Page 155 - Phoenix2000-01
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NEWS Thursday, May 10,2001 - Page 3 MC news in brief: Campus Safety Blotter The following events were re- Toyota Corolla parked in way of Rouzer Hall. ported by the Department of Whiteford lane behind Whiteford 4122/01 at 5:00 a.m. a student wa Earlier this semester many Greek organizations were not pleased Campus Safety: Hall. playing loud music in P.A. Avenu ith Residence Life decisions about Greek housing (or the follow ear. 4/22/01 at 1:20 a.m. a student was House 139. 4/16/01 at5:16p.m. two students carrying alcohol in 'a dry donn in 4122101 at J :34 p.m. a student wa Both the Phi Delta Theta and Bachelor fraternities appealed the were harassing a third student. for Whiteford. having a very large party with har esidence Life decision made earlier this semester. Neither of the ppeals were granted. liquor in P.A. House 139. The Gamma Beta Chi fraternity was not given housing and did not 4127/0 I at II:25 p.m. an underag ppeal the decision made by Residence Life. student was drinking beer in the Al All three of these organizations went through the room selection pha Nu Omega clubroom i recess. Their members picked rooms individually throughout the Blanche. nrire campus. -c-Source: Amanda Rose, Residence Life Coordinator case of beer in the derage student was drinkin building. in the Omega clubroom i~ 4/2110 I at [2:05 Blanche. The Lewis Hall renovations- a.m. two under- 4128/01 at II p.m. a stu age students were dent tore down papers The $250,000 gifl from the Helen Pumphrey Deni', Charitable Trust in possession of al- 0 s being used as general support to help meet the $7 million COSI of cohol in a dry dorm, RA bulletin board i e Lewis Project. The Lewis buildings should be completed by this summer in time or classes next fall. Fundraising efforts are actively underway with proposals being 4/29/01 at J :39 a.m. Maliciou presented 10 alumni, local businesses, and charitable foundations. lt Document of Property- someon s anticipated that WMC will meet fundraising goals by the project's 4/22/01 at 2:10a.m. students were on fire i nd. having a large party with hard li- set the bulletin board =-Source: Steve Krahling-Haddad, director of corporate and foun- quor in Pennsylvania Avenue Blanche. arion relations 4/29/0 I at 2:31 a.m. responding t House 139. a noise complaint from a neighbor New dorm status- calls in Whiteford. prank telephone 4/22/0 I at 2:45 a.m. four students ing room found small party in th was receiving Duringinauguration weekend, WMC trustees, committees, and stu- 4/21/01 at 10p.m. an anonymous involved parked in the damaging rear of three of hallway, including skate boarding cars in Blanche. in the lot ents met with President Joan Coley to continue discussing the need call reported two white males in Whiteford. 4/29/01 at 3:21 a.m. a student w 'or new student living space. a black Jeep Wrangler striking 412210[ at 3:02 a.m. a student was carrying alcohol in a bag int The trustees agreed that there was evident need for a new building, the driver-side mirror of a white lighting off fireworks in the hall- Rouzer Hall. r a series of buildings for the "mini vilJage" idea voted on earlier this Dillman retires after 20 years at WMC Raising the funds for the plans will begin soon, said the trustees. The site chosen is the area near (he water tower and current ennsylvacnla Avenue houses. added statistics, communication Source: Dean Phillip Sayre research methods, and a research seminar, which are all required compiledby staff writer Jackie Leazer and IU'WS editor Staci L classes. and personally! ,. eorge "Feedback from profes- - Robert Lemieux • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• sors at other Common Ground on the Hill : college, tells July 1-14 • us that we have one of the best Call extension 771 for more • small college • communica- information. • lion programs come to WMC major- • in the country, ing in something else, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• and feedback or who were "unde- Summertime on the Hill is just around from our cided" and did not the corner graduates tells even know what "com- rnunication" was, said us that we are continued from page 1 doing a good Dillman. job of prepar- Today, says tension 771. research is all about," he said. ing them for Laptop in hand, Rick Dillman Dillman, 75% of com Richard Smith, professor and Julia Richardson, a sophomore 'life after slays connected to his WMC life. munication graduates chair of the chemistry department, chemistry major, is one student who college," says Dillman. come in with that as their intended feels that Common Ground is a will be working on the research Though Dillman teaches com- major. great experience for students. team this summer. puter courses, he confesses he is Dillman further believes "that He will be teaching an offshoot Richardson said that, "Although not very inter- the study of communication is fun- of his first-year seminar course this will be my first experience ested in themselves. damental to the social "Science of Wood". working on campus this summer or The four-day course is being of- being involved in an assignment this year for the fifth annual train- Finally, Guidance Day for feredduring the second week of the such as this one, I am really look- ing camp opening July 24 and run- WMC First- Year Students will be festival and will be composed of ing forward to it. I think it's an op- ning until August 16th. held on July 14 where students will pre-twentieth century woodwork- portunity that more students here Fans are invited to visit the have the opportunity to get ac- ing techniques. should take advantage of." Ravens practice site, primarily held quainted with the campus and the Additionally, Marilyn Smith, Additionally, WM:C's Theatre at Blair Stadium to watch them get ahead of them. chemistry professor, will be work- will be continuing their productions started on their 2001 NFL season college experience dean of the first- Barb Horneff, ing with Richard and four students over the summer. Ira Domser, pro- and an autograph session will be year program, fe~ls that this is a on researching the development of fessor of theatre arts and producer, held following most practices. The "bittersweetvtime of year. "Letting a new anti-AIDS drug. Marilyn re- will lead the professional summer camp will also feature Fan Zone, a go of seniors and my first year stu- ceived the grant, and the research company with three main produc- chance to kick field goals, maneu- dents is difficult, but I always look students will be paid for their work tions. The company has also added ver an obstacle course, catch punts, forward to bringing in the new under her grant. a new show just for kids. and hit wide receivers with touch- group of students too," she said. Richard Smith feels that a re- The upcoming shows include: down passes. Horneff added that, "Although I search assignment during the sum- The Mousetrap, Kiss of the Spider WMC will also be hosting miss students during the summer, mer is a great experience. Woman, Snow White, and Stuart many athletic camps and programs I look forward to the chance to "Research is an opportunity for stu- Little. this summer ranging from lacrosse bring in new people and faces to dents to become a colleague. We Furthermore, WMC will be and footbalJ, to wrestling and WMC.'· work and learn together. It's what hosting the Baltimore Ravens again cheerleading . .:",.' ",0',_
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