Page 40 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 40
Thursday, October 22, 1998 - Page 8 COMMENTARY Go Abroad, Learn about Quirks: Where da Movies? Life Firsthand Ron Mojica explains the scholarship with the hopes of having Anne Butler takes a look at an edge in the professional field. This importance of the study abroad objective, however, should not be the Channell7's current eral thousand dollars). We buy the rights to show the movies as well as the movie program. sole purpose of attaining further programming. itself, and that's what costs so much. It knowledge. Although the exposure to has to do with copyright law." Fred gave Amid the unjust rumors of college different cultures and people may not Intrepid programming manager for her yet another puzzled look. serving only as a Bacchus Festival, an help with our rise on the corporate lad- Channel 17,Ana, was sitting in the station Ana tried a different tactic. "You know all-season camp where fresh-out-high- der or acquisition of the six figure sal- filling out some paperwork and waiting for those FBI Warnings on the tapes you rent?" school graduates spend thousands of ary, it does undoubtedly help us take the current program to end so she could Fred nodded. "Well, those apply to us. We hours in inebriated bliss, some actu- a more sensitive view of different so- pop in another. As was customary on her can't just pop in any movie, unless we have ally decide to enroll in the quest for cieties whether in times of plight or nights at the station, Ana left the door open permission to show that movie or show. expansion of human thought and to celebration. so that any of the other television staff, We could get in trouble with the adminis- appease the insatiable mind. While students may complete a bi- such as Dan, Richard, or Margerie could tration or get sued by any of the major stu- Although the propulsion of tech- ology or calculus course successfully stop in and do some work if needed. dios or distributors if we did that. That's nology and media capabilities into the without having to travel, the time af- However, this time her visitor wasn't a one of the big problems I was worried age of silicon chips and fiber optic ter studies adds to the worth of one's fellow Channel 17 member. It was Fred about with the little, er, incident last year." wires aids in the process, it cannot be education. Only through the study Higgins, who would be a typical college Fred's brain was starting to overheat relied on solely. Also, while books abroad program can a student gather student except he was dumb as a post and from the difficult concepts presented to still serve as main sources of informa- with friends at Trafalgar Square, dense as a Glar hunk of garlic bread. him. "So... it's CAPBoard's fault?" he tion, the cultural experience and the watch the silhouette of the Madrid Nonetheless, this didn't stop Fred from asked finally. accessibility of first hand resources skyline form against the sunset, or sit Ana shook her head. "No, we thought are appealing to more and more stu- and get acquainted in a German pub. If CAPBoard bought the so at first, but we were wrong. Unfortu- dents, distinguishing the study abroad One main advantage is also the ac- nately, CAPBoard just doesn't have programs as one of the best peripher- cessibility of first hand resources. By movies for us right now, it enough money in its budget to buy the als to collegiate level education. attending school overseas, a student movies for us. If anyone's at fault it's Our own college fosters such op- enrolled as a language major receives would cost about a Swank, the guys we get the movies from. portunities for students to travel the a colloquial atmosphere complement- semester's tuition for a They're the ones who increased the price world by giving them a taste of Hun- ing their chosen language while liv- so much." garian educational, social, and cultural ing the life and culture and not just student. Ana watched as Fred wrestled to com- prehend this new information. Steam was offering his wisdom to others whom he starting to shoot out of his ears. "So, what Only through the study abroad program can a thought were less gifted. This time Ana do you have to show now?" "What we've been showing: "Burly student gather with friends at Trafalgar Square, was on the receiving end of the acutely Bear," "College Campus Television," the obvious observations. watch the silhouette of the Madrid skyline form "Channel 17? You guys suck!" Troma films, some anime, "Cosmic Vi- Ana sighed and put on her best "Of against the sunset, or sit and get acquainted in a course we love the shows you send us!" sions," and some original programming, like "Dan Gadd's Show," "Wrestler's De- German pub. smile before turning to face the sophomore light," and the campus events