Page 63 - Phoenix1999-2000
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- ---------~~- -~ ------:--~----------------.. COMMENTARY Thursday, November 18, 1999 - Page 7 Chalk poetry breathes Day at Newseum - time well spent new life into campus tion to Journalism 11, the Introduc- Edward Schultheis experience for lunch. There were a few places On November relives class and the walking distance, and we the journalistic within freshman English class with jour- oj the Newseum. settled on an Italian sub shop Kristen G. Fraser dent would dare care enough to nalism emphasis took a trip to the around the corner. After a short commends the anonymous write something. Newseum. historic Newseum. We were lunch conversation, we all headed poet for contribution. In regards to the most recent It was an exciting time, and shuffled quickly into the domed back to the Newseum. writing, I heard the distinct reac- while we were there, we were able movie theatre which showed a The rest of the time we spent There is a roving poet on tion that the poetry and use of to interact and truly get a news les- short film about the Newseum and there was much like the hours be- campus, and I think we should chalk itself was vandalism. son. These are my experiences on the origins of news. fore lunch. We read over the vast applaud his or her actions on cam- Vandalism? I don't quite un- the field trip, and I encourage any The next part was when the real amount of daily newspapers that pus. derstand. The same area and me- student interested in journalism to fun started. The tour is self guided, are placed up on the walls there These free-spirited efforts dium of chalk are often used to experience it first hand. so there was no teacher or guide each morning. should be encouraged on campus, advertise various events on cam- We left school early Thursday herding us around like sheep. Iac- There were newspapers from but I'm not sure that everyone pus. Many clubs and organiza- morning on our field trip down to tually discovered why Professor Denver to as far away as Germany, agrees. tions take advantage of the oppor- the Newseurn in Arlington, Vir- Dalton thinks it is so interesting. And once again, we all ended up in I first noticed this trend last se- tunity to use cheap, visible adver- ginia. While Mr. Terence Dalton, There were interactive sights all the gift shop looking for some- mester. All around campus, from tising. associate professor of English and over the Newseum, and we all took where to spend our money. the stairs near Decker Center to But, for some reason, this ac- Phoenix advisor, was excited to be time to look in the gift shop. At about I :45 we all started Red Square, occasional poetry tion was labeled vandalism. That taking us to the Newseum so early Another of the interesting sites crossing the street to head over to appeared on various sidewalks is something that Iwill never un- in the day, most of the students sim- was a computer program that al- the USA Today offices. There was and other areas. There was never derstand. ply fell asleep in the cushioned lowed you to type in your birthday a little confusion on the elevator, any warning, just bright-colored Vandalism, according to my seats. to see what events were going on but we finally made it up to the 19m chalk writing appearing early one definition, would have to include Mr. Dalton had built up the trip in the world on the day you were floor. morning. something a little more perma- as some kind of expedition into the born. I also found out that Arthur The classes were then greeted, Most recently, I noticed a nent than sidewalk chalk - per- unknown, but some of the students Ashe's birthday was the same as and we sat down in a room and lis- huge poem written in the middle haps spray paint or something were skeptical as to the excitement mine. tened to USA Today writer Gary of Red Square. slightly more harmful. of the Newseum. We were excited, Soon, we tired of all the walk- Fields talk about his experiences It was large enough to be read Vandalism also connotes to however, to be getting out of ing around. We wanted to go in to and about his view on journalism. easily from the top floors of Hill me something a little more vul- classes to attend the field trip. see how a television studio works, In fact Jack Kelley, USA Hall. gar. Twisting and turning down which was one of the attractions at Today's foreign correspondent who The author is wise enough not Thus far, the poetry has country roads to reach our destina- the Newseum. gave a talk in September at WMC, to reveal their identity for fear of seemed to be very clean with little tion, I could hear in my mind ev- There was a large crowd sur- even stuck his head in and sal some form of sanctions. I applaud or no obscenities. eryone asking the ilt-fated ques- rounding us at the entrance, so we around for a little bit. that effort. The poems are fairly straight- tion, "Are we there yet?" never actually got inside. We did After a few questions, we were There seems to be some mis- forward and enjoyable to read. To We finally did reach some signs gel to see, however, a few of our on our way back to the Newseum understanding as a result of these me, that eliminates virtually all of civilization past the Virginia bor- classmates sitting at the news desk for about 45 minutes before we roaming lyrics. reason for complaint by any der when we entered downtown Ar- inside the studio. boarded the bus again. On