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NEWS Thursday, April 13. 2000 - Page 5 WMC community triumphs over $40 million success continuedfrom page 1 Campus Safety Blotter paign Western Maryland College Switzerland right now. He's prob- will be performing during cocktails ever conducted was for $8 million ably more ecstatic because he was as well as Linda Kirkpatrick and The Department of Campus Mactea. for Daniel Maclea renovations. the one who envisioned the cam- the flute choir. Safety reported the following in- 3127 at 10:25 am tampering wit "This was a large endeavor. We paign and put it into action." At 9:00 pm the WMC campus cidents: fire prevention equipment in ROll were well organized. We had good Kief strongly believes that, community and the Westminster 3/17 at I:02 pm a smoke detec- zerHall. leadership from the trustees," she ''This campaign's success is a de- community are invited to join the tor in Lewis Hall of Science. * at 8:57 pm disorderly conduct a stated. fining moment for Marty Hill, the Trustees for an illuminated tour of 3/21 at 4:00 pm a low velocity Whiteford Parking Lot. In order to raise the money, rep- Campaign chairman and a trustee the campus. impact accident in at Winslow * at 8:59 pm disorderly conduct i resentatives from the College made of the college, the entire Board of The tour begins in Ensor Parking Lot. Blanche Ward Hall. individual visits to each trustee. Trustees, the faculty and the staff, Lounge and ends at Ward Arch. 3/22 at 5: 16 pm trespassing in 3/28 at 7:52 am obscene conduc "II was extremely critical to get the alumni, and the parents and A sparkling cider toast, student Garden Apartments on PA Av- in Decker Student Center. each trustee in order to demonstrate friends and other donors who made countdown to the unveiling of the enue. 3/30 a to other people that our trustees it happen." Campaign total, anda special light- 3/23 at have a lot of faith in us," Coley Much effort has gone into mak- ing of the Ward Arch will begin at 2:59 pm said. ing this victory celebration mirror 9:30pm. stealing "Honestly, the trustees were the initial celebration when The A Baltimore lighting company, in Englar magnificent, simply magnificent," Defining Moment Campaign began Sky tech, will be responsible for the Di ni n g she added. in 1996, according to Debbie lasers and computerized lights that Hall. Coley only identified one chal- Leazer, coordinator or Donor Re- will be viewed by the trustees and , at lenge that temporarily stood in the lations. all who attend the lighting cer- 11:15 pm rreatmen way of reaching the $40 minion The celebration kicks offat4: 15 emony of those buildings affected obstruc- renderedi mark. pm on Friday as students eat in the by the Campaign. tion of • Blanch The challenge was having to ask Forum, instead of Glar. Illumination of the buildings other col- WardHaU corporations and foundations for Tbe menu includes herb will take place between 9:30 and lege ac- *at 7:2 large gifts while still encouraging chicken, Pizza Hut pizza, chicken !0:00pm. tivity in pm treat the small gifts. wings, and tacos. Over 50 students have volun- Decker ment ren WMC wanted parents and In Englar Dining Hall, there teered to help with the evening's Student Center. dered in McDaniel Hall. alumni to contribute so they too will be a Trustees' Dinner resem- details, in addition to the WMC stu- 3124 at I :53 am treatment ren- * at 10:04 pm tampering with fir could own a piece of the college. bling the one they bad four years dents and faculty members who dered in Daniel Maclea. prevention equipment in Alber "I was absolutely thrilled, as ago when the kicked campaign be- will provide entertainment during *at I :32 pm tampering with fire Norman Ward Hall. was anyone else who was in- gan at 6 prn. tours. prevention equipment in Rouzer 4/01 at 5:15 pm gaining access t volved," said Coley. "When we There will be cocktails and a "I have believe that when Hall college building in McDaniel Hall started, there was a huge question dinner for top donorsand key vol- people see the beautiful buildings, 3125 at 12:00 am damaging at * at 8:00 pm tampering with fir as to whether or not we could get unteers to the campaign. and they see how much we've been Rouzer Parking Lot. prevention equipment. $40 million. Not only did we meet Dr. Joan Develin Coley, acting able to do here on the Hill, it's clear *at I :55 am stealing in the 4/03 at 7:39 am underage posses the goal, but lwel surpassed president of Western Maryland that WMC is a wonderful place to Blanche Parking Lot. sian of alcohol in Rouzer Hall. it. ..People should have a lot of pride College, Martin K. P. Hill, National study," Coley emphatically com- *at 4:00 am failure to comply at 10:00 pm treatment rendered i because we succeeded the goal- Campaign Chair and trustee of mented. with security personnel. DoCS Office. those businesses, individual, and Western Maryland College, and "This success, and future suc- *at 4:30 am misdemeanor theft in *at 11:01 pm a low velocity im corporations who helped us." James I. Melhorn, chair of the cesses, will help to ensure an ex- Whiteford Lane. pact accident at Whiteford Parkin When asked if President Cham- Board of Trustees, will be the cellent liberal arts education for *at 4:45 am driving under the in- Lot. bers would be making a return trip speakers. future generations of Western fluence at Gill Lane. 4/05 at 12:50 am failure to abid to campus for the celebration, Co- , Also during the Trustees' din- Maryland students throughout the "at 9:35 am fire code violation. by Residence Hall Policy inAlbe ley said, "President Chambers is in ner, Michael Bair, class of 2003, 21st century!" Kief added. 