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Thursday, October 22, 1998 ~ Page 12 FEATURES Halloween Eccentric "Aunt" comes to Center Stage Fun BY SARAH RADICE Feutures Eduor Everybody, grab a pumpkin! Baugher's If-Pick pumpkin patch, Like the spiked fruit punch at a tenth with wagon rides to and from the patch, grade dance, the comedic play Travels With a petting zoo available. and a farm mar- My Aunt packs an unexpected wallop. ket. Hand dipped ice cream is included. Travels, adapted by Giles Havergal from For more information, call the u-pick a novel by Graham Greene, begins at the hotline at (410) 857-0 III or (410) 848- home of Henry Pulling in Somerset, En- 5541. gland. Henry is the prototypical middle class, British bureaucrat, a recently retired Looking to be scared? banker who devotes himself to his dahlias The popular Haunted Barn will be and lives a life of eminent respectability and operating on weekends through Hallow- dullness. een in Taneytown. Attractions include: On the day of his mother's funeral, several terror-filled rooms, two mazes Henry's long-lost Aunt Augusta arrives at his and a 70 ft. slide. For more informa- doorstep in a mad swirl of earthy vulgarity, tion, call (410) 756-4575. color and vitality. In a reversal of type, it is the older woman who represents change and Boo! life, and Henry who represents stasis and Westminster Ghost Walks will be death. conducted by the Carroll County Public Alternately fascinated and repelled by her Library on Oct. 22, 26 and 29 from 6:45 bohemian lifestyle, Henry nevertheless be- RICHARD ANDERSON PM - 8:30 pm. It consists of a slide show gins to feel himself changed by Aunt Au- Terry Alexander and Laurence O'Dwyer take a surreal road trip in this innovative production and a walk through Westminster, to hear gusta as the two embark on various "trav- though initially confusing, you quickly get O'Dwyer, Ken Cheeseman, Terry Alex- the ghost stories linked to familiar local els" to distant places. used to the actors speaking their thoughts out ander and Craig Mathers all gave uniformly buildings. For more information. call AuntAugusta is caught up in an unknown loud and slipping from character to charac- good performances. O'Dwyer, though, was (410) 848ยท4250. intrigue involving a mysterious former hus- ter. clearly the star of Travels. Although he band named Mr. Visconti, a stolen work of All at various points portray Henry, al- muffed his lines more than a few times, Where the wild things are art, marijuana and smuggling in South though Laurence O'Dwyer plays both him O'Dwyer recovered quickly and went to gave The Haunted Hayride. sponsored by America. and Aunt Augusta for the majority of the play. a crackling performance. the Lineboro Volunteer Fire Department. As Henry becomes more deeply in- He shone both as the flamboyant Aunt will take place on Oct. 22-24. 29-31; volved, he encounters a.variety of eccentric Havergal's stage Augusta and as the reserved Henry, impart- Thurs. 7-10 prn, Fri. & Sat. 7-12 pm. and humorous characters. ing a feeling of humanity to the two dispar- The ride will run about 45 min. For more They include Tooley, the pot-smoking adaptation takes the ate roles. information. call (410) 239-4670. free spirit and Wolf, the extremely excitable innovative step of having The set was an integral part of the play. Irish wolfhound who molests Mr. Visconti Simple and spare, it consisted of a sky blue Retraction in a flashback. journey, though, is more than four male actors portray backdrop with various windows they were and doors Henry's points, cut into it. At various merely physical. Travel truly broadens him, all 26 characters, opened or closed and filled with different The Phoenix wishes to apologize to Paul and Henry changes in more ways than he including the females and objects to suggest setting. Ostazeski. There were a number of factual could have imagined. The only furniture was four chairs that errors in the student/staff profile on page 10 In the end, the climax of the play comes the dog. changed as the play progressed, reflecting of the October I. 1998 edition. We regret when Henry must stand up and decide who the changes in Henry. any inconvenience this may have caused. he is. Although the answer was obvious from This device symbolizes Henry's inner The entire effect was slightly surreal, the beginning, the final decision is still a fragmentation and repression; when all four reminiscent of a painting by Rene Magnne, Don't forget to powerful moment. the farce, Travels is a deeply , Henrys sit down and talk to each other as and very well suited journey. Henry's to showing one. his integration is complete. Underneath spiritual and physical mora] play that tries to deal with, as Havergal It also emphasizes that Henry's point of Travels is a highly entertaining play, pro- vote in the notes. the conflict between discipline and li- view is the dominant one. As Havergal com- viding laughs as well as a bit of serious cense. Which one creates a better life, and ments, "in Greene's novel, Henry's person- thought. If you have time to catch it. I'd say General at what price? stage adaptation takes the in- ality so dominates only through his particular go for it. With My Aunt is playing at Cen- the story that we see the other characters Havergal's Travels Election on novative step of having four male actors por- point of view. It's absolutely his journey. ter Stage in Baltimore through October 24. that, I knew that the actors including Once I realized the females tray all 26 characters, For more information, caU41O-332-0033. and the dog. should all be Henry at one point or another." November 3111 with bowler hats and black umbrellas. AI- in identical All are dressed gray suits Classified CONFIDENTIAL Personal AIDS TESTING GOOD PREGNANT? WEEKLY FREE CONFIDENTIAL Fall Semester 1998 PREGNANCY TESTING INCOME & CARING COUNSELING HELP 800 5215530 proce.. ing mail for 12:00 - 2:00 CONTINUE EDUCATION AND national company! F.. e CAREER, THE NURTURING supplie., postageI No EVERY OTHER TUESDAY NETWORK .. Ding! Bonu.. s! 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