Page 57 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 57
COMMENTARY Thursday, November 16,2000 - Page 5 Why are these Degrees are meant to be earned elections so difficult? Imagine this: You are a WMC college graduate. You have a cally Western Maryland, there [35, not 35. was only one main reason for bachelor's degree. You have Somehow I don', think that wi II started a career in your field. One doing so: EDUCATION. work. I wanted to further my educa- day your boss approaches you How hard could it be to fill out with an assignment. You are per- tion here at WMC. I knew that a ballot? I've seen the ballot in with college came the opportu- plexed. You don't know what to question on television, and it does do. You think that you should nity to meet new people and ex- not seem all that complicated if you know, but you don't. Why? Of perience new things, but my pri- have passed the first grade, but course. it must have been a topic maty focus was my education. I know 1 am not alone when r maybe that is just me. you were taught on a Friday at Besides, the names Gore and college. say, even with a decent scholar- Buchanan are nothing alike. In fact, Although that scenario may BJ Shorb ship, college is a big investment. they don't even share any of the nOI be realistic, it clearly illus- I would like that investment to be same letters and Buchanan is twice trates how ridiculous the idea of worth something when I gradu- Matthew E. Hurff as long. those who party on Thursday ate. singling out a day of the work- nights, but it isn't like you party all What I also don't understand is In fact, if I took college as On Tuesday, November 7, like how a person would know that they week to serve as II 'go-easy-day' night and then realize that you have lightly as some people take it, I most of the people that I observed filled out the ballot wrong, and now or a review day. class the next day. There is this would be overwhelmed with guilt when walking up and down the would be able to complai n about it. The truth is Monday through thing called responsibility: take right IIOW. To spend so much hallways of McDaniel Hal! were If you knew that you filled it out Friday is and has always been [he some. If you know [hat you have money on something, but nor take tuned to the Presidential Election wrong then why didn't you do workweek. Whether you are in class to attend, work to do, or tests it seriously, is simply wrong. results. You could hear a buzz of something about it when you had a elementary school, middle to take the next day, yet still choose College is not supposed to be the voices of Tom Brokaw, Peter chance? That is ridiculous! school. high school, college, how or to party, how wise is that choice? a piece of cake. It is work. De- [his is generally in a career, Jennings, Dan Rather, and the In any case, we're going to have the workweek is defined. II isn't It is nobody's choice but your own. grees aren't given; they are eponymous faces of the anchors of a long, drawn out mess, where there H new concept For those, not so few, that don't earned. Imagine how good it will CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox News will be an argument over jurisdic- H[ all. We feel to hold and Headline News penneating the tion of this very important case. If you know that you have class to attend, the degree hallway. Should this be tried in the Florida didn't have in your hand However, each one said some- State Court, or should it go to the any problems work to do, or tests to take the next day, yet and be able when we were still choose to party, how wise is that choice? thing different Some stations were Supreme Court? following it to say, "I eager to give states to either Bush According to Florida state law, just six years h a v e old, why would we now? worked hard Well, it is true that every citizen is given a Yes, there are times when you party on Thursday nights, Friday is to earn this." Sometimes it seems as though right to vote, but you do not have the right need to let go and nave fun. I just like Monday. Tuesday, we want things handed to us like and Thursday. Wednesday, Claim- must admit I am not the heavy- ing that partying on Thursday to be an idiot. duty partying type. However, Ido nights has been a tradition for de- candy. It all comes down to lazi- agree that on the weekends, cades is absurd, If a tradition at all, ness. Americans have become or Gore without a second thought. is should be tried in the state court, which wilt remain defined as Fri- lazy over the years. We want ev- Evidence of this is easily seen but someone is going 10try to move day evening through Sunday, one "Thursday nights of fun" have not erything, yet we want to work for in Florida, and now even New it the Supreme Court; it's inevitable. should let go and relax a little. been one as long as the tradition of nOlhing. Mexico, which on Friday was having classes Monday through Perhaps it is also an issue of Another fishy thing about this Everyone needs a little relaxation Friday. moved back into the too close to whole election is the missing bal- to keep from burning out. priorities. I know why 1 am here ca!l category because there is only lot boxes. I am not trying to criticize When 1 made