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Thursday, May 10, 200 I . Page 2 NEWS Second annual Reunion Weekend a huge success among alumni, family, and friends continued from page 1 will be recognized as the finest small liberal has emerged from one building to over 60, cial projects and the en- arts school. and room and board has gone from $30 to dowment. Coley said, "We have to do something more than $5,000. Around 7 p.m. each more than say 'we're great' and add a smile." For this year's May Day Festival and pic- of the classes went to She explained that doing more would include nic, they tried something new and encour- their specified location more traveling for herself and other mem- aged alumni to bring their children, said fa; their individual class bers of the administration, as well as writ- Randy Rytter. reunion. Ryner said that ing letters to the members of the local com- To get the festival started, each class took this was the first year that munity, and state. part in the class parade and marched from all of the classes held After the conclusion of her speech, she Baker Memorial Chapel to Red Square and their reunion on campus, . held a question and answer session pertain- met up with their family and friends. To keep rather than selecting a PresidentColeysaid the state of the college wasgrea~. ing to how WMC will strengthen the com- the kids. entertained, the Quad was set up place nearby in Westminster. munity bond, how WMC is dedicated to with several activities for the afternoon eel- Reunions were held in the President's dent volunteers gave. He believes that ever-changing technology, and her favorite ebration. Dining Room, the Science Center courtyard, more than 100 students helped out with the subject-the "very robust" graduate depart- Alumni returned to Red Square later in the dining porch of Englar Dining Hall, and weekend's events. ment. day for an all- reunion class reception, where the Ensor Terrace. The classes of 1981, '86, Many of the alumni commented on the Following Coley's presentation, the Coley once again addressed the alumni. Vari- '91,96, and 2000 had a "flashback cafe" on well-planned out weekend and how every- alumni had the opportunity to sit in on work- ous members of each class were recognized the Pub terrace. one was so very helpful. shops, Such topics included "Mood, for their hard work and devotion to planning ,~, 'The cJa~';of 1966 had what Linda Doris Mathias Hood. class of 1940, said Memory, and Me- their class' reunion Mahaffey Spear, class of 1966, called a "ca- that the "student volunteers have been great. tabolism in Antarc- - -, : - - and donating money. sual Italian night" in McDaniel Lounge A very nice young fellow drove me and oth- - . ~- - Six new awards - \ Trish Stahl, class of 1966, said, "It has ers around in a golf court," she said. were introduced this been nice to walk around and see the build- "They've been busy," she concluded. " I year to recognize ings." Ryner admitted that the biggest challenge those classes which Sunday'S events included an alumni re- he worried about was the on-campus re- ': made an extra effort membrance ceremony for those alumni who sources, which they were relying on heavily ~.-" ~l":~~ WMC by have passed away since April 2000, a Sun- because the alumni and the alumni commit- .. ';'I,,',U• ...2". \ to support Basics" with Russ .1;i' .~ I either raising funds day morning chapel ser- r-=-=~=~---:.-. tees who help plan the Weber, class ." ...... ,"''''-'- ", or working to create vice sponsored by the weekend's events 1993, and "History liGii1.~~:;lt~_" a great class reunion. class of 1951, and wanted to have their ,_ of WMC" with Dr .• The first and brunch held in McDaniel celebrations on cam- Jim The class of '51, and others, enjoy Mardi Gras. second awards, Lounge. Alumni were pus this year in order Lightner, class of 1959. the "Green and Gold" and the Whimsy also invited to the Hon- to see the new changes I chose to attend Lightner's workshop, awards were presented to the Class of 1951. crs Convocation at 2 to campus. where he called his slide presentation, "The The third award, known as the "Green p.m. Planning for next Way We Were." It started with the birth of Terror" Award was given to theclassofl976, While the alumni en- year's Reunion Week- the 1866 construction of a building, referred who has the most classmates making a com- joyed their weekend ex- end will start soon,,Qld Main by the alumni of the class of " Annual Fundthis year. .. changing stories with said Ryner. noting that the various commit- \95~ighmer, who said that he has been in- ~'i~~~~~~a~;'~~~:~~~::;:%d:h:;sh~: another and "the press," tees of next year's hon- terested in WMC's history since he began increased the number of donors to the an- there were many people ored classes 1942, his matriculation here, presented a wide nual fund. involved in making sure 1947, and on up have range history that included photographs of The class of 1961 received the "Old the weekend went already begun their past presidents, samples of curriculum of- Main" award because it is the class with the planning. Caroline smoothly. :~~:'Q~:~n~~~;k~lat~!