Page 137 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 137
Phoeni Thursday, March 30, 2000 Former Aryan Nation Main Street director warns campus area closed LISA DALE VAN AUKEN nia and into Maryland. Stuf!Wr;/er STACI::Y M. MYERS According to Cochran, Pennsyl- Speaking with urgency and pas- vania is currently the capital for SI{4fIVriler sion, Floyd Cochran came to WMC hate group activity in America, and By this time next year, Western last week bearing a warning for all the number of hate groups is grow- Maryland College will have re- people, especially youth between ing. Ten years ago, said Cochran, ceived a face lift. The area of West the ages of 11-25. there were six hate groups in Penn- Main Street that runs between As an ex-member of The sylvania, but now there are more Union Street and the campus road Church of Jesus Christ Christian than 45 which are active in encour- behind Levine Hall will be closed and former Director of Propaganda aging hatred and violence against off and turned into a park. for the Aryan Nation, Cochran Jews, people of color, gays and les- According to Ethan Seidel, vice came to speak of his experiences bians, and other minorities. Despite president of Administration and being part of a hate group, his dif- the growing number of hate groups, Finance, this new park is part of the ficult mental detox, and his concern Cochran said that people do not State Highway Administration's that hate-group activity is spread- take the growth seriously. Guest speaker Floyd Cochran addressed students 011his experience project to update the old sections ing rapidly throughout Pennsylva- continued on page 2 with A/yan Nation and other hate-groups 011March 25th ill Hill Hall. continued on page 2 Faculty and students The mystery of campus recycling debate January Term JOAN FAULKNER Students are doing very little." mental issues. says Sayre. StnffWriter However, this lack of student The club also organi7.ed com- A~ you gulp down the last sip that dealt with the recy- Jo SHORB full-time professors. of Diet Coke and turn to throw interest in recycling was not always mittees SraffWriler If full-time professors are not the can out, you suddenly real- ~-.1o~~9~ ~~ ut,4ilve.rware. re- and ~~:~d:::;;~:;~;~~=.~~ January Term. It all began in teaching the courses, then who is? ize that the aluminum recycling vironmentat atfinity group earned 1969. It is a program that WMC Part-time professors, other campus receptacle is four floors away on out projects community clean-ups For like Save Our Stream. borrowed 31 years ago from staff, and outsiders are currently the ground-floor level. However. 1991 issue of Time magazine, Eckard College, in SI. Petersburg, teaching the majority of the your laziness gets the better of one year, they even went to each the WMC student Megan Zioloskwki collected dorm and personally Fla. The question is, has it outlived courses, says Dr. James Lightner, you and you hastily toss the can recycfubtes there. Then they sold was named environmental stu- den! of me year. its purpose? semiretired math professor and di- out. the cans collected as a fund-raiser. Though these clubs prospered The concept "sprang from that rector of the Jan Term program un- There never seems to be a re- In 1991, the senior class raised for a while, the interest died when radical 1960s idea that learning can til 1984. cycling bin around when you $8,000, and donated it toward the the club leaders, most recently be exhilarating and challenging," Professors used to be required need one. Or are they there but purchase of a large dumpster near David Seydel, graduated. says Dr. Herbert Smith, chair of the to teach a Jan Term course every simply not getting much atten- the water tower, according to Dean So now. instead of student political science department at other year, says Lightner, and they tion from students? Sayre, vice president of student af- groups organizing the recycling, WMC. Smith, after teaching only still needed outsiders to teach be- Whatever the reason, the fairs. This dumpster is where the and thus cultivating student-body his second consecutive Jan Term cause the overall student interest amount of trash that can be re- campus and community can de- interest, the responsibility has since the 1970s says he has been was so vast. When the student re- cycled on campus has dropped posit aluminum cans, paper, glass, fallen to the housekeeping staff. "reborn into the program!" quirement went from two Jan from 20% to 14% over the last plastic, and tin cans. Charles Biggus, or lppy as Unlike Smith, most full-time Terms to one around 1986, teach- six years. Mel Whelan, the build- The same year, the club SEAC professors choose not 10 teach Jan ing became optional for professors. ing services coordinator on cam- (Student Environmental Action most people call him. acts as the of housekeeping foreman under Term courses. In fact, according to Now they need the outsiders be- pus, says this has occurred be- Coalition) was formed to promote Whelan. Biggus says that house- Dr. David Herlocker, professor of cause interest from faculty is dimin- cause "there is a big lack of stu- recycling. SEAC, which lasted at keeping "gets lots of recycling chemistry and member of the Cur- ishing, says Lightner. dent interest. [In the recycling least five years, involved a lot of from the dining hall, the admin- riculum Committee, less than half Why are most full-time profes- bins 1 students put potato chips, activities. including a march on istration buildings, and newspa- of the courses are being taught by continued all page 3 pizza, snack bags, and garbage. Annapolis rtuu focused on environ- continued on page 5 Relationship between Inside DoCS & WPD defined The 20(}() Campus Concert fea- FRANCF.SCA SAYLOR that the college does not have a tured Beat Soup and Reel Big News Co- Editor "very strict schedule on if this hap- Fish. Look inside for a review After last issues' stories about pens then these are the conse- and interviews with the bands. college vandalism and underage quences" as far as college policy on drinking, many students have been offenses is concerned. He said the questioning exactly which inci- consequences are determined on a Kristen G. Fraser criticizes the dents the college reports to the case by case basis by the Honor and events surrounding the "Who Westminster police and which ones Conduct Board. Wants to Marry a Millionaire" it handles through the Honor and However, he, as well as Cam- television special. Conduct Board. pus Safety Director Mike Webster, The answer seems to vary based says that when it comes to drug use on who is answering the question. the matter is immediately turned Dan Gadd highlights the unde- Reel Big Fish per/armed at Western Maryland College on Saturday, In the last issue of the Phoenix over to the Westminster police. feated Green Terror Men's la- March 25 along with opening act Beat Soup to a crowd of over 500. Scott Kane, assistant dean of Stu- Webster says that underage drink- crosse team as they break the See a es eight and nine for more in ormation and crowd reactions. dent Affairs, is quoted as saying continued on page 4 nation's top 20.
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