Page 42 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, October 22. 1998 - Page 10 FEATURES End Note: Reviews of Cake and Gomez CDs Cake: Prolonging the Magic like The Charlatans, Suede or Blur. They count among their influences diverse groups When I first listened to Cake's new al- ranging from Tim Buckley to Dr. John to the bum, Prolonging the Magic I was somewhat Grateful Dead. astonished to hear lead vocalist/guitarist! From the gritty first notes of the album's songwriter John McCrea express a feeling opening track "Get Miles," it's obvious (hat of disenchantment through his words and Gomez is not interested in making second- music. generation Britpop. The upbeat lyrics and razor-sharp rhymes Vocalistlguitaristlkeyboardist Tom Gray which pervaded both "Fashion Nugget" and (who shares vocal credits with two other "Motorcade of Generosity" are unsettlingly band members) explains that the Gomez absent on the band's new album. The title sound lends a lot to old virtues of music, but appears on the cover under a large brown hog, "not just repeating the past [and instead] dis- which illustrates the band's apparent transi- covering those virtues and taking them some- tion from upbeat, witty songs to a more cyni- where new." cal, brooding approach to pop-rock. Besides Gray, Ben Ottewell and Ian Ball However, this is not to say that the music also contribute vocals, as well as guitar. has suffered. As always, John McCrea's abil- Rounding out the Gomez lineup are bassist ity to create quality guitar hooks shines Paul Blackburn and ally Peacock on drums. through, and Todd Roper's beats push the Having already achieved star status in the music forward. UK, Gomez is currently working on Ameri- Although the lyrics are somewhat de- can ears. The video for Bring It On's funky pressing, the music is fairly upbeat, which The members of Gomez hail from Liverpool, England. From left to right they are: Ben first single, ''78 Stone Wobble," debuted on makes the album all the more perplexing. Onerwell, I an Ball, Oily Peacock, Tom Gray, Paul "Blackie" Blackbu.rn. MTV's 120 Minutes recently. The juxtaposition of down-and-out lyrics and desperation: "J am intrinsically no good, I Gomez: Bring It On The quirky sound of "78 Stone Wobble" perky melodies seemed awkward to my ears have a heart that's made of wood, and I am is also apparent in "Whippin' Piccadilly," a at first, and still does to some degree. How- only biding time, only reciting memorized The world seems to get smaller every day, song as light and fun as its title. The same ever, in my opinion, this confused situation lines." and diverse influences in culture, style and vibe permeates "Get Myself Arrested," the does not classify the album as unlistenable. Moreover, on "Walk On By," the most music are becoming more and more com- best track on the album with its summertime The first song on the album gives a pre- musically upbeat song on the album, the pes- monplace. But it's still a long trip across the sound and carefree lyrics: "Got some friends monition of things to come: "My intentions simism is as rampant as ever: "As soon as ocean from Britain to the U.S., and some of in my BMW, trymgto get ourselves ar- are good and earnest and true, but under my you're born you start dyin', so you might as the most popular and critically acclaimed rested." good is internal combustion and Satan is my well have a good time." bands to come out of England are still com- The slower fracks range from pretty bal- motor." This really took me by surprise. Ultimately, in Prolonging the Magic, pletely unknown in the States. lads such as "Tijuana Lady" to the gritty, On "Guitar," McCrea appears to express John McCrea's disenchantment with women, Apart from the Spice Girls, the most re- bluesy "Bubble Gum Years." feelings of discontent and confusion as an the music industry, religion, and life in gen- cent British band to sweep the American Gomez incorporates innumerable musi- artist: "If Ithrew my guitar out the window, eral muddy the quartet's musical vision, and mainstream is Oasis. However, their univer- cal styles on Bring It On, and it's doubtful so far down, would I start to regret it, or give the listener a difficult task in sorting it sal sound does not vary far from anything that any listener could not find at least one would I smile and watch it fall?" It's hard to all out. coming from our new music front lately. Still, track that piques his interest. It's likely that tell whether or not he's being serious. The words weigh the music down, and when was the last time you bought a Pulp Gomez will follow in the footsteps of fellow In another song, "Hem of Your Garment," cause the band to stray from the characteris- album? Belle and Sebastian? Gomez? Mercury Prize winners Portishead, Pulp, and McCrea expresses feelings of emptiness and tic that has made their music popular among Gomez is the latest "big thing" to come Primal Scream, who have not achieved su- many young people: fun. out of England, and the group's debut album perstar status in the States. If you've never heard Cake before, I'd Bring It On has already won The Mercury But their diverse sound is sure to create +lilUJ'ut get Motorcade of Generostty, and leave Pro- Prize, one of Britain's most prestigious mu- a stir, and a loyal following, on both sides of longing the Magic for the tried-and-true the Atlantic . sic honors. fans. 2 112 stars However, don't be too quick to stereo- -Emily Stamathis • Clinu -Shawn Sprague type them with other classic Britpop bands Holocaust specialist Miller joins faculty Genuine Help and Understanding BY RAINI WRIGHT Staff Writer -Iv/Sleep Sedation -Pirst & Mid - Trimester One of the newest additions to the WMC Abortion Services faculty, Dr. Paul Miller, is an assistant pro- fessor in the history department. This fall, -Free Pregnancy Testing he is teaching modern European history. -Pregnancy & Birth Control A Chicago native, Dr. Miller holds two Counseling bachelor degrees from Arizona State Univer- -Sonograms sity, two master's degrees and a doctorate -Community Education & Guest from Yale University. Speaking Services Prior to teaching at WMC, Dr. Miller -24 Hour Emergency Call taught at The American University, Yale, -Female & Male Board Certified Brooklyn College of The City University of Gynecologists: New York, and Manhattan College. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL From 1996-1997, Dr. Miller worked for the World Jewish Congress in conjunction 410-788-4400 with teaching. There, he did research at the National Ar- Out of Area: chives on the Swiss and Nazi connection 1-800-427-2813 during World War II. From his results. Dr. Miller published Ask about our special student rates several papers on the Holocaust, paying Suburbia Building to the Swiss 5602 Baltimore National Pike close attention gold and jewels wartime bank- ing of victim's sold to them Suite 600 Baltimore. Maryland 21228 by the Nazis. Convenient to Baltimore Beltway (695) Currently. Dr. Miller serves as assistant editor of the "Holocaust and Genocide Stud- Relaxing in front 0/ a Hill Hall window, Dr. Paul Miller takes a break/rom teaching. ies" at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Mu- http://gynpages.comlhillcrestbalt seum. working-out. He also likes reading 19thcen- Dr. Miller is proficient in French, German When he is not teaching Dr. Miller, an tury French novels and literature on the Ho- and Spanish. His other teaching interests in- Most Credit Cards Accepted avid sports fan, enjoys playing basketball and locaust. clude the American West. •
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