~/;;::so~~:U:~lher ferings, construction and renovation photos, largest amount of commitments to the An- Babylon, class of 1976, Rytter explained Reunion weekend festivities on the Hill. social and athletic events-all which brought nual Fund so far this year. many campus offices said that, "I think that it us up to the present day with our eighth presi- The, final award, known as the "Top of helped in the planning of the weekend, in- is important to come back and Support the dent. the Hill" Award was given to the class of cluding Alumni Affairs office, the Develop- school and see what is going on. [Afterall], In his closing dialogue, he said the col- 197 I for being class with the highest over- ment office, and many others. we helped pave and pay the way for the cur- lege has come from a low enrollment of 70 all commitments to WMC. This includes the Rytter also pointed out the large help stu rent students." students to its current standing of about 1600, Annual Fund, as well as building and spe- Class celebrates its 50th reunion: Party like it is 1951! , STACI L. GEORGE days gone by, when the women had a 10 p.m. ishing," LeFew continued. self to earlier classes at WMC, who made a News Editor curfew, which meant that they had to be in LeFew was the one in charge of handing very creative sport out of it. Have you ever wondered what WMC will . and could out the hats that were to be worn in Saturday The alumni explained that the big, round look like in 50 years? Or more importantly, afternoon's pa- aluminum servers' trays used by the dining have you ever wondered what your friends building until rade from Baker hall staff in the '50s made great sleds. will look like after 50 years. the morning. M e m 0 ria I The Class of 195 I was honored with the These were the same thoughts running As the con- Chapel to the following awards at the all-class reunion in through the minds of the alumni of the class vcrsanons con- May Day Fesri- RedSquare. of 1951 as they made there travel plans and tinued, there val picnic in Red It received the "Green and Gold Award" agreed to meet up with old friends during was a hint of en- Square. for having the most active volunteers dur- Reunion Weekend, held May 4-6. gerness to meet The ing a reunion year and also the "Whimsy The class of 1951 was celebrating a very the newly inau- class members Award" for having the most members of their special milestone--their 50th reunion, in gurated presi- recalled Sunday class return for Reunion Weekend. which the college welcomed them back with dent and have night chapel, LeFew and Jackie Hering were recog- a weekend full of special events. lunch with her. where the whole nized for their commitment to leading the Alum Phil Kable said, "It has been 50 Dolly school had to at class reunion committee and writing and years, and I am glad to be back." Dalgleish Class of '5/ gather on the steps before their reunion. tend. calling classmates to encourage their allen- In addition to the other events of the Darigo said. "I knew of President Coley, but They explained that durin~1 thJ church dance at the 50th reunion, respectively. weekend, class of '51 alumni enjoyed a lun- am ever more pleased to have service men sat on one side and the women These banners were hung on the windows cheon held at President Coley's house on met her today." on the other, and always in the same seats of the dining porch for their class reunion Friday afternoon. Before lunch, Coley adorned each class so that the football players who were in dinner. They then marched in a class parade member with a special gold medallion, charge of checking attendance could do so , Sunday morning, theelass of 1951 spon- wearing their special green and gold Dr. which many continued to wear throughout easily, said Dottie Phillips Bailey. H I, sored the well-attended chapel service. Seuss-like hats as they sang "When the the weekend Much like classes'rcday," s'ltldi!nt~·Were!!J Many of lheln would~end their weekend Saints Go Marching In.'' Harry LeFew, who has been appointed only allowed three uuexclised ahsen'cts'fit;rn :ur~eie6blion together d'u'fing brunch, which The class also held their individual class acting class president since the death of the 'the chapel service each 'semester, was held in McDaniel Lounge. reunion on the dining porch of Englar Din- former president, said that the luncheon was Kable told a story of how he once had to "I'm very fond of Reunion Weekend. It's ing Hall, and sponsored the Sunday morn- "Interesting, refreshing, and invigorating." take an exam in the men's infirmary when the time to see people I haven't seen in a ing-chapel service in Little Baker Chapel. "It's nice to see old faces and friends, and he had the mumps. while," said fellow class member Nancy At Coley's house, there was talk of the is also good to see how the campus is flour- Sledding on the golf course also owes it- Winkelman.
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