Page 152 - Phoenix2000-01
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CfII}.R.SI1ons TIJ,•.Jr Volume xxm Number 5 Baseball falls below .500 in the Centennial Conference GRIOC LEDERER AssisllIl!fSpor/sEdilf)r as they could only muster three hits Hard times have hit the West- on the afternoon, while the oppo- em Maryland College Men's Base- sition used power hitting to take a ball team as the team has slipped 7-1 victory. WMC scored their below .500 in the Conference. lone run in the ninth inning when On April 8, WMC hosted tough sophomore catcher Bobby Laffey conference rival Gettysburg at Gill hit a double and senior first Field. It was a long day for the basemen Kacy Jenkins singled to Green Terror as the opposition left field. hammered WMC freshman pitcher It was Jenkins 13th RBI of the David Skoczlas for four and five year, which is tied for the learn lead runs in the first two innings respec- in the category. Senior pitcher Ban tively and continued their hot hit- Elbaz took the loss and his record ting to a 17-6 Terror loss. Sopho- on the season fell to 4-2. The loss more first basemen Todd Huber was the team's third in a row and had a great day at the plate with a dropped their record to 9-8-1, 4-5 three-run home run and also scored in the conference. ateher Bob Laffey applies the lag 10 Ihe Franklin and Marshall base runner sliding on a play at the plate. a run-on the day for the Green Ter- The team looked to avenge their ror. loss to Johns Hopkins in the Green Terror responded in the sev- take a 2-1 lead. team received a huge pitching per- Looking to rebound, WMC rematch road game. In a tightly enth inning when junior outfielder WMC held on in the bottom of formance from sophomores Jeft.. played another fierce conference played contest, the game was a Jeremy Merrell hit his first home the 9th to beat a tough Johns Starcher, Justin Raynor and senior rival, Johns Hopkins, on April J 4th. pitcher's duel as both teams found run of the season to tie the score at Hopkins team. Jenkins's had a big Drew Hershner who yielded a to- From the start, the Green Terror runs hard to come by. I-I. The two remained tied up un- game with three hits in addition to tal four hits to the OPPOSition_;.---"r found hits hard to come by against Johns Hopkins struck first in the til the top of the ninth inning when the game winning shot to lead the Coming off their big, win, the the strong Blue pitching staff second inning with a run, but the Jenkins hit a clutch home run to Green Terror offense, while the Baseball Continued PC 13 Track optimistic about bids to Division III Championships Thayer won the men's 5000 with a haven't had very good weather," he StaffWriler time of 16:58.2. said (The Twilight meet on April The Western Maryland Spring On April 14, the team traveled I I was canceled due to bad Track and Field Team has contin- to Lewisburg, PA for the Bucknell weather). "Not every meet has been ued its record-setting season, and Invitational, where the Terror had conducive to good performances. they show no signs of letting up two athletes place first. Jill Krebs Overall, we're sitting with three anytime soon. finished first in the 5000 meters end sets of provisional qualifiers, and At the Twilight Meet on April set a school record with a time of that's good for this point in the sea- 18, the men's and women's teams 18:06.43. On the men's side, son each finished in first place for the Ifeanyi Ani won the long jump with One of those hoping to add to third time this season. It was the a leap of 46' 10 3/4", which also the number of qualifiers is senior women's fourth overall first place met the requirements for (he pro- decathlete Jeff Groff, who made finish. visional qualifier. big news on April 13 with his per- The Terror set five meet The previous week, the Terror formance at the Millersville Ma- records, bringing their total to 12 rauder Decathlon in Millersville, meet records set in the Twilight HIfeel that by the PA. Groff's 5,9 I4 points set school Series. In addition, the Terror have end of the season we and conference records, and he fin- set seven school records this sea- ished fourth overall in the compe- son. Among the meet records es- should have seven tition, which included athletes from tablished on April 18 were: Jamie women and six or all three NCAA divisions. Falcone's 12. I in the l00-meter Coach Renner is optimistic dash, Diana Pool's 4:58.4 in the seven guys qualify about his team's chances for. the 1500 meters, Melissa Merson's rest of (he season. "I feel that by time of 15.9 in the 100-meter for nationals. " the end of the season, we should hurdles, the women's 4x400-meter have seven women and six or seven relay team's time of 4: I5. I, and -Coach Renner guys qualify for nationals," Renner lfeanyi Ani's leap of 20'8 1/2" in took part in the Lebanon Valley said. the long jump. On the men's side, Invitational and was agai n success- Next week is a big week, and the 4xlOO-meler relay team took ful, with the women finishing first it's going to be really competitive." first with 46.6, Tyler Wright won Freshman dejcnsemon Josh Hanlon #/7. a Council Rock High School and the men coming in second. The Terror will travel to the Penn product eludes a Haverford defender: Read about recent Men'.I· Lacrosse the men's 400-meters with a time _ Overall, WMC Truck Coach Relays on April 26, and will be action on page 15. The squad is currently in second place in the of 51.4, Sam Gordon's 67.0 won Doug Renner has been satisfied home for the Terror Track classic Centennial Conference with II record of 3-/, and 7-3 overall. the 400 meter hurdles, and Jimmy with his team's performance. "We on April 28.
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