the decision to and what my top priority is right a 164 vote difference between the I have never personally voted at attend a four-year college, specifl- now. The question is: do you? candidates for the states fi ve elec- a polling place, and have instead Massachusetts. The really terrible toral votes. of the commission, you must have lem with the Commission on Presi- opted to send in an absentee ballot part about it was that he wasn't Others were much more conser- rather than drive 2 1/2 hours back at least 15% support according to dential Debates: it is a product of I vative' and would not concede a to New Jersey in the two elections even trying toenterthe main view- five major national presidential the two party system and big busi- ing area of the debate. state until about 95% of the ballots I have participated in. He was trying to obtain en- polls. Nader didn't have this as he ness as the debates themselves are were in. Others, yet seemed un- However, according to some of trance into the alternate viewing was polling in around four percent.. funded by such companies as to get But, how is he supposed able to add, as they would give a my friends, who have gone to their area where students could go and more support than that without AT&T and Sun Microsystems. state to a candidate, but did not ac- polling places in various locations watch the debates. more exposure? J don't think any big corpora- count for it in their overall electoral throughout Maryland, they usually He was then approached by an tions would like the consumer ad- And the debates are certainly vocate king Ralph Nader partici- vote column for a good hour and a have a really big guy guarding such official from the Commission on an excellent way to gain this nec- half. important things as ballot boxes. Presidential Debates, and asked to essary exposure. pating in a debate that they are funding. In any case, we saw the dam- I guess in Florida though, they leave, regardless of whether hehad Several years ago, Jesse ages of such coverage, just leave Ventura Did giving Florida to Gore so thein out Wit~~~~h~:~~j~r ~a;i:s~~on~~n~ , early sway west coast voters or the in the Another fishy thing about this whole election is the was run- the debate. It should be turned over ning for voters on the Florida panhandle open for missing ballot boxes ...! guess in Florida though, to a more impartial governing body. where polling places were not yet people to Governor The United States is not com- closed? pick up they just leave them out in the open for people to of Minne- prised of two monolithic bodies Does calling any state for that and walk sota as a and nor should this commission matter sway the minds of West a way pick up and walk away with or for little kids to play Reform Coast voters? with or with while their parents' vote, who knows? Party can- Next semester the Well, the answer to (hat is very for little didate. Phoenix will be He was much up in the air, and I guess your kids to play with while their par- a ticket. often polling in the low single dig- answer would depend on whether ems' vote, who knows? Or maybe Hey, last time' checked, this is its until he was allowed to partici- launching a your candidate wins this-headache it's like that missing eomputer filled still America: and the University pate in a gubernatorial debate. of a recount in Florida, in which with nuclear secrets at Los Alamos. of Massachusetts is definitely a The rest is history: Ventura was regular: Pro-Con some voters feel that they were Two years later, someone is go- public place. able to gain support because people Column. If you fooled by ballots which were rnis- ing to find a ballot box behind a How could it be legal for them were able to see what he stood for, leading, causing some to vote for desk, or in the trunk of their car, or to throw Nader out, unless he was and he would become governor of would like to write Patrick Buchanan instead of Al maybe in some Third World COUIl- inciting a riot, or was being dis- or have any topic Minnesota. Gore. try with our nuclear secrets, and it ruptive. This is the same problem that Well, it is true that every citi- will throw this whole election out I highly doubt that he showed Nader, Buchanan, Brown or any ideas call x8600 or zen is given a right to vote, but you of whack. up drunk, was screaming profani- other third party candidate faces. leave a message in do not have the right to be an idiot. Another thing that has angered ties, and was breaking chairs on How do you get your message out I guess that means that if I get me about this whole election is the students' heads. without massive amounts of money the Phoenix box at pulled over for going at a speed in way the third puny candidates were Furthermore, I think that 'is excess of 100 MPH, J can say to shut out of the debates. atrocious that they barred him frdm ~:~:~:~ility to participate in the the Information , the officer that the speed limit sign Ralph Nader was thrown out of participating in the debate. ;;;:~~:~~u;;:~.~;"~7JtPe..__._~~:~~~,~:~~~~,.,..J was mislea~~~,g~~~~ ~..~~u~.~~ i:,!~!~ ,,,.!~~,~,~~~te~}~ }.~e~~,~~~~r~iJY1'~~ ,~~ J~~~~~eflf\~cording to the rules
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