Page 158 - Phoenix2000-01
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Thursday, May 10, 200 1 - Page 6 NEWS The Student Goverriment ~ Assembly announces The SGA president is Jamin ........................ ••••••••• ·BestMernoryof2000-01 SGA: •••••••••• Bartolomeo Leading my class's Senior Pride! ' • ••• • • • z Jeremiah Kelley, Class of 200 1 president . Bartolomeo is a sophomore Psy- ............................... chology major, minoring in Elementary Education. Originally from Germantown, MD, Jamin looks for- ward to the next year of the SGA as he seeks to bring more communication Sorensen is a sophomore political between the administration and the stu- science major as well as a Sociologyl dents to the campus. Criminal Justice major. Like many of his fellow SGA mem- Originally from Hanover, MD, bers, Bartolomeo really appreciates the Sorensen found the family community community atmosphere of the school, at WMC to be very appealing. She hopes to continue the fun the SGA had as well as the "close knit" relationships Phi Kappa, ''[.lsi year:'as well'a;k~ep the assem- between students and their professors. Sigma fraternity. He also enjoys bly open to' all students. Along with SGA, Jamin serves as hanging out and meeting new Sorenson is involved in Gamma people, and jogging. Sigma Sigma, STAY, the dance com- pany, and Heroes Helping Hopkins, an organization for which she will be biking cross country this summer. Class of 2003 President is Stephanie Knight Knight is a junior Biology/Span- ish major from Glen Burnie, MD. She is also working on a minor in Chem- istry. Knight likes the college commu- nity at WMC, and feels that it helps students to getinvo!ved in what in- terests them. She also appreciates the .................... interaction with the faculty and ad- that is not always avail- ministration ••• ·······Thebestrnomentof 2000-01 50A:····..• able at larger school. Along with serving on the SGA, :' Helping to build the senior class float for Homecoming. ". Steph will have a busy year serving ••• - Matt Burger, outgoing ••• as a Peer Mentor, a Biology tutor, and •••••••• ................... ~..... ••••••• as the Public Relations and Motiva- class of 2001 representative rion chair on Capboard. incoming freshman in order to raise thy that often seems to appear around the prestige of~ __ ~ ~ campus. the school. He also hopes When not to help everyone to re- serving the stu- that they have dent body, J ITIOC<, nower to change campus than might believe. Woods is also in the Jewish Student Union, as well the service frater- nity, APO, and the Phi Swim.Team, The Kappa Sigma frater- Asian Coalition nity. and is the news editor of The Phoe- Chadha is a sophomore Psychology Community, and L ~ _J nix. major with a tract in Brain Biology. He Maryland Student Legislature. He KATHERINE STRONG George is a In her spare time 'she enjoys read- is also working Philosophy minor. also enjoys writing poetry. sophomore communication major _ing, photography, creative writing Hailing from North Potomac, MD, with minors in journalism and politi- and hanging out with friends. Sameer found WMC's scenery and Woods is a sophomore who hails cal science. Her goal for next year is to have natural beauty to be one of it's assets. from Union, NJ. A resident of Kunkletown, PA her class begin getting ready for se- Next year, he would like work on He hopes to encourage the (near Allentown), she is a member of nior pride, as well as keeping the SGA ,_changing t~.e a_d_m~~sj~s st~ndards for student body to rid itself of the apa- Gamma Sigma Sigma, STAY, SGA, structure~ a~d orga?,ize~_._
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