Page 151 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 151
S Men's headed to has high Conference playoffs playoff • MICHAEL Sra!fWrirer round game will feature with The The Ter- JENKINSON match ror in a repeat The Green Terror men 's la- Washington Shareman. The Ter- hopes crosse team has won two crucial ror defeated the Sharemen earlier this year in a battle that some would in as many weeks .. The lat- games est victory was a 10-6 win over The consider worthy of "instant classic"! CRAIG JOHNSON Franklin and Marshall Diplomats, replayon the sports cable network AssistamSports Ednar while the previous week the team . ESPN Classic. One need only look at the num- defeated Haverford 2l-.l2. The The other first round game fea- bers recorded by the ·WMC conference win over F&M put the . tures Gettysburg and F&M. Tn the women's softball team this year to team's record to 8-3, and 4-1· in the . event, that both The Terror and realize just how special the 200l conference, while guaranteeing the Gettysburg are victorious, and that campaign has been. A 25-3 record, Terror the two seed in the confer- . is certainly no guarantee, then including a perfect 14-0 in confer- ence playoff this weekend. WMC" would get the big rematch ence. 'A school record IS-game The F&M game saw junior at- with Gettysburg they are craving. winning streak. [I shutout victo- tack Tom Brown net five goals and Junior Defenseman Jason Wiles ries. The list goes on and on. pass out one assist while freshman thinks the result would be differ- And it doesn't appear the Ter- Jeremy Freed added two goals. ent this time around. "We can beat ror will be stopping any.rime soon. The game was a battle for most them if we playa complete game, Recently, they have swept double- of the first half. The Terror took and not just one quarter. if we all headers from conference oppo- over in the second half and domi- play the entire game, they can't nents Muhlenberg, Dickinson, nated their way to the victory. hang, with us. Haverford, Ursin us, and Washing- The Haverford demolition fea- If the Terror win the conference ton. tured an offensive, explosion from playoffs they would head to the Against Muhlenberg, Samantha Brown. He scored 6 goals and NCAA playoffs with an automatic Abrams played a significant role in added 4 assists to give him ten bid. It would mark the first NCAA both victories. In the first game,. points on the day. Sophomore at- Lacrosse playoff appearance in the three early WMC runs proved to be tack Joe Ellis contributed 4 goals school's history. enough as Abrams fired a one-hit- and 4 assists, and senior attack and ter. She didn't allow a Muhlenberg all-American Brett Sweeny added lew: hit until Elizabeth Kostelnick 3 goals and 3 assists. singled in the top of the seventh. The two victories give The Ter- The victory marked Abrams's six- ror momentum heading that start on unexpected moves in sports into the teenth win in .19 decisions for the conference playoffs year. friday at Gettysburg. The first- leff Grever looks at the moves made by the wrong decision in choosing baseman Doug Mientkiewicz? he Wrestling Corner Chargers, lchiro Suzuki, weinke. It seems that nobody FSU Well he is hitting .373 with 10 runs, as though and the surging Twins 3 homers, has a reputation And he is can and 13 RBI's. look past. Heupel was obviously a not the only player that is tearing it San Diego on Draft Day better quarterback. last year, yet up. What about designated hitter Good move San Diego. That is Weinke received all the hype and David Ortiz who is hitting .365 dertaker, Mick Foley and The Bi something you might not expect was drafted in the fourth round by with [2 runs, 4 homers, and 13 Show. someone to say when they passed the Panthers despite the fact that he RBI's? Had enough yet? Other wrestlers haven', used Ih on the most hyped player in the is 28 years old coming out of col- , There is always third baseman belt to their advantage as effec draft, Michael Vick. When Vick lege. Corey Koskie who is has hit 14 Much controversy has SUf- tively. The careers of Billy Gun wanted too much money, he be- runs, 3 homers, and 14 RBI's, or' ounded the WWF's lntercoruinen- and D'Lo Brown went completel came too much of a risk for Sail Japanese player making all im- shortstop Christian Guzman, .318, al Title recently. Over the past down hill at the same time they los Diego because they were having pact 13 runs, 3 homers, 6 RBI's. Not to hree weeks, the title has moved the belt. Dean Douglas. Mal Ryan Leaf flashbacks. !chiro Suzuki, the Seattle Marl- mention the catcher, A.J. rom Chris Jericho, to Triple H, to Mero, The Godfather, and Th So whar