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NEWS Thursday, May 10, 2001 - Page 5 President's house receives an upgrade and renovations JACKIE LEAZER for public use. changes of the house. rior. the area of the President's house, Staff Writer "It really hasn't been a problem The architect, Robert Dean "Basically IIOld [the designer] Lewis Hall of Science and While the President's House not having the use of the Camlin & Assoc. was chosen "in to lighten it up because all of the McDaniel House are alltemporary, may not look different on the out- President's house for functions be- order to maintain the architectural furniture and rugs were so dark," soon to be replaced by the patterned side, don't judge 'the book by its cause, fortunately, we Coley said, though she did brick walkways that line the rest of cover--it received a literal have so many other ar- try to keep the furniture that campus. makeover on the inside.and is now eas on campus that can was still in good condition. "The brick walkways of cam- ready for WMC new president. be used for dinners and Also, while trying to pus stop out front of McDaniel Joan Coley. so forth," said Susan make sure there was plenty Hall," Seidel said. Construction by the Patrick Cullison, executive of seating, Coley asked 'the "We've waited in completing Construction Company began on secretary of the designer to keep the house as the walkway system because of the the president's house in the second President's office uncluttered as possible, un- heavy trucks constantly going in week of January and is just about "We now bring in like the previous design. and out with the renovating of wrapped up now. many more people The interior is finished but [Lewis Hall of Science]," he said. A few unexpected discoveries from the outside. in the midst of the outside construction Once were made as builders came across These are often people construction, President ence building is closer for the sci- to comple- rotting boards in the bathrooms and who have visited other Coley is trying to adjust to tion, the whole area will be re- basic deterioration in the structure campuses," President her new home like any- of the back porch, which is the only Coley emphasized. else. graded to level out the uneven ar- eas of the ground the con- from thing left to be finished in the reno- "Frankly, the house did II. "I miss my little house struction. vation project. not show us to our best Outside. one sees the facelifs the house has received. where I've lived for 20 When the walkways and re- "We decided to completely re- advantage." Somewhere inside. President Coley and her cats relax. years, but I very much be- place [the porch]," Ethan Seidel, Which is why in addition to the integrity of the house," said Seidel, Iieve that at a college like this a grading are finished, the garage will be accessible. vice-president of administration general maintenance of the exte- who is also a faculty/staff represen- president should have a presence The only other plans after that and finance said. rior, the college also decided to tative on the committee, on the campus," Coley reflected. are to eventually replace the roof Due to the porch's old age, res- make some other changes, Furthermore, Seidel com- She moved in her personal be- shingles, though this is not an emer- toration would have been.difficult. First, handicapped accessibility mented that the committee did not longings during spring break in gency. In fact according to President was a required addition as well as have to discuss plans for the house March but basically her and her Coley, some of the painting and the installation of a second bath- renovation project at length. cats are only living in two rooms. exact When the garage was built, an match with the old shingles papering of the house were Ieyeers room, on the first floor, "Because of the simplicity of She still searches for things in of the house could not be found so old and had barely been attended According to Seidel with the the plans and the fact that all the boxes that she has not had time according to Seidel, for aesthetic to in that time. amount of entertaining that is done changes were dictated by neces- to unpack. purposes, the new shingling will "Soon the house will be struc- in the President's house these two sity," Seidel said, noting that the In fact, she does not plan on be worked into the gen- turally strong and present WMC's changes where the most important. committee spent their time mainly having enough time to completely probably. maintenance plans for the eral best face to the outside world," Also a garage was added which discussing new residence halls. settle in until after commencement house. President Coley said. replaced an inadequate carport, The interior decoration of the at the end of May. By the end of summer and the The purpose of the president's though it won't be accessible by first floor has also changed, Prest- "The house certainly doesn't beginning of the new school year house is two-fold. The first floor President Coley until mid-summer. dent Coley said. feel like mine yet," she said due to the construction equipment used in is for the public and meant to host The entire project stayed very The college hired Susan the disorder of any move, "I'm try- .;therenovation project will be-gene, guests to the college, while the sec- close to the original budget set by Underwood-Leahy Interior Design ing to relax amid semi-chaos." the area regraded, and walkway ond !l0QI" is President Coley's ac- the Buildings and Grounds Com- to bring the first floor