Page 80 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 80
Thursday, February 15,2001 - Page 4 COMMENTARY Staff Letter to the Editor: Preferential Treatment Dear Editor, Admissions and the athletics office have grades and SAT's are too low, but he's black Editors-ln-Chief The last Phoenix of the previous school a close relationship. Admissions gives each and has great speed, so I'll call up admis- Claire E. Adams '02 year brought us an article concerning pref- coach at WMC a list of his or her prospects sions tomorrow and get him in." Once a stu- Edward K. Schultheis '03 erential treatment for athletes, especially and the status of their application. The coach dent is in, it's not that hard to tweak his fi- football players. The only response I saw can then earmark certain athletes to alert nancial aid package either. News Editors stated that there is no preferential treatment. admissions that slbe realty wants that ath- Many people qualify for grams, loans, Staci George '03 Ido not think athletes are receiving col- lete to get in. Unless the athlete's marks are and work study. Grants are best because you lege-subsidized off-campus apartments as exceedingly low their admissions status is don't work and you don't have to pay it back. Assistant News Editor last year's article suggested. usually upgraded to "wait list" or "admit- There is nothing stopping athletic Joan Faulkner '02 I do believe there is preferential treat- ted." coaches from encouraging Financial Aid to ment for athletes in admissions, however. I I, personally, have benefited from this relieve athlete's financial need with a gram, Features Editor also believe this should be the case. Athlet- relationship. When 1 was a senior in high when he qualified for a loan. Everyone's Shauna Dominguez '02 ics takes up a lot of time, and makes an ap- school my father and I spend most of the financial aid is still met; it's just that ath- plicant more attractive to a college. It is just admitted student's day trying to convince letes have someone pulling for them to get Commentary Editor another activity that shows that someone has financial aid and admissions that I needed grants. BJ Shorb '02 what it takes to succeed incollege, such as more money to come to this college and that Idon't think there is anything wrong with active involvement in community service or Ishould be in the Honors program. None of these policies. It is just one of the ways the Sports Editor student government. There are two differ- them were swayed. college uses to make each incoming class as Matthew Hurff '03 ences, however. Before I left that day, I mentioned to my strong as possible. Colleges are in the busi- First, athletes are the most visible repre- coach that I would probably go to another ness of educating, but they are also in the Assistant Sports Editors sentatives for our college. As such, the col- college because I could not afford WMC. business of attracting the best possible class Greg Lederer '03 lege has an interest in attracting students who The next day I received a call from admis- of students, and athletes are the most re- Craig Johnson '03 will represent WMC well. sions telling me that I would receive $2000 cruited. Second, athletes have coaches trying to more a year in financial aid, and that I had I think it is a great idea to attract stellar Copy Editor get them into our college. Unlike athletes, been accepted into the Honors program. athletes to this school. I just think it is ri- Stacey Welch '04 there is no coach on this campus who can While hanging out in the Athletics Of- diculous to pretend that nothing like this make a well-placed call on behalf of a stu- fice late at night Ihave heard on several oc- Photographers dent government president. casions a football coach saying, "well his -JeremyKeil Brad Widner '03 Outback causes battle among TV networks Distribution Manager ZsaneU Borsos '02 decessor. vivor'' is because it is a so-called "reality. Senior Writer When news came out that "Survivor" was show." These are the type of shows where Kate Esposito '01 going to be on Thursday night, instead of there is no script, where real people are on In the Wednesday like it was last year, NBC went them, and where anything can happen. r not Staff Writers battlefields of scurrying to find something that could com- ' only like it for this reason, but because of Michael Jenkinson '02 pete. The problem was that "Friends," one the challenges that they have to do, and also Amy Bittinger '01 homes, there is of NBC's money-makers, was only 30 min- watching the people connive and try to get Jessica Fisher '04 a new war be- utes long, with "Survivor" being an hour others kicked out of the outback. Jeremy Keil '02 ing raged. A long. So NBC, in all of its infinite wisdom, It is cool watching these people run Michael Wiles '03 battle between decided to make "Friends" into a 40 min- around, eat live bugs, and jump off a cliff all Tammi Slater '03 two superpow- utes show-with "SNLPrime-time"taldng up because they want to get a set of matches, or Sara Hoover '01 ers has made the last 20 minutes. a fishing kit, or the treasured immunity idol. Marcus Helton '04 Now before I go any further, I must say It is cool mainly because it is not me having Jeff Grever '02 that Ihave been a "Survivor" watcher since to chew cow brains or do other things like Philip Vogt '01 it started. And I was looking