Page 79 - Phoenix2000-01
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NEWS Thursday, February 15, 2001 - Page 3 Smith House smoke scare continuedfram fmni page' Campus Safety Blotter and turned almost into a soot-like still present. substance, he said. Stebeck handled the situation Stebeck explained that the furnace with the insurance company. Ac- The Department of Campus McDaniel Hall. Iation of probation in Blanche War . should have shut itself off at this cording to him, "All of the carpets, Safety documented the follow- * 1118/01 at 12:45 pm one em- Hall. point, but instead continued to chug paint on the walls, and blinds were ing reports which include: ployee reported harassment and * 1121101 at 1:15 am a student w away. Thus, the soot and smoky, replaced to eliminate the smell ... A * 12115/00 at J2:00 pm un- verbal threats by another employee verbally abusive of campus offi oily residue was pumped through new sealant was put in between the known subject(s) attempted to in Campus Wide. cials and refused to comply wi the entire Smith House building. first floor and the basement floor as gain access to the room by drill- directions in Blanche Ward Hall. The result was a thin layer of well." ing the lock core at Albert * 1121/01 at 1:20am a student wa oil crust throughout most of the Stebeck also mentioned that Norman Ward Hall. building, as well as a horrible. there may be plans to eventually re- stench. place all the furniture in the build- Nalevanko was oneofthe first ing. staff members to reenter the build- Smith House itself may have ing on the day after the incident. been out of use for.a few weeks, "The smell was hard to stand. It but its staff still had to get their job made your eyes watery, and they done. At first, the employees stayed burned ... when you needed to goin at home and did what little they the building you had to cry and go could from home on their comput- in and out real quick," she said. ers. Luckily they did not need to go Later when students showed up took responsibility for the dam- into the building too much. for Jan Term, the Smith House staff age and her guests' actions. lation occurred during quiet hours Cleaning and repairs began was temporarily moved to the Leidy * InlOl at 1:00 am there was Extremely loud stereo was playing right away. on the $20-25,000 dam- room, in Decker Center. a possession of alcohol in a Students were non- compliant, re ages. The room was adequate for their public area in suite party DMC * 1120/0 I at I: 19 am 3 non student fusing to leave the room and hall A new, more efficient gas-burn- needs, but "the worst part was hav- in suite 402. juveniles were in possession of al- way in Blanche Ward Hall. ing furnace was put in the very ing to run back to the building to * 119/01 at 3:00 am a case of cohol while guest of 2 students in * 1/21/01 at 2:30 am a student wa same day. get things that we found that we beer in Rouzer was set out on Rouzer Hall. found on the roof of Blanche War An outside company, Service needed." Nalevanko said. the window sill to chill (directly * 112010 I at 10:07 pm the girls Hall. Master, went right to work clean- The incident will be covered al- outside of DoCS Office). basketball "initiation" party had * 1124/01 at 11:29 am a studen ing out the building. The entire in- most entirely by the school's insur- * J/9/0J at 3:00 am a fire ex- underage possession and consump- . reported his soft top jeep illegall sides of the building were cleaned ance plan. The school will only pay tinguisher was taken from tion of alcohol and fire code viola- entered and personal property sto from the basemen! to the third a $1000 premium on the estimated Blanche and discharged in tion (blocking doorways to com- len valued at $225.00. level. And yet, the awful smell was $20-25,000, said Stebeck. Decker and Rouzer by subject man area) in PA House 193. * 1124/01 at 6:00 am Bursar an from earlier incident. * 1120/01 at 2:03 am a student re- Registrar offices were burglarized * 1111/01 at 1:30 am students with multiple stolen fro Bursar and Registrar break-ins were in possession of hard li- quests to lower volume on stereo re- A computer office, was personal prop fused to comply Registrar's continued from page I quor in Garden Apartments in Blanche Ward Hall. erty from Bursar's office. Foren Building 2. * 1120/01 at 2:35 am several resi- sic prints taken from both offices. Later that day, a computer and lockable and fireproof equipment to * 1111101 at 12:20 am several keys were reported stolen from the safeguard negotiable items and stu- students were cooking with a dents of the 4th floor engaged in * 1125/01 at 11:07 am an employe Registrar's Office. dent loan promissory notes." charcoal grill outside Garden battery of2 students. Both students in Registrar's Office reports thef The Registrar did not respond Still (hough, Schmidt says, Apartments #1. Alcohol ~as on sustained noticeable head and face of personal property overnight. to a call for an interview with the "we're always self-conscious. You site and although unclaimed, injuries in Blanche Ward Hall. * 1128/01 at 4:30 pm student re Phoenix. just don't take things for granted." was confiscated. * 1120101 at 2:35 am former stu- port room burglarized. Vandalis Schmidt says that, unlike the Future precautions are being dent John Waters was involved in done within and property stole Registrar Office, which has more taken in the offices Webster says, * 1/16/01 at 10:04 pm two fe- a severe assault. Waters was previ-, valued at approximately $1,000.00 valuable information, "it's inherent but they cannot be revealed. male students were in posses- and ously prohibited from entering * 211101 at 5:00 pm student ar sion of drug paraphernalia within the Bursar's Office to have campus. Charges were filed for as- rested for possession of CD's i city police issued a citation in sault, burglary, trespass, and vic- Albert Norman Ward Hall. 2001 Maryland Wine Festival Design Competition Celebrate Black Announced- $1,000 Prize to winning Artist history The Carroll County Farm Museum and the Carroll County Arts Council have announced the annual design competition for the Monday, February 19: History of Black Music, 8- Maryland Wine Festival Poster. - o pm in the forum. Music faculty members Glenn The winning artist(s) will receive a 1,000 cash prize. The aldwell and Eric Byrd will discuss the impact of winning design will be reproduced on posters, t-shirts, brochures, lack music. and various other promotional materials. The 2001 Maryland Wine Saturday, February 24: Gospel Jubilee. 7ยท9 pm ill Festival will be held on Saturday, September 15, from 1'0 am - 6 pm aker Memorial Chapel. Free. The concert and Sunday, September 16, from Noon- 6 pm. eatures various gospel groups/rom the Baltimore Any two-dimensional media may be used to design the poster, including painting, drawing, collage, photography, computer- generated design, etc. Artists must be 18 years of age or older to Saturday, March 10: Step Show, 7-9 pm in Baker enter. emorial Chapel. There will be an admission fee The deadline for desiqn submission is 3 prn on Friday, March nd tickets will be available in advance and at the 16, 2001. Interested artists and designers must contact the Arts oor. 17,eprogram features steppers form chapters Council at (410) 848-7272 or (410) 876-8550 to receive a copy of the if the nine national Black fraternities and' official design requirements and entry form. The Arts Council is open ororities. from 10 am- 4 pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Frictay; 10 am- 8 pm Thursdays; and 11 am- 4 pm Saturdays. Artists may also or information about Black History Month events send a self-addressed #10 envelope to the Arts Council at 15 East I WMC call Mary Grace Alamandrez at (410) 857- 791 or the College Activities Office at (410) 857- Main Street, Westminster, MI;>21157 to receive entry materials. 267 Infonnation~~f.the~~om...
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