory. 1 felt bad for th growth, or they may do a compre- Sports Ediusr venia Ave. student who bad their house in hensive test of the whole facility. "I was unjustly arrested. The "I stopped by the house because vaded. ask principle of American justice Iknew oms players would be there According to the Carmi In the comprehensive test, the look at every aspect s a man IS innocent until proven that night and I wanted to keep County Times. the arrest and cita inspectors preparation, from how of indsay Hicks discusses her enjoy the food uilty and Iretain my innocence:' tbem out of trouble:' Reitenbach nons occurred when police and careful the staff is about washing ble experience at the Dropkic id WMC men'); lacrosse coach said. campus safety officer entered th ~urphy's concert and urges other eith Reitenbacb when he de- Reitenbach had several issues second-rtoor apartment when, hands, to checking the amount of o experience new music clean, between ended his action); after articles with the situation that he outlined door wus left partially open in re moisture dishes, Huff said. stacked serving ere printed in the Carroll County in an interview with the Phoenix. spouse to a complaint over a lou pring Fling is fast approaching smcs and the Baltimore Sun about 'This is America. It is not right to party at 1:13 e.rn. The officer with In order to ensure compliance the ~hat is your favorite thing abou department, the health is arrest by the Westminster po- just check IDs and giver knocked and then proceeded to en t? Find out what other students ha lce er 1:27 a.m. on April 21. breathalyzers. This was an illegal ter the apartment when allowed in staff at Glar follows the guidelines o say in "60 Seconds." The evening followed an impor- search and seizure in violation of A. Brewe for Hazardous Analysis of Critical ant 15~14 victory over #3 ranked the 4th Amendment:' Reitenbach Police Maj. Dean Control Points, or HACCP. Fol- ....... careful oe Washington College. said. "I was trying [0 protect the told the Tunes that there were abou lowing HACCP requires of food f"larcus Helton takes a look at th measuring and recording eitenbacb was cited for disorderly students on this campus who bave temperatures, as well as other fecent success of the WMC Trac 'I " Continued on page 2 nd Field team
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