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FEATURES Thursday, November 5, 1998 - Page 13 Professor orchestrates Wonder BY KAREN MILLAR came out in 1995, and was part of ate in Music Theory from Ohio S/ajJl„riler the show that Wonder toured all State University. Many students just do not know around the world. After graduation, he worked as the talent andability of some of the The songs are "Love's in Need a teacher's assistant in the jazz di- professors on campus. of Love Today," "Keep Our Love vision at Rutgers where he tran- One professor who has stood Aljve," and "Joy Inside My Tears." scribed many songs. out lately in the strong, talented, and Tapes of the songs were given to With his wife Denise and 21 knowledgeable music department is Caldwell with instructions to ar- month-old daughter Katere, he Dr. Glenn Caldwell, who had the range and orchestrate music for an came to Western Maryland Col- opportunity to work with well- orchestra to play along with lege in 1991. He now resides in known singer/songwriter Stevie Wonder's music. Columbia, MO, far from his small Wonder. Caldwell graduated with an un- hometown of Clover, South Caro- He was asked to rearrange three dergraduate degree from North lina. songs for an orchestra on what was Carolina A&T (Agriculture and Through a friend from gradu- Stevie's new album, Natural Won- Technology) State University. He ate school at Ohio State Univer- der, and this past Labor Day, then furthered his education in a sity, Caldwell received the request Caldwell was finally able to meet graduate program at Rutgers in to work with Wonder. The songs the famous musician for whom he New Brunswick, as well as a sec- he rearranged were to be per- had rearranged songs. The album ond graduate degree and a doctor- formed with the Baltimore Sym- phonic Orchestra. He was given tapes and recordings of Wonder's music and had some freedom to alter the existing chords and rhythms. Caldwell had never met the fa- mous musician until recently. On Labor Day, Stevie Wonder was in the Baltimore area for the season day opening of the new Raven's stadium. The event was produced by Radio City Music Productions of New York. Aretha Franklin was supposed to perform, but she fell through and Wonder was asked to perform. Because Caldwell had worked with Wonder's pieces be- fore, and "Love's In Need of Love Residents oj Whiteford Hall turned their dorm into a Today" was being played, he was haunted house Jor Halloween. The spooky decorations invited to join the event. created a suitably scary place for local children to come ~eJDeLWonder at the concert rehearsal. The concert took place trick or treating. the following night, with the BSO backing.Wonder up. Although it Want to make the news? was very difficult to get past Wonder's entourage of people and Come to the Phoenix general staff bodyguards. he was able to talk meetings with him again briefly after the show. Wonder mentioned that he Every Monday at 6:30 pm liked Caldwell's arrangement, but in the basement of Daniel MacLea at this time there has been noth- x8600 ing else said of more songs to be email: arranged. No experience necessary! Dr. Glen Caldwell has orchestrated arrangemetus for three songs an album by Stevie Wonder. He recently met the musician in Baltimore. WE PAY FOR YOUR COLLEGE EDUCATION By being a member of the Maryland Army National Guard you can receive a FREE college education. When you serve part-time in the Guard, you can attend school full-time while earning edu- cational benefits. like the State Tuition Waiver (25%to 50% reduction), the Montgomery GI Bill and an extra pay- check each month. Some schools even give academic credit for Guard training and service. Find out how the Maryland Guard can be your Partner in Education. Call Today: MARYLAND '-800-GO-GUARD ,. WMC students got to play detective last Friday at the Murder Mystery Dinner. eating, actors staged a homicide and it was up to the audience to discover the identity of the killer. Those who guessed correctly had the chance of a $50 prize.
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