Page 153 - Phoenix2000-01
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--~~~-~------------------------------------~ Phoeni 10 2001 Returning to the Hill for Reunion Weekend STACI L. GEORGE cause of aging!" joked Lindsay people signed up to participate in classmates from the classes of 1942 News Editor Chase, class of 1941. the Clarence H. Bennett golf tour- and 1944. Friday's events included alumni nament Saturday morning. The The morning's activities also in- You may have probably seen visitation to classes in the morning, shotgun start. where everyone eluded a tennis match and alumni some faces around campus that you lunch in Glar or special luncheons started on various holes, was at lacrosse games. A Martin 5K Race did not recognize, but were sport- held at other locations, and Fun Run was planned ing WMC's green and gold this past and campus tours. but cancelled after few weekend, as they smiled proudly of Alumni enjoyed a signed upto participate in their alma mater. Mardi Gras party in the it. S/a/fWriler The Alumni Affairs office, Forum, where all the At 10 a.rn., While most WMC students President Joan Coley, and many classes were invited to at- President Coley opened were getting an early start on others welcomed alumni back to tend from 6- 10 p.rn Fri- up her state of the college Spring Fling weekend with Thurs- the Hill for Reunion Weekend, held day night. address by saying, "The day night celebrations, members Friday, May 4 through Sunday, Tus Applegarth, class state of the college is of the Maryland Student legisla- May 6. of 1941, said that this great... you can now be ture (MSL) were getting ready to This year's festivities were held night of good New Or- dismissed!" head down to Annapolis, Md. on to honor the class of 1941 and pro- leans style food and On a more seri- Friday, April 27 for three days of ceeding years that ended in either dancing will be the high- ous note, Coley began to debate and competition over local, a one or a six, as well as welcom- state, and national issues' in the light of his weekend outline her four goals she ing back the class of 2000, said State Chambers. Proceeding dinner hopes to obtain in a de- Randy Ryner, associate director of and dessert, the Monday J cade. WMC won the highest honor Alumni Affairs. Night Jazz Ensemble President Coley joins the parade with the class of '5/. They include bettering the of top delegation for the second Additionally, the class of 1926, 7:30 a.m. paraded into the Forum playing an living space, enhancing the learn- year in a row. '31, and '36 were also honored in of 15 upbeat number to get the party Robert Beglin, class of 1943, ing space, tripling the endowment, The debates consisted luncheon held at Harrison House started. They were conducted by said that he and his tournament and increasing human resources. different Maryland colleges in- on Friday. . Bo Eckard, who said, "We've had partners "Love golf. I played here "We don't want to be ,a cluding UMCP, Mount St. Mary's, "I bad to wait 60 years to figure wonderful food, wonderful bever- 45 years ago for the first time us-a Swarrhmore.or a tlru:va(I1-~e..just • llnd"101ms Hopkins. out to come back. I don't see much ages-Now it's time for wonder- freshman. At 82, I come as often want to be recognized," said Coley ~ ':yer~miah Kelley, a~~ difference-except that I don't rec- ful music." as I can." as she talked about her vision that liticat science major, was the Gov- - ognize anyone without reading After a day and evening of an Berglin said that the best part within in the next decade, WMC ernor for this year's event. The their name tags ... I think it's be- abundance of food on Friday, 44 of the game was playing with his continued on page 2 Govemor is the leader for MSL Professor Dillman decides to retire and relax structuring the event. and who is in charge of organizing JOAN FAULKNER "that they were interested in learn- Since WMC has been trying to tires, describes Dillman as "tinstru- Kelley said, "It's the first op- Asst.News Bditor ing about computers, but that most attract students interested in com- mental in creating the department portunity 'to compete and debate of them were not interested in com- puting, the Systems Track was up- of communication with Bob serious issues. There's nothing An integral part of the computer ' puter science (or the study of the graded to a minor two years ago Sapora." like MSL." program and communication de- mathematics of computation)." and currently, there are twenty stu- Lemieux says the Systems Each school competes in de- pnrtment here at WMC will be re- So, Dillman created two dents in the minor now. Track minor is Dillman's "area of bate over various political issues tiring after this semester. courses: one attractive to non-math Now, nearly one hundred stu- speciality." in the standard Parliamentary Pro- That would be. communication majors, which 'became ""The Sys- dents have graduated from the Sys- Lemieux adds that computers cedure. Late on Saturday, a spe- professor and chair of the depart- terns Track," an informal curricu- tems Track, according to Dillman. are "pretty much his passion both cial awards committee is selected ment, Richard Dillman who came lum in computers, according to Many former students are professionally and personally. I to give out a number of awards, to this school in 1980to teach com- Dillman. working as systems analysts or in think he will stay wetl-connected- said Kelley. puter science courses in the math First started in 1982, the classes information-related jobs as manag- no pun intended." Matt Burger. a senior political department. followed with Dillman when he ers and executives, thanks to As the department's faculty science major, received an indi- However, in his second year joined the communication depart- Dillman. over the years has built a curricu- vidual award, the William (Troy) here, Dillman was assigned a group menl in 1986. Simmons award for career Fellow communication profes- lum that focuses on the theories that of communication majors to ad- There have been about ten to sor Dr. Robert Lemieux, and chair explain communication, they have achievement in MSL. Burger re- vise. fifteen students enrolled in the of the department after Dillman re- continued on page 3 ceived the award for serving as the Dillman sa s he soon realized, classes each ear. What will WMC be Chief of Staff, or light-hand man, Enjoy a taste of Asia for two governors in a row. continued 011 a c oJ like this summer? Inside work- ."""mi"'" TAI'ttI'ttI SLAn:R val is a two-week buffet of music, Ie enjoys a SrajfWriler art, heritage, and humanities true the discusses "Taste of Summer is that time of the year shops. It will be held from July 1- Mike Wiles of Spring Fling nnd what meaning 14 will include Asia" on where there is sunshine to be en- sic, singing and instrumental writing, mu- it means to the college and the stu- vacation to relish, joyed, and song Tuesday, money to be made. However, for dance, fine arts and crafts, dents. May 2. The many Western Maryland will College children's programs, arts. writing, !!iYt§ent abounds !1nf bring on the summer students and human storytelling event also them back to "the Hill." The course allows students the from Hip-Hop to Rock with a hint All summer will long, WMC included hold activities, from special camps opportunity to work with a faculty of Jazz--five students release two albums. music and and programs, to classes and work- advisor where they will then de- I1lmh _. worth one to four velop a project dancing. shops. "Common Ground on the undergraduate credits. Jeff Grever profiles freshman su- Hill" will be one of about fourteen For more information on the perstar Samantha Abrams and how class offerings held this summer. In classes contact Walt Michael at ex- she led the women's softball team its seventh year, this summer festi- Continued on page 3 in 17 categories.
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