forward to the that. However, watching the people Cathy Pendorf '02 since "Seinfeld" left the air. The biggest new season as much as any other fan. But scheme and conspire, that is worth watching Lisa Stanley '02 battle is the one that occurs every Thurs- there is something about this new season that the TV show by itself. . Lisa Dale Van Auken '02 day night between'CjcS and NBC. is different than the first one. Maybe it is So while it may not be as "original" as Yes that is right, a fight to the finish be- just a feeling or the fact that last year it was the first show, the new "Survivor" is just as tween CBS' show "Survivor" and NBC's a new show and this time around it has lost much fun to watch. The majority of the Adviser shows "Friends" and "Saturday Night Live some of its appeal. Maybe it is just me, but people who have seen the new show will Terry Dalton Prime-time." While some critics stated that [think I liked the first season better than the definitely agree with me. So if you haven't "Survivor" was just a fluke and that a se- current. However, you can still find me had a chance to check it out, I recommend quel would be a flop, the latest installment grilled to the television on Thursday nights you sit down one Thursday night and watch of "Survivor: The Australian Outback" has watching "Survivor." "Survivor." That way you can find out what been a ratings juggernaut much like its pre- Ithink the main reason people like "Sur- The Phoenix is published biweekly. The all the hoopla is about. ~inions expressed do not necessariJy represent Editors-in-chief looking towards new year !those of The Phoenix staff, the facuity, or the ~niscratorsofWMC. The Phoenix has officially left its old Edward Schultheis and Claire are still finishing up the paper in time for it The paper welcomes free-lance submissions confines in the basement of Daniel McLea. Adams discuss the changes to be read on Thursday morning when people n Macintosh disks in most word processor for- mats. The editors reserve the right to edit fo ~~:~,r::;:~~1u~fyh:;~:~;::e~~:~~:: awaiting the Phoenix this year. exp~~~~·With the greater workload, it is still larity, length, and libel and to publish as space We are now able to breath and work with- time consuming job, we had no idea how a privilege and a honor to be the new co- IPermits. All submissions (excluding self-ad- out sweating to death. And our office has a difficult it was going to be. So that leaves editors and we are looking forward to what ftressed diskettes) become the property of 111. prime location, in what used to be the office us here, at 7 pm on Monday night writing this new semester brin$s. We are consider- Phoenix and cannot be returned. ofWMC TV, near Glar and the Pub. this story while the paper is still being laid ing a few ideas that we hope to implement Please include a name and phone numbe So, we're pretty happy campers, need- out with articles. that will make the paper more fun to work or verification. Names will be withheld only by less to say. And, along with a new office we We knew from watching the previous with, but also for the readers to read. Per- jthe discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. have a new staff. Co-editors-in-chiefClaire editors-in-chief, Laura Kelley and Jen Sirkis, haps color, or a new title await the Phoenix- The Phoenix does not discriminate based on Adams and Ed Schultheis, News Editor Staci that this was going to be an 'arduous task, money and time willing. We also hope to be ge, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, George, Commentary Editor B.J. Shorb, and they did their best to prepare us for this making some decor changes in our new of- national origin, condition of handicap, or mari- Features Editor Shauna Dominquez, and long and taxing process. However, nothing fice, such as new furniture. Anything that fuustatus. - Sports Editor Matt Hurff. could prepare us for the tiring night we have will make working on the Phoenix until the Over the next semester we have many ahead of us. Maybe that is what Jen meant wee hours of the morning more enjoyable. Mail to: hopes for seeing the Phoenix grow. We'd when last issue she wrote, "For the past year, So while you are reading this, remember The Phoenix like to give the paper a bit of a face lift tiftd the Phoenix has involuntarily come before the amount of effort that we, the editors, and WMC, 2 College Hill make it more visually appealing. But we schoolwork and sleep." all the writers put into the paper. Weare look- Westminster, MD 21 [57 had to make it through the first issue before The rest of the staff held up their part of ing forward to a new semester of the Phoe- (410)751-8600 thinking about making changed. So we the bargain and did the best they could to nix, and hope that you are too. Remember, FAK (410) 857-2729 embarked on publishing our first edition of finish their stories and their sections, but as we don't do this because it is the most fun E-Mail: phoenix@wmdc.eclu the Phoenix with two new editors-in-chief everyone who works for the Phoenix knows, you can have on weekends. We do it be- and a new commentary editor. nothing normally goes according to plan. cause we consider it. an honor and a privi- While we knew that it was a hard and This is the reason that on Monday night we lege to serve the community ofWMC.
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