we tape." who'd entered. "Thank you for your com- "Uh...," Fred answered his brain reach- ments, Fred, but would you care to elabo- ing critical temperatures. rate?" Ana didn't take much notice of the in- life by spending semesters in Budap- reading a text in a lecture hall. Fred tried to get around the foreign crease in room temperature and the large est. This fall, 12 students are attend- Historians and art historians alike word. Finally he asked, "Ain't that what number of clanking noises Fred was mak- ing Western Maryland College over- also have the same advantage with they did to ANW? Elaborated itT' ing. "To review, we don't have the mov- seas at the cost of $11,165 and 50 from first hand means. The content of a Ana grimaced, "Er, no they renovated, ies because the price for them doubled. the Budapest campus reciprocate in book may describe Spanish culture's R-E-N-O-V-A-T-E-D." CAPBoard isn't at fault as they made a completion of their four-year-degree permanence in the times of the Cru- Fred nodded in understanding. "Oh, logical decision to stop getting us the mov- by spending two years here at the sade, but a train ride across the bor- okay, but what does that other word mean Westminster campus. der of France to Spain, clearly signi- then?" There are a number of prerequisites fies the division between the 20th cen- "Elaborate - to expound, clarify..." Ana If anyone's at fault it's involved. Good academic standing is tury and Spanish medieval times. received a puzzled look, "er, to explain? Swank, the guys we get a necessity and students must attain It cannot be denied that studying Add on?" Still another confused look. Ana and hold a 2.5 GPA or above. Others, abroad adds a new dimension to a well sighed. "Why exactly do we suck, Fred?" the movies from. They're such as no infringements with the law rounded education. The expenses, re- Fred's face lightened in understanding. the ones who increased or being on criminal probation, are quirements, and fear of the unknown "Ah, okay! You guys suck cause you ain't obvious considerations, but nonethe- lands outside our borders may be im- got the movies this year like you did last the price so much. less are regarded heavily in being able pediments and deterrents to OUT desire year!" to participate. to go overseas, but the rewards gained Ana figured that would be the reason. ies because it was getting too expensive. In order to expand the chance for more than make up for the risks taken. She'd gotten the same complaint before The station staff can't just pop in any old students to travel abroad, Western from several other people, and she sympa- tape because we have to have permission Maryland is also in a cooperative ef- thized with them. She had been fond of to show what we do. Finally, even though fort with other institutes of higher For more information the movies too. "The cost of the movies we don't have movies anymore, we do learning. One may walk in the mo- narchal splendor of London through a about studying was doubled in price by Swank. the dis- have other worthwhile programming." And since CAPBoard doesn't tributor. The noise from Fred's head increased program sponsored by Beaver College. have enough 10 buy the movies for us and in volume and the room temperature rose University of Maryland's program al- overseas, contact Dr. for the showings they do in the Pub and dramatically throughout Ana's summary lows students to thrive in the German Martine Motard-Noar, Decker, we have been dropped in favor of until it finally..... stopped. Culture, and the Nagasaki Wesleyan all-campus showings." Puzzled. Ana stood and tapped the un- Junior College offers a taste of the head of study abroad "How much can a bunch of movies blinking student on the head. He didn't Orient as well as authentic Japanese cost? I buy em for like ten bucks at the flinch or even seem to take much notice at sake. Besides the three mentioned programs, at 410 - store," Fred answered. all. Ana shrugged, "I guess his mind above, there are 19 other schools Ana sighed. No one ever seemed to un- couldn't handle the pressure, so itjust shut which encourage education and trav- 857 - 2467 or on derstand that CAPBoard and the station down." els all over the world, even at sea. worked on different levels from the indi- She looked the boy up and down, and So what are the advantages of campus: extension vidual. finally dragged him into the station, prop- studying abroad? The main goal of 467. "If CAPBoard bought the movies for ping him against a wall and positioning his attending post secondary education is us right now, it would cost about a arms out at his sides. "We could always to increase the palette of individual semester's tuition for a student (i.e. sev- use a good coat rack, I guess ..."
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