Page 150 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 150
Thursday, April 26, 2001 - Page 14 SPORTS -.Frisbee solid Desrosiers sets WMC victory record in first Assislam Sports EdilOr Derosiers, Lyter, and Maxcy, but lost the next (ion this season. She continued 7-6, her strong GREG LEDERER to tie the score at 3-3. matches three singles with play a singles 6-3 and victory It has been a tough season for the West- Unfortunately for the team, WMC lost the teamed with Lyter again in doubles to win season ern Maryland different faces from last year's three doubles matches and fell on the road 8-4 and lead WMC to a slim 5-4 home win. Tennis team. College Women's With many 6-3. The Green Terror also got wins from Lyter team, the squad has experienced growing The Green Terror looked to return to the and Connelly in singles and Maxcy-Connelly MATI HURFF pains as they have had a subpar 4-7 season. win column against conference foe Bryrn won another match in doubles to secure their Sports Edilor Despite the changes, the team has had some Mawr College. The match was tightly played third conference win of the season. Many students who would like to playa special moments and they are still making throughout, as the doubles teams of Looking to continue their late season competitive sport but may not have enough positive strides for the future of the program. Desrosiers-Lyter and Maxcy- Connelly both surge, the team hosted their tough confer- time or interest to dedicate to a varsity sport On April 7, the team hosted tough Ursinus secured' victories, but the opposition won a ence rival Gettysburg College.' Desrosiers have turned to a new option on the Hill; UI- College in a conference home game. The doubles match and also won the number four, and Lyter both secured wins in the number timate Frisbee. experience of the Green Terror came out on five, and sixth position matches to take the one and two positions, but the team lost the This season, the team has taken on a num- top in this one as seniors Alethea Desrosiers, lead. In the clutch, the senior contingent of next four singles match and fell 6-3. ber of highly competitive opponents such as Becca Lyter, Jami Maxcy, and Jamie Desrosiers, Lyter, and Maxcy all won criti- Desrosiers and Lyter also combined for an- UMBC, Towson and Gettysburg. The Ter- Connelly all won their single matches to take cal matches 10 win a squeaker 5-4 road game. other doubles win, but the team was ror has fared pretty well, especially consid- an early lead. Desrosiers continued her solid Lyter took the first set of her match 6-4, but outmatched by the depth of the opposition. ering that this is their first season in exist- play from the number position by dominat- lost the second set 2-6. Tn the critical third It has been a long season for the women's ence. Their last tournament was at Juniata ing her opponent in straight sets 6-0, 6-1. set, Lyter dominated and swept her opponent tennis team, but the future looks bright for College on February 25th. The squad played Lyter was also very impressive as well as 6-0 to win a pivotal match in the contest. the team. WMC freshman Jill King and -well in this tournament, securing a 13-7 vic- she won in straight sets 6-1, 6-2. A critical Maxcy also had a tough match, but she also Katie Kalbaugh learned on the job this sea- tory over UMBC. According to freshman match in the game was in the number three outlasted her opponent 6-3,4-6, 6-2. son and while they weren't very successful studio art major Josh Startt and Ultimate position as Maxcy lost a tough first set to A historical moment for Green Terror in the win column, they gained lois of expe- Frisbee team member, "We have had a pretty the opposition 7-6, but she fought back to women's tennis occurred during a. contest rience that could serve them well in the fu- good first season. We hope to be more com- win the next two sets 7-6, 6-3. From there, against Dickinson College on April 18. In ture. petitive next season and go to sectionals." Desrosiers-Lyter and Maxey- Connelly front of the home fans, senior Alethea Sophomore Physics major and captain of teamed up to win two critical double matches Desrosiers set a school record with her 41 th the team Ted Stephan is "very happy with and lead the team to a 6-3 victory. The win and 42th victories of career. The old mark Men's Tennis the progress everyone has made." He went ended the team's five game losing streak and "stood at 4-1 wins, and it was a special mo- further to say that people like himself, who raised the team's record to 2-5, 1-4. ment for the Cape May, N.J. product. "I was have been playing for a long time have Coming off their first conference win, the really excited, it was my goal for the sea- trying to learned a great deal as well. team looked to keep it going against non- son," said Derosters. When number one As a group, Stephan feels that "we're t, conf!rre{iceopponentGoucher·College .•The- .player Lara Henderson graduated last year,· gaining a firm grasp of the fundamentals." Green Terror got off 10 a goo"d start with vic- Derosiers'stepped into the number one spot make, do, not ====:::±======="===-='=--========= Just as with any sports there are a many de- their three positions of and has been undefeated in singtes'competi- tails of the game that many people winning a usually notice. . Stephan is highly optimistic for the fu- ture of the team because the.roster is com- prised of only one senior and the remainder habit of the team members are mostly freshmen . . -- .'.; and sophomores. MICIIAEL JENKfNSON The' age.of the team is a positive be it SlojfWriler "allows the team to gel," he added. The term "rebuilding year" is often the For anyone interested in trying Ultimate butt of jokes for a team performing poorly. Frisbee, newcomers are welcome when the It's often something a coach or another team team has informal open games on Wednes- official will say to explain a team's disap- -- day nights at 9PM in PELC and also at 2 pointing results. However, the old cliche is PM on Sunday afternoons. actually valid, for the men's tennis team so far this season. This was a team that was getting close 10 Phoenix not having a program any longer. It was only a year ago that flyers were distributed on the walls of Gill Center asking members of the Sports campus community nothing really wrong with to come out for the ten- nis team. There's a walk on, but when a coaching staff starts Trivia asking random members of the community a to come out to help the team, it's probably sinking ship. Coleman Head coach Michael Now that Barry turn things around this season. has helped The team picked up their first conference win since Bonds has 1997 when they defeated Ursinus a few weeks back. The team also picked up a win broken the 500 over York College that same week. for the to beoptimistic There are reasons team's future. Young players like Scott homeruns mark, Mahoney and Jerry Saba could be the core - of a foundation that could turn WMC tennis who is the next back into a winner. 2nd singles and first doubles Another star of the fu- ture sophomore is happy about closest active David Johnson, He said, "We're the team's performance. definitely getting better." player to 500 ference Championships the only dates Con- With one match and the Centennial left, HRs? the men's tennis team is close to reaching the end of their season. Their record stands at only 2-8, but hope- Jose Canseco w/446 fully the team can make a splash at the con- ference tournament. Perhaps winning a few (He is currently working on a matches at the tournament will garner some minor league contract) respect for the future of Green Terror Ten-
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