Page 88 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 88
Dmen S/JIJtIS Tilffilr Volume XXIII Number I eight game losing slide GREG LEDERER but the effort is there,"says guard AssislulllSponsEdilOr Anstead. "We've caught a couple It has been an interesting sea- bad breaks, but we are playing son for the Western Maryland Col- hard." lege Men's Basketball team. After On January 3 lth, WMC went a positive 3-1 start to the confer- on the road again for a tough game ence season, the team has fallen on against conference powerhouse, hard times with eight straight Franklin and Marshall. losses. While they have been mired The game was a story of two in a slump, thee are positive signs halves as the Green Terror played for the team. the- role of underdog and played On February 7th, the Green Ter- well enough to be down only four ror ventured on the road for a con- points at halftime. The second half ference game against Dickinson was another story as Franklin and . College. From the start, the oppo- Marshall dominated the contest as sition used tough defense and long they outscored WMC 52-14 in distance shooting to build a solid route to a 90-48 victory. WMC was 40-25 lead on WMC at intermis- very sloppy at limes they commit- sion. The Green Terror suffered ted 27 turnovers and found them- through a bad shooting night 8S selves buried by the offensive at- they shot only 33% from the floor tack of the opposition. Freshman and while Dickinson was hot from forward Alan Hoyt, the team's the three point line, hitting eight on leading scorer, led the team with Brad Widner the night. One bright spot for ten points and seven rebounds on__ #32 Jack Kowalik breaks out/or a lay-up during a Terror 85-83 overtime loss to Ursin us. Kowalik is third in WMC was the play of junior for- the night. Again, the team played Terror scoring with 188 points/or the season and 8.9 points per game. ward Teron Powell who played one well at times, but lost their fourth of his best games of the season with conference game in a row. "So far, has been up and down, 15 points and II rebounds. Phoenix spotlight: two sport man Sam Anstead also chipped Fresh- in the season is experience," says WMC bur I think we are the one thing missing 13 points on the night. through a tough "We standout Christian Hamilton slump, Suffering in a tough conference forward Sylvanus Adenaike. how to WMC hosted have alot of guys learning play together." rival Ursinus matchup. From the start, the Green Terror WMC looked to turn around not get off to an illustrious start. ball is not the only sport Hamilton MARCUS HELTON didn't play like a team with a seven their recent troubles in aconference SlaffWriler "The very first play I was on the competes in at WMC. As a fresh- game losing streak and found them- Christian Hamilton is no field, Ihad a penalty called on me," man, he was a member of the relay selves trailing by four points (36- road game against Muhlenberg. stranger to athletic success. The he says. team jhat finished second in the 40) at halftime. The Green Terror showed why they are leading in three the conference 5'6",155poundjuniorhasbeenan He bounced back from that mis- Centennial Conference Champion- The game went back and forth point shots made per game as they integral part of the Western Mary- cue, and became one of the Terror's ship in the 4 X 200 meter relay, and through the second half as WMC knocked down eight on the contest, land Football and Track teams for most valuable special teams play- third in the 4 x 400 at the Penn received a huge performance off but found themselves outplayed on the past three years. ers. Relays. As a sophomore, he was the bench from senior guard Jack the boards as the opposition pulled Hamilton started playing foot- His sophomore season did not part of a team that set the school Kowalik who posted nineteen down 14 more rebounds and took "The veryfirst play I was on thefield, I had a penalty called on points in the contest. In the final the game 89-75. Sophomore led with WMC of regulation guard Desmond point seconds Esteves me ... " down only 2 points (83-81), the team with 17 points, while Sam Ursinus was whistled fora foul and Anstead and Mike Furey chipped -Christian Hamilton Kowalik went to the foul line with in 15 and 10, respectively. a chance to tie the game. With only a few games left in ball at age nine. He played fresh- go as well, however, as he tore the record in the 4 x 400. He coolly sank two free throws the season, the Green Terror have man football at DeMatha High meniscus in his right knee and No one knows how the track and the contest would go to over- had a up and down season. Though SchooL missed most of the season. Luck- team will perform this year, but one time. In the extra period with the mired in a losing streak of late, the He played receiver that year, ily, Hamilton rebounded strongly thing is for certain: if Christian game tied at 83, the Green Terror team continues to play hard and and had only two receptions, both from the injury, and the 2000 sea- Hamilton's past is any indication, had the ball and were playing for show promise for the future of the of which were touchdowns. After son was the most successful of his they are due for another successful the last shot with 20 seconds left program. transferring 10 Seneca Valley High collegiate career. "This season was year. on the clock. "The team is definitely im- School in Germantown the next definitely my best one," Hamilton Away from the field, the Busi- As the clock ticked down, proved from year's past and we are year, he was part of a team thai says. "It felt good to be healthy ness and Economics major can be Kowalik shot the ball, but it was still having fun as a team," says went 33-2 with one state champi- again." found in his room engaged in one tipped and in pursuit of the ball, junior guard Erik Larson. The team onship. He was among the team lead- of his favorite pastimes: sleeping WMC forward Sylvanus Adenaike has been hit by some injuries in- After graduating from Seneca ers irr speciat teams tackles. In ad- and watching cartoons. What is his was called for a foul with 1.3 sec- cluding a season ending knee in- Valley in 1998, Hamilton came to dition, he set a team record against favorite cartoon? onds left in the game. jury to sophomore swingman Western Maryland College to con- Widener. with nine special teams "Batman Beyond," he says. "I Ursinus made two free throws Michael Paesanl, but the effort con- tinue his athletic and academic ca- points. What makes that feat even love that show, Imake sure Isee it and took the game 85-83. It was a tinues to be there for head coach reer. more impressive is the fact that he everyday." Christian Hamilton is heartbreaking loss for the Green Darrell Brooks. After back to back Recruited to play receiver, he did it all in the first half. In three truly one of WMC's most gifted Terror, considering that they played four win seasons, the team's seven saw the majority of his playing time years, he has three blocked punts athletes, and anyone who knows well enough to end their losing wins this year are step in the right on the Green Terror's special and four fumble recoveries. him knows that he is a special per- streak, but fell just short again. direction for the men's basketball teams. Unfortunately, his career di~ As previously mentioned, foot- son as welL "We have a losing streak right now, team.
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