image more Not much more has to be fin- system complete. tualliving quarters. miuee. The committee, which con- up to date. ished on the house itself, after the ''The President's house is truly Offices on campus use the sists of trustees, as well as faculty, . Though she did not have a say porch is completed but construe- president's house as a place to hold staff, and student representation, on the architectural changes, Presi- lion will continue into the summer a showcase and will do the college are hosted proud as future functions functions while welcoming visitors meets every two months. dent Coley helped pick out the new as a separate project begins. there," Cullison emphasized. to the campus, though the first floor The group decided to hire an ar- colors and wallpaper for the' inte- The black asphalt walkways in has been unavailable all semester chitect to design the physical Several special seniors honored STACI L. GF..ORGH and alumni have been Spring: a time for News EditQr I will miss my friends, and invited. This is the time of the year when of t~![~w~~~:;n~:cr~ handing out awards a student's year-long hard work and seeing everyone around dedication is brought to the auen- campus. It was a great year. will receive their cer- . tion of the student body, faculty and ~~~::~~~~~~~g~~~~ Colleges and dents MIKE JENKINSON in American administration. I don't want to leave. StaffWriler Universities, Omicron Delta One such award ceremony, the been dedicated to dur- The Senior Investiture and Kappa CODK), Trumpeters, and Multicultural Leaders Banquet - Nadja Werner ing the year. Honors Convocation is a celebra- the Honors Program. which ~ill be held on Friday, May Each senior is tion to honor graduating seniors The weekend before, the Un- II, will honor 31 senior leaders of the seniors weren't being asked to leave behind a small me- with academic and leadership dergraduate Awards Ceremony who have volunteered their time awarded at the Senior investiture mento to the college in order "to awards. The ceremony, which took place in McDaniel Lounge. as college community leader, said and Honors Convocation because see [and preserve] the personality took place last Sunday in Baker New members of Trumpeters and Mary Grace Almandrez, director of the college may not have realized of the senior after they have left Memorial Chapel, saw more then ODK were announced. Th~ Multicultural Services. their dedication," said Almandrez. WMC," said Almandrez. 25 seniors win awards for aca- Trumpeters of the class of 2002 "It's a nice idea that they do it ''This is a way to thank not only A certificate is nice, but "Dedi- demic performance and saw more Adams, Claire Kate to recognize people. It's also great the officers but the other members cations" are better, says then 15 receive leadership awards. include Christy Dotson, Jason Boyle, because it gets the international stu- as welt.v'she continued. Almandrez, referring to pan of the Perhaps the two most signifi- Fitzgerald, Julia Keough, Kara dents together one more time, as In its third year, Almandrez says banquet when family and friends cant awards, the Mary Ward Moran, Catherine Pendorf, Todd well as the American students who this year will be better than last year are invited to go up to the podium Lewis Prize and the Bates prize, Peters, Huessein Samater. Steve have been involved," said Nadja or the first year. When it began in and say something about a particu- which are awarded to one male Sharkey, Lisa VanAuken, and Werver, who has been the German 1999, it was a luncheon held in larsenior. and one female student who Susan Werley. department assistant this year. McDaoiel Lounge for the graduat- In addition to these "Dedica- shows excellence in all areas of The new members of ODK These 31 students have partici- ing seniors and advisors, said tions," guests are also reminded pated in one or more of the follow- Almandrez. Then in 2000, it be- that they can bring a small gift or academic life, went ro Amanda are: Michael Baker, Boyle, Keil, Jill Krebs, Jeremy Dotson, Cline and Don Todt. ing groups: Allies, Asian Commu- came a dinner which included card to give to their senior during After the awards" ceremony Moran, Peters, Sharkey, Stacy nity Coalition, Black Student alumni. the night Todt said of the Bates award, "It and Werely. Union, Hispano-Latino Alliance, Now in 2001, the banquet will Almandrez said she is working was a very, very excellent sur- Starleper, VanAuken, also included The ceremony International Club, Jewish Student not only include its guests of honor, with Alumni Affairs as they try to prise, being that it's such an old the Winners of the Mulhern/ Union, Multicultural Student Asso- but each award recipient is allowed contact an alumni to invite them to award it was quite an honor." The Rytter SGA Leadership Award, ciation, Sounds of Silence, and to invite three family members or be a guest speaker. award was established in 1905, including Claire Adams, Staci Women's Issues Group. friends to be their guest. in addi- "I will miss my friends and see- The ceremony also recognized George, and Mary Lee Pence. "The other reason I hold this tion President Coley, Dean Sayre, ing everyone around campus. It's senior members of Phi Beta banquet besides to confirm how I the College Task Force, Diversity been a great year--I don't want to Kappa, Who's Who Among Stu- Departmental awards were given to individuals also. feel about them, is that a number Force, advisors, various professors, leave," said Werner.
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