the bus The last time I checked, this reader. lington. This was when Mr. Dalton So we sat outside the window, ride home, most people once again institution was a liberal arts col- Since none of these arguments said, "Wake up kids, we're almost and when they were looking over, slept like babies. Arriving back at leg~. apply, we need to reject them. there." we made weird faces and waved to the school around 5 pm, most of the - Also, this college seems to be Also, our poet is quite good, The bus then made a turn that I them. They didn't seem to want to slightly smaller than yourrun-of- and r think that we all can agree certainly wouldn't have tried even acknowledge us though, and all we people were very satisfied by the trip. the-mill University of Maryland that it requires a certain amount in my Neon. Then we pulled up in got from some ofthem was a smile While it wasn't Six Flags, the College Park. These two factors of bravery to share one's work in front of the building which was or a tiny semi-wave. trip to the Newseum was entertain- should make this practice more such a fashion. dwarfed by the business skyscrap- We were surprised, however, ing and informative. Most of the common. Basically, I would like to take ers surrounding it. when Mr. Dalton came up behind students had a good time explor- However, it seems that this this opportunity to applaud One of the Newseum attendants us and asked what we were doing. ing the history of news, and the medium is unappreciated, espe- WMC's anonymous poet. Per- came aboard to give a little talk Meekly, we pointed to our class- time at USA Today was a good cially by the administration and haps there will be more that pop which concluded with, "no running mates sitting up at the studio desk. learning experience also. faculty. up around campus. or jumping." I felt like I was back We were even more surprised If you have a free day sometime I remember seeing adminis- This would be a wonderful in fifth grade going on my first field when he also started waving at and are interested in journalism, tration reaction to the poetry sign of student life and student trip. them, and the girls at the .desk you might want to consider spend- sometime last semester. participation. Hopefully, poetry The bus then quickly emptied looked curiously and finally waved ing the day at the Newseum. I cer- I wouldn't label it disap- will spring up all over this cam- and we all passed through the metal back enthusiastically. tainly encourage other students to proval, but the reaction was cer- pus. detectors with just a few problems When the girls got out of the take part in this worthwhile field tainly not encouraging to other A liberal arts institution is the before we all finally entered the television studio, we all headed out trip. The best part is it's free. it will Carl's column of complaints aspiring artists. perfect breeding ground for this It was more like disdain or medium, and hopefully slight embarrassment that a stu- blossom. Anyone watch the World Series Carl Kreger outlining a a What's I don't the deal with that? you, but I launches this year? Me neither. And why was about know new column SEX. nobody watching? - people are variety of complaints. don't enjoy using a roll of toilet Because it sucked paper for lunch napkins. tired of sell outs like Steinbrenner If I must resort to using this ren- and Turner buying championships. utes and go up and down every ai- dition of a "napkin," I have to stand ley and parking lot, I still find noth- You never lose the right to rafule. The playoffs are so boring to Being unable to consent II not watch now. Everyone knows it's ing. Then, when I park my car in the there, wait in line while others are the same ..... aylng yes. going to be Yankees and Braves. grass next to a parking space, I get walking by trying to put their trays is bro- belt (which on the conveyor No means No. Period. The best part of the series this year a ticket. It's all of the unregistered ken half of the time). bump wrong with this? I What's was Pete Rose. know. I have ten people Then, If you need help about .exuII violence; Next year, I hope both teams cars. They take up all the spots, and into me, and I have to either bal- call UI. Cilia I .. confldentlallnd miss the playoffs, especially the there is no way for campus safety ance my tray on one hand, while .... 1...... '_ Yankees, and they make room for to keep track of them. grabbing ~ "napkin," or sit my tray teams like the Phillies. So, I get screwed. even though in another area code while I go to Telephone: 410 - 8S7 - 0900 I paid for a permit, That sucks, and get a "napkin." You know what else I'm tired I'm not going to pay my ticket, ei- Glar says it costs more, but I of! Reading about squirrels in the ther .. think that since we pay so much for 24 hour Hotline. 410-875-7322 Phoenix. ---- a meal anyway, they can afford to Rape Crisis Intervention Service Why are there no parking The French. 'Nuff said. give us real napkins with real nap- kin holders. 0/ CiJrroIl c;"UIIly spaces on this campus? I come For a minute at the beginning 224 North CenIor s-. Rm. 102 back from an off-campus lab at of the year, I thought that Glar was Got a complaint? E-mail Carl _I_.MD II :30, and there is absolutely no- significantly improved from last at where to park. year. Then, I saw that there were After I drive around for 15 min- no napkins on any of the tables.
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