3/26 at 5:39 pm theft in Daniel Norman Ward Hall. Minority student retention improves after 11 years NYKOI_E TYSON "I think retention is more im- one graduated four years later. The done? various backgrounds together, SluJJWriler portant than recruitment, but the attendance of black students has Sayre suggests that implement- which ieads to much better class- While the retention of black stu- two go hand in hand," said Henry grown significantly since then and ing more clubs and programs of in- room debates and better critical dents on Western Maryland Reiff, associate dean of Academic is expected to continue increasing. terest of black students is impor- thinking skills." College's campus has shown a sig- Affairs. He empathizes with the The college is classified by the tant. Sayre says that WMC should nificant improvement over the past fact it is a somewhat difficult ex- Carnegie Foundation as one of the Reiff additionally notes that not focus on just making the cam- II years (1987-1998; see chart), perience for black students attend- most elite liberal arts schools, but there needs to be a change in the pus more diverse but making it a there is still difficulty in retaining ing a predominantly white school. there is more to staying at WMC curriculum and its Eurocentric fo- healthier place where the students them throughout their college ca- Reiff says that the "thing to look than status. So what needs to be cus. feel included. reer. at is the graduation rate" of black done to improve retention penna- He says, "If we had a diverse He also added that ideas can WMC has been working hard to students because "the ultimate sta- nently? recruit more African American stu- tistic is those who get their degree." Reiff believes come from the ad- but he ministration, dents with moderate success. The Reiff said the graduation rate of that WMC would l\olinority Retention feels that "most number of black students who en- black students who entered WMC should come from rolled last semester was 35, which in 1987 and graduated in 1991 is students and get sup- is a significant difference from the 45 percent. had a more diverse h'9s8;--+--=;-----I port from the college 18 who enrolled in 1997. During those four years, 58 Af- student body." administration." However, the question arises as rican American students entered Philip I Sayre, 50% According to to whether the school's work is in WMC and 26 graduated. For the vice president and 27.3')."0 Reiff, an African vain because many of those stu- period from 1992-1995, Reiffsaid dean of Student Af- American female dents decide to transfer or leave for 54 black students enrolled and 27 fairs, say~ WMC is 1995 will join the sociol- some other reason prior to gradua- graduated, making the retention more focused now 1996 ogy. department next tion. rate 50 percent. than ever during his """"'-020,,---+-=,---,--,--+---.=----1 semester. For example, freshman Marsel The figures for the college's two 16 years here in the "WMC has also Spears, an African American, will most recent graduating classes are recruitment of mi- made some progress be transferring next semester to the as follows: of the 13 students who norities. in addressing issues tjnivershy.of Maryland at College enrolled in 1995, seven graduated He says WMC of race within the up- Park. "",MC dge~ not have my in 1999 yielding a 53.9 percent re- provides more. financial support to curriculum we might attract a more coming academic year, said Reiff. major. I do not likejhe location and tention. However, of the 13 that Multicultural Services ,0ff~cF for diverse faculty," resulting in the at- While overnight change is an 1 feel subtle racism in the math and entered in 1994, only four gradu- more programs. and there is.a more traction and retention of more unrealistic expectation, W,MC has cqmp,uter ~cienc:;e.department." ated in 1998, which represents a deliberate p.I:Rgram to retain ~fri- black students. taken strides to ensure growth in the .Spears said that these problems 30.8 percent retention rate. can American studerus by Grace Al- Commenting on diversity on are'i~~rag~g and certainly not Additionally, graduation rates mandrez, director of ~l!lti.c.u!tural campus, English professor Becky black student and population, administrators faculty healthy. in the late J 980s were considerably Services. If II.,',. • Carpenter says, "College years are agree that if WMC i/~to t>el=1o~ea I Ad¥,irV,~tra~orr'i.agree that reten- lower. For example, of the 10 black These changes have beep made a time of thinking and growing. It truly diverse community., the tion and recruitnjent are important. students who enrolled in 1987, only but what elsecan and r,et;d,s.m be helps to bring other students of growth must continue. ;;; r
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