did they get out of thc ners new right fielder, has the stron- Pierzynski, is hitting .324 and has eff Hardy, and back to Triple H_ Road Doggare all one time J trade with Atlanta? ~~~~~~~~ gest arm in baseball. If scored 6 runs. With all of the discussion of the champs that most wrestling fan. They got a great /- -. you don't believe me, But a team cannot last without C belt. I found myself remintsc- would like to forget ever held th running back in (~/~~Ito'~' catch the highlight good pitching, right? WeI! the ng about its history, what it means title, as their connection with th Lad ani a n ~ "j. reels from a few of the Twins have a pretty good answer ow to [he WWF, and the belt's title brings it's prestige down sig Tomlinson from ~'i1 '\~·l_>.&f Mariners' games. He uture. mficantly. Texas Christian and ) I "f threw out Terrence for that as well. Minnesota's ace The Ie championship, since its The Honky Tonk. Man of tel Drew Brees from }I r-C: I Long, one of the fast- Brad Radke is 4-0 with a 2.23 ERA onception in 1979, has served as claims that he is the greatest I Purdue. Since the! est runners on Joe Mays has a 2-1 record and an of 2.86, Eric Milton ERA is 3-0 secondary belt 10 the WWF cham- champ of all time. Chargers signed leffGrever :Oakland's roster, on a ionsbip. He can make a valid argumen Doug Flutic to be a slow ground ball to with a 3.12 ERA, and Mark is I-I with a 3.86 ERA. Redman lt usually defines who is the considering he held the title for th mentor for a young quarterback, I right field when he was trying to ring of the mid-carders. It repre- longest period of time, over I think San Diego is looking more go from first to third. How is that for a starting rotation? has finally' finished Minnesota cnts someone who isn't quite months. promising than they have since the Ichirois also one of baseball's rebuilding, and now they are enjoy- eady to be WWF World Cham- Others argue that the greatness mid 90s top hillers right now with a batting ing quite an impressive first month ion, yet is deserving of wearing a of a champion is not how long yo Vick is a great athlete, and he average of .371. He has made an of the season. hampionship belt of some kind held it. but how many times yet may become one of the greatest immediate impact in Seattle's sea- If the Twins can keep up this ound their waist. won the belt. players in the NFL someday, but he son so far, and he looks to be a good pace, or even a small fraction of it, Often, wrestlers have used the If this is the measure of th is so young and inexperienced that early candidate for Rookie of the for contenders C belt as a stepping stone to the greatest IC champ. then the hono it seems San Diego wanted more Year, and who knows maybe they will be serious and the World Se- the AL Pennant WF title. Randy Savage, The goes to Jeff Jarret. for their money, American League MVP. Ichiro is ltimate warrior, Bret Hart, Shawn He held the belt five times One player that seems to be the real deal when it comes to talk- ries. Probably never thought you ichaels, Diesel. Triple H. Steve Chris Jericho and Triple H hav overlooked every time the draft ing about the best outfielders in the ustin. The Rock, and Kurt Angle each held it four times. analysts begin to talk is quarterback 'game, at least so far this season would hear those words again af- ave all gone from Ie champ to When researching the past. Josh Heupel. Heupel was picked anyway. ter their 1991 World Series victory over the Braves, F World Champion. The trend also 100k to the future, What orhe in the sixth round by Miami after This team has gone through n recent history seems to indicate stars might be getting The IC bel going undefeated and winning a Baseball's biggest surprise lot of changes slnce the days of a hat you need to be an IC champ soon? national championship with Okla- The Minnesota Twins. Where efore you can contend for the The WWF has teased us wit homa last season. He proved to be did these guys come from? Their Jack Morris, Kirby Puckett. and arid Title. the possibility of Test being I much better than FSU quarterback recoid is 13-3 and they have some Danny Gladden. But even if you The only world title holders in champ before. I wouldn't be sur Chris Weinke in the championship of the hottest players in baseball still aren't convinced, you might he past four years who didn't win prised if this happens sometim game, and made all of the Heisman right now. want to pick up some of these guys in ..just fantasy league for your he IC belt first are Kane, The Un- soon. voters look like they made the Have you ever heard of first
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