Page 39 - Phoenix1998-99
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COMMENTARY Thursday, October 22.1998 - Page 7 Legislating Morality - Good Samaritan Law in Question Do you know the story of Kitty he listened to the confession: he Lisa Pole- VanAuken ethical. Genovese'? It is one of the most fa- had murdered the girl. advocates the passing of There is the question as to what The Daily Record of Morris New Jersey, points out, "If County, mous stories of human coldness If help had been sought, the "Good Samaritan" laws. "morality" really is. The morals of an on looker to a crime is not stirred that exists. In March of 1964, the seven-year-old might not have lost a country are the values which that to alert the authorities out of simple 28-year-old New Yorker was walk- her life. But what (0 do with the $10,000 fine. The federal govern- country holds. Morality varies from regard for his fellow man, how ing to her apartment complex when friend who could have stopped the ment has given each state the abil- person to person, however, there are likely is he to act any more respon- a stranger attacked her from behind murder but did not? ity to make its own decision con- certain morals that are held by the sibly because of a legality?" (Oc- and stabbed her numerous times. It is possible to say that in both cerning the bill, but only a few cur- majority of the people. One ex- tober 5, 1998). Further on, the pa- There were 38 of her neighbors of these situations. the victims' rently have the "Good Samaritan" ample is murder. Most Americans per reads, "Do we honestly think to witness the crime, but not one lives would still be intact if only law in effect, including Vermont would agree that murder is immoral. 18 months in jail is going to some- of them wanted to acknowledge the witnesses had called for help and Rhode Island. Theoretically, if Americans do how instill better values in him?" her. One resident shouted from a when they saw the crime taking While surrounded, by contro- not want morality legislated, laws Also, with the rash of lawsuits window and frightened the attacker place. Now it appears that many versy, the "Good Samaritan" bills that forbid murder, bigotry, and that have been spreading across the are a much needed start to the shap- child abuse should all be disre- nation, the "Good Samaritan" law ...many state governments are fed up with ing of America into the morally garded because they are direct pro- might become a golden opportunity upright country it was originally hibitions of immorality. Controver- for money seekers who are abus- "innocent" bystanders who ... do not want designed to be. sies arise because certain forms of ing (he legal system. Questions are Although many Americans dis- moral ethics are more widely held bound to arise when ambivalent to get involved. like the law because it appears to than others. situations concerning the definition take away a small amount of per- Forbidding murder by law is leg- of witnessing, or the choice of ac- sonalliberty, if these laws are not islating morality. Forbidding inac- tion, are brought to the attention of away, but the reprieve lasted ten state governments are fed up with passed, there will be no way to send minutes, until the offender returned "innocent" bystanders who allow witnesses who watch while another to finish murdering her. From the atrocities to happen because they person suffers to trial. Unless the ...many Americans dislike the law because time she began running until the do not want to get involved. As a law is instituted in state govern- time that she died, a span of nearly result, there are "Good Samaritan" ments, inactive witnesses, like it appears to take away a small amount of 15 minutes, no one called the po- bills running through state legisla- those who watched Kitty Genovese personal liberty ... lice for help. tures allover the United States, and die, will not have violated any law, The story of Kitty Genovese in my opinion, it is about time. and therefore, they will not be held served to nauseate the public in the The "Good Samaritan" laws responsible for allowing a crime to tivity when a murder is preventable the courts. light of declining morality, but generally call for the punishment take place. is no different from forbidding mur- It is extremely difficult for the similar incidents of preventable of a bystander who witnessed one Another important point in ar- der because both laws are meant to government to legislate morality, murder have not ceased. person harm another, but did not guing for the bill is the simple rea- induce morality. If all Americans are but without the "Good Samaritan" Most recently, the story is con- call for help or take action to stop son that passing such a law would not willing to take responsibility for law, the opportunity to punish or tinued in Nevada, where an 18- the crime. Of course, this only ap- prevent needless murders and other their own morality, which should persuade potentially inactive wit- year-old male witnessed his friend plies if the witness can do this with- crimes. Perhaps, with incentives to include reporting violent crimes to nesses does not exist at all. Until molesting a seven-year-old girl in out putting him or herself into a help a victim because of legal con- prevent them from taking place. there is a better way to effectually the bathroom stall of a casino. He dangerous situation. sequences, fewer people will be then it is necessary to induce Ameri- persuade all Americans to adopt tapped his friend on the head, told The witness is required to call hurt. Even though the bill is the cans to look out for the welfare of morality, or until all Americans take him to discontinue his action, left the police as soon as possible, and only proposed way to incite people fellow citizens by the use of legis- responsibility for their own moral- the bathroom, and waited for his if they do not, they face punish- to take responsibility for their ac- lation. ity, laws like the "GQOd Samaritan" friend to emerge. ment. In New Jersey for example, tions, many Americans are still cry- Of course, the "Good Samari- bill will be a necessary pan of this When his friend did reappear, it is up to 18 months in jail and a ing that "legislating morality" is not tan" bill does have its weak points. country's legislation. Sex and Lies: Scandal in D. C. Want to make the news? I'm sure you are all tired of Mike Yestramski lends a Office. Does that mean that Clin- hearing about this whole Clinton- lighter look at the Clinton ton receiving oral sex in say, a Come to the Phoenix general staff Lewinsky mess. All the world scandal. dark alley, is okay? Maybe we needs is more reporters writing would have preferred it if he'd meetings their opinions of the ordeal. Well, are we impeaching him any done it in Chelsea's room; that Every Monday at 6:30 pm here's one more. ways? According to everything seems so much better. in the basement of Daniel MacLea First off, I'd like to say that I've read, it's not so much the sex I believe that the only reason x8600 this wasn't a complete waste of as the lying about it. anyone seems to care is really be- email: phoenix® time. Some of the stuff I read in Well, if we decide to impeach cause we're bored. Icould watch the Starr report is better than any- every politician who ever. lied CNN and find out all the juicy de- thing I could of gotten off of while in office, the whole coun- tails of my President's sex life, or No experience necessary! "" Clinton gets props try would soon be run by Marion I could pay five bucks to rent Ti- for creativity, that's for sure. I Barry. Why Marion Barry? I fig- tanic. Which would you have find it ironic that all this comes ure Marion Barry is probably the done? out just before elections though; only politician that we couldn't Besides, there was no other I wonder if this could be politi- catch lying, because in Washing- news this summer. No profes- cally motivated? ton, D.C., you don't have to. I've sional athletes are currently on Another question to ask is: lived in D.C., not a whole lot trial and no royalty died. What does it really matter? Like Clin- shocks those people. does that leave? War in Bosnia, ton is the first President to have What are some of the other global economic crisis, the im- an affair. Remember Kennedyl reasons we should impeach Clin- pending collapse of the world's Monroe? I admit that Kennedy ton? [remember someone saying computer systems. That's not im- didn't get caught, and that that if Clinton were in the mili- portent. Monica Lewinsky is far from tary, he would be kicked out. By Personally, I want them to Marilyn Monroe, but that is be- that logic, I believe Clinton drag this ordeal out as long as side the point. would also be thrown out of the possible. I know I said that if we If they are going to impeach Girl Scouts, as well as fired from are going to impeach him, we him, they should probably do it his job as editor of Cigar Aficio- should do it before his term ex- before his term expires. Just a nado. pires. I still feel we should, but at thought. While we are on the sub- People also seem upset that least wait until spring. Thank God ject of impeachment, why exactly the act took place in the Oval for Sammy Sosa ...
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