Page 36 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, October 22, 1998 - Page 4 NEWS New shopping center Campus Calendar Continued/rom page I the rental of the land. Racial bigotry speaker Holloway speaker After each five year period, this figure is Minorities aren't forced to sit at the back Author Peter Balakian expected to increase. According to Preston, of the bus and there is only one water foun- ily had roots in Armenia. knew his fam- Sunday Every rent collection will begin in May 1999 or the tain, but bigotry is still entrenched in our the extended family gathered to enjoy a date on which Safeway opens. society, especially at corporate levels, ac- table full of old country dishes. Seidel said that other uses of the land cording to Lawrence Otis Graham. But it wasn't until he was a sophomore were discussed by the board of trustees, in- A Harvard-trained, New York lawyer who in college that he discovered that his fam- cluding that of a residence hall. "Plans for went undercover as a busboy at an all-white ily was almost wiped out in the Armenian the building of a residence hall were consid- Connecticut country club to document racial Genocide of 1915. ered, but the members believe that the site is bias, Graham will recount his experiences at Dr. Balakian, who told his family story too far away from campus and that it is not 6 pm on Monday, Oct. 26, in Alumni Hall. to the world through his book, "Black Dog very convenient," said Seidel. However, they In 1992, Graham wrote a shocking, dis- of Fate," is the featured speaker for the decided that the rental of the property was turbing account of what he had learned and [998 Holloway Lecture at 8 pm, on Oct. the most beneficial choice for the college at overheard while clearing dishes and topping 28, in McDaniel Lounge. this time. coffee cups. Besides the advantage of having a shop- The rights to "Invisible Man" have been Gershwin concert ping center even closer to campus, another This plan of the lIew supermarket shows the optioned to Warner Brothers which is con- One hundred years after his birth, the positive advantage is that the college will intended design of the new shopping center. sidering a film starring Denzel Washington. enduring melodies of composer George now have another source of income besides idea that will benefit the student population. Gershwin come to WMC with all of their tuition, according to Seidel. "It will help to "The center will create job opportunities for Murder mystery dinner theater original effervescence. take some of the burden off of students in students and provide us with more options Student leaders at WMC need help solv- The unmistakable, show-stopping tuition costs," he said. to satisfy our shopping needs." ing the latest campus Halloween mystery and melodies highlight Chamber Music on the "College Square has the potential to be a His only worry concerns the possible li- are inviting detective wannabes to help solve Hill's musical tribute "Gershwin, by tremendous neighborhood shopping center," quor store. "I just hope that if they have a the crime. George" at 7 pm, on October 25, in said Harvey, "and that most of the focus of it liquor store its hours will accommodate the CAPBoard is hosting a murder mystery McDaniel Lounge. is to meet the neighborhood needs." student population better than the existing dinner theater at 6 prn, on Friday, Oct. 30, in Selections include songs from "Porgy Erik Winkler, a junior sociology major, stores in town." Decker College Center Forum. and Bess" and "Shall We Dance," a four- believes that the shopping center is a great Tickets for the fundraiser are $ I 5 and handed piano arrangement of "Cuban include dinner and the show. For tickets or Overture," and the famous "Rhapsody in Honor code under consideration additional information call 410-857-2266. Blue." . Continued/rom page J Case. who strongly believes in the honor However, the statement of expectations WMC for the first time should be introduced better publicize the results of their meetings. code, feels that if the code is abolished, stu- included in the report said that "no attempt to the system. Several recommendations were included dents will be forced to rewrite it if they want will be made to punish students who fail to "I was first told about the honor code for consideration by the Faculty Affairs Com- to have any sort of system at the college. report such violations." Although it main- when I had to take the math placement test mittee, the Faculty, and the SGA. WMC students have expressed mixed tains that students must support the system over the summer. Ithink that we briefly went They included making sure that all stu- opinions on the honor code. so it will work. over it [the honor code] during orientation, dents sigh the honor statement on all assign- "I think that the honor code is effective," "If someone robbed your neighbors but Ididn't pay attention," said a new trans- ments, and giving students the chance to re- said sophomore Alana Sullivan. "By sign- home, you would call the police," said Case, fer student who did not want to be identi- port anonymously to the professor about the ing the honor code, you are giving your word. on why students should report honor code fied. honor code system in their classes on the Although a number of students may not plan violations. "It w~""long and boring and I really am course evaluation forms. to abide by it, they still should expect to be The report also included several recom- not aware of the honor code policies," they It was also recommended that the faculty held accountable." mendations to be instituted immediately. The added, saying that the honor code is only should take steps to reduce. the temptation Sophomore Jeremy Trammelle agrees. "1 honor code booklet that is distributed to stu- enforced in two of their classes. of cheating in classes. think that its a good thing that we have the dents should be clarified and explained bet- The recommendations further state that In addition, the Honor and Conduct Board honor code. Idon't think that we should do ter. the faculty should discuss specific require- should be expanded to include more students, away with it because not having an honor It was also recommended that an orien- ments for students during the first week of and a panel of faculty members should be code means that students do not have to be tation to the honor code should be included classes, and that the faculty needs to be bet- set up as an advisory panel to discuss honor honest in their academic work. The college in the Freshmen Seminar classes, and that ter trained about the honor code. Addition- code and faculty issues. will lose the respect that it has gained and transfer and international students coming to ally, the Honor and Conduct Board should that the college has gained as a result of the honor code," he said. However, not all students feel this way. You can't consent to anything if you're out cold. A student who does not want to be identi- If you think you may have been drugged and raped, get help. fied said that "The honor code. is stupid if nobody is going to abide by it. Not abiding by it defeats the whole purpose of having Call: the honor code, and there is no point in en-· forcing something that really doesn't exist like it originally was meant to be." 24 Hour Hotline: 410-857-7322 The honor code report stresses the fact that both students and faculty need to work together in supporting the principles of the Rape Crisis Intervention Service of Carroll County honor code, instead of changing the entire RAPE system. ~ CRISIS Office: 410-857-0900 or 876-9147 * Services are free and confidential It included a statement of expectations, saying that the students, upon enrollment at WMC, are "not only required to abide by the honor code in all respects, but they are un- der a moral and ethical obligation to report How do you know any violations of that code that they witness being committed by others." what's in a drink if you didn't open it? The violations must be reported the pro- fessor of the class, to the students academic advisor, to an honor code Advisory panel that Don't take chances· get your will be set up, according the report. own drink. Select sealed cans or bottles. WMC's Student Guide and Datebook states that "students are expected to report all instances of academic honor violations." A Priyote Non-Profit Agenc.r Serving Carroll CO!,lnfy
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