Page 35 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 35