Page 45 - Phoenix1998-99
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FEATURES Thursday, October 22, 1998 - Page 13 70's marriage creates Halloween horrors on The Hill Loose Ends at WMC BY NICOLI': LEUMANN S/lIjJWriler work around. Paul and Susan ev JOAN FAULKNER simply cannot live together. SlajfWriler This Halloween take care when The theme of the play, in my walking around campus. Legends Imagine finally finding the opinion, was that the role of the abound about a number of ghosts love of your life, only to discover woman drastically changed in just ready to spook you out. that living together is impossible. the seventies. Whatever you do, stay out of This is basically the storyline of I thought that possibly this Levine or you might become the Loose Ends, a play by Michael couple symbolized what many next victim of the mischievous Weller that was performed at other couples were going little boy who haunts this building. Alumni Hall, October 1-4. through at that time. He was only six years old when Loose Ends is set in the sev- Another message was that he was run over by a horse and car- enues. It tells the story of two although two people may love riage on Main Street. Listen care- young people, Paul and Susan, each other with all their heart, fully and you might hear him tink- who meet on a beach in Bali. they may have to give up some- ering on the piano as he wails for They feel an instant mutual thing to make their marriage you to come and play with him. attraction and want to start a re- work. Two other campus ghosts are lationship. Unfortunately, they Although I thought the play older than this lonely child. They miss each other, but fate soon was thoughtful and well written, ate the spirits of former students, lands them on a bus in Boston. Ican't say that Ienjoyed it thor- who died tragically for [ave. Be- Thus begins a turbulent rela- oughly. tween midnight and 2 am, watch tionship that will span the next The plot lagged at times and out at the gazebo for the figure of eight years. Paul and Susan date the scenes got very slow, espe- a girl waiting in her gown for her for two years before suddenly cially after the intermissions. true love. She killed herself after tying the knot. This really decreased my inter- her boyfriend left her. Their marriage is carefree and est level. She waits in vain though, for he affairs are allowed, as long their The acting in Loose Ends is haunting Elderdice Hall. Rumor ROBYN HILL love remains constant. was, in my opinion, the best part has it that he hung himself in the Elderdice Hall is rumored to be the most haunted building on campus. However, Paul decides that he of the play. Sophomore Don tower after learning of her death. wants to have children and start Todt and Erika Rcskowinski, a The top floor of this building is candle; it's reported that he still lapsed and the children fell to their a family while Susan wants to junior, were very believable and closed off today, officially because studies up there. deaths. hold off having children and fo- strong as the leads Paul and • of fire hazards, but it is said that More child ghosts are rumored If the weather is nice this Hal- cus on her career. Susan. students who lived up there were to haunt Blanche Ward Hall. A long loween, listen out for these chil- Although the two continue to The heart and energy of the distracted by the noises made by time ago, a visiting family let their dren. they're still playing with their love each other, the differences play were great, Ijust didn't find this unfortunate young man. children play on an unstable bal- ball. between them and their inability the subject matter very interest- As you pass by Elderdice on cony on the second floor. As the ~ to compromise are impossible to ing. Halloween night, look out for his ball hit the railing, the balcony col- INSTANT CREDIT ~fZ;.,.tP Guaranteed Credit Cards with Credit Limits ~ StP"'" Up To $10,000 Within Days! .. ~ No CREDIT, No JOB, No PARENT SIGNER, No SECURITY DEPOSIT! no credit • bad credit • no income? 1 VISA 1 Card, Think Again. If You Think You Can't Get A Crecflt Want VISA & MasterCard Credit Cards? ~--------------------------------------------------------~ ORDER FORM YES! CRA, PO Box 16662, ATLANTA, GA 30321 APPROVAL I want Credit Cards immediately. GUARANTEED Name. . Address . Ln:v""""""""""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"""""",,,",,"""",,"'" Slate .. . , Zip ,.. Signature .
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