Page 148 - Phoenix2000-01
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Thursday, April 26, 2001 - Page 12 FEATURES -~sk Kitty for help and advice CATHY Pl':Nl>ORF both may feel very pressured and awkwar SluffWriler and it may be even harder for you to talk t ally, dinner will be served in the Quad rather There is 110 quick answer to any prob- him. than Glar. em, but sometimes a quest jon, problem, or But it's your decision, there's the chane Nothing says "spring" like April snow Highlights of this year's festivities in- uuation might come up where you just have that you two will hit it off right away, an showers. Nevertheless, Monday, April 23 elude several concerts, a karaoke night, a o idea what to do. Write tI tetter; send it to have loads of fun. saw the official arrival of spring with the juggling comedian. Human Bowling, Cow- itty box 979 and maybe she con help YOII kick-off of CAP Board's annual Spring Fling chip bingo, and a party in the Forum. ut. Maybe not professional counseling, but Dear Kitty, celebration. According to CAPBoard President Car- iertainly a new way to look at yow prob- My friend and I have been friends for This year's week-long event, which rie Newman, the entire event cost approxi- ems, and completely anonymous! long time. The other day we shared a mo started Tuesday night with a concert head- mately $6000, which she says is about nor- ment. I can't really describe this rnomen lined by Matchbox 20 and featuring mal for Spring Fling. 'I-shirts for the event pear Kitty, exactly, but it was surprising and very posi Everclear and Lifehouse at the Baltimore went on sale Monday and feature the elabo- Ireally, really like this guy Idon't know tive, at least for me. The problem is w Convention Center, culminates in Saturday's rate sun design found on the informational 00 well. In fact, I've liked him since fresh- haven't talked about it at all and I don't know Spring Fling Day. posters across campus. In addition 10 the man year. The problem is every lime I see what that means. I know this sounds ver This carnival-like affair on the Quad fea- shirts, which run less than ten dollars, many What do you think? ............................................ im or go near him I freeze up, fearing that vague. but it's kinda important the situario tures food, free activities, a variety of booths organizations wilt be selling or giving away e won't like me. Ireally want togo out with remains that way and I'm really just lookin set up by more than a dozen campus organi- a variety of items on Saturday. The events im and I can't wait any longer! Should I for generaJ advice. zations. and an outdoor concert. Addition- and activities, however, are free. ust call him and ask him out or warm up to -Confused _ im first and be friends'? Schedule of CAPBoard Events Loads In Love Dear Confused, Thursday, April 26 You're right, that is vague, but this situa pear Loads In Love, tion obviously means a lot to you. r don' Karaoke Night from 7~11 p.m. in the Pub. You might feel better if you take the know what the dynamics of the relationshi Friday, April 27 lunge and ask him out, but if he says no, are exactly, but you say you two have bee Forum Party and Concert: Top 40s cover band Bigger Better ~en it may leave you feeling very bad, and friends for a long time and it sounds like thi Faster More, free food and drink from 9-midnight. ~e reason he said no may only be because "moment" may have changed something, a he doesn't know you that well. I would sug- least for you. Saturday, April 28: Spring Fling Day est thai you "warm up to him first" and get You seem to want to talk to your friend Events begin at 3 p.m. and end at 7:30 p.m. in the Quad. o know him. but are worried about the response you rna Activities: Human Bowling, Bungee Challenge, Human Gyro, Then if you still like him, because there receive. You say you are looking for genera s a good chance that once you get to know advice, but Ithink you know what you wan Wax Hands, organizational booths, Cow-chip Bingo, and dinner. im he will be nothing like you expect, it to do. You really don't need my commene Concert: 80s cover band: Reagan Years and Funk Rockers ill be a lot easier to ask him out and know or approval, you know the situation bette Betty in Black f you two will get along or not. Besides. if then Ido. Do what you know is best for you . . e did say yes and you went out, then you and good luck. Note: if it rains, events held in the Quad will be moved to the Forum Annual JSU Seder full of lessons and traditions for all MATTHEW MCGOWAN ful experience, and everyone put in a lot of of a watering down of that which they vite friends of the family, regardless of their StaffWritt!r effort and time on this. Especially the JSV brought over from Europe. faith." and its co-sponsors deserve a lot of credit." Glar may have seemed a bit empty on There was celebration, though, in the Therefore the mix of faiths at this event Tuesday, April 10,2001 and the reason was Several on-campus organizations co- strength of the Jewish faith despite thousands was not altogether unusual, while providing found in the Forum, where the Jewish Stu- sponsored the meal along with JSU, includ- of years of oppression and opposition. There exposure for, as Cline noted, "a lot of people dent Union celebrated a Passover Seder. ing the Asian Community Coalition, the was hope, for a future in which Jews con- to a tradition that many wouldn't have known _ Over a hundred people including JSU Black Student Union. CAP Board, the His- tinue in their strength of faith and in which too much about. .. we're a campus made up members with their parents, and almost three panic Latino Alliance. the Multicultural Stu- Elijah will finaJly return, heralding the Sav- of mostly Christians so it's great that so many times as many students from other religious dent Association and six fraternal organiza- ior promised to the Hebrews so many years people came out to learn about something backgrounds attended the event. tions. ago. new." The Seder is an annual event for lSU, ''There were so many people and the And there was gratitude, in the form of To this end, theJSU and the meal's leader which this year took off, in terms of atten- gathering itself was very diverse," com- thanks given to God for family, for faith, for made certain to explain to all participants the dance, due to co-sponsorships by several fra- mented Cline, a Methodist, after the event. deliverance from Egypt, and for the good reasons behind parts of the event, especially ternities and sororities - particularly Gamma There were also threads of celebration, fortune which made theJSU Seder possible. the symbolism in the foods eaten fromthe Sigma Sigma, the sorority to which JSU hope and gratitude running throughout the The "Haggadah" used at the JSU Seder Seder plate at the center of each table. president Amanda Cline belongs - which meal, which followed very closely the ritual was designed about 20 years ago by Rabbi These represented sacrifice, freedom so pledged support in several ways, including laid out in the "Haggaddah," the book which Kleiner, who remarked that, "in the next two hastily given that bread was not allowed to bodies, according to Cline. guides families through their Seders, provid- years, we'll be updating it to bring the book rise (hence, matzah), and the bitterness of For all, the ritualized meal, which was ing the traditional Hebrew prayers with both into a more modem context." long slavery mingled with the sweetness of in English. and translations led by Rabbi Gilbert Kleiner, father of stu- pronunciations gathering,' as Rabbi Kleiner "Different congregations of Jews use dif- Exodus therefrom. The 'family dent Alison Kleiner, served, as was intended, ferent versions, depending on their branch After the meal was finished, grace was a dual purpose - "a reminder about all the put it, is Passover. "Passover, unlike the High of the faith and local factors," added Rabbi said from the "Haggadah" and the most Jewish Holy Days, is a family celebration Kleiner. The one written tor use by his Syna- Jews as a people have been through," as told widely-known portion of the Seder com- which is not, unlike other observances, held gogue, he said, was "a little abridged from _by Cline, and as a coming together of stu- menced. in the Synagogue. Passover is to be cel- the Orthodox." _"dents and their families, just as any Seder The blessing after the dinner included the ebrated wherever you are, and you can find After about forty minutes, during which might bring people together in a family at- Cup of Miriam, a relatively new custom cel- a Seder to attend." participants worked their way through the mosphere. ebrating the sister of Moses who saved him Remembrance ran heavily through the lighting of the candles, the first two cups of Rabbi Kleiner noted at the outset that, as an .infant and later became a prophetess' "this Seder is no different than one I would prayers of the ritual, which called upon wine (replaced at this particular Seder with and leader. have in my home. The head table here is a memories of the Exodus from Egypt, and grape juice), the washing of the hands, the Then the Cup of Elijah celebrated the bit lower, but that's the major difference." more recently on the Holocaust. breaking ofthe middle matzah and the read- great prophet of Israel, with the traditional "What we must remember," read a par- ing of many prayers by students and faculty The meal was hosted by just over half a opening of the door for his return. dozen staff from Sodexho Marriott, at 22 ticipant, "is perseverance in the face of bond- scattered around the room, the first course The experience of the Seder, which ended age, the preservation of our traditions." of the meal was served - the gefilte fish. _ ",..formally-set, immaculately prepared tables after about two hours of warm conversation The JSU event, and indeed the Seder as The food was prepared by JSU students taking up over two thirds of the room. and solemn remembrance, was one of pon- a Jewish custom, served to remind partici- and their parents. Three posters around the room welcomed dering, thanksgiving, and diversity. all to the Seder, explained the ritual contents pants of the heritage of one of the world's The four courses, punctuated with This last, commented Cline, speaks to the of the Seder plate and listed the ten plagues minorities. prayers, consisted of the fish, followed by intentions of those in attendance and the which led to the freeing of the Hebrew slaves The story of "the Four Sons," a parable matzoh ball soup, then the main course of mood they helped to set. "I thought the at- in Exodus from Egypt. about a family in which each son is a bit more chicken, broccoli and a baked potato, and mosphere was very cool. Lots of people from Rabbi Kleiner, whose leading of the meal removed from the traditions of his father finally ending with a small chocolate des- all kinds of backgrounds helping to celebrate was punctuated by a generous amount of wit until the fourth knows nothing of his heri- sert. in a religious tradition that not everyone there balanced with solemnity at the right mo- tage, was related by Rabbi Kleiner to the Even those who are not Jewish, insisted shared, speaks volumes to the kind of warm of Jews who have four generations ments, began by thanking those who had roughly in America, and the risk run by these Rabbi Kleiner, are always welcome at the and accepting atmosphere that was created." settled made the event possible, "this is a wonder- Seder as it is "customary and natural to in- For photos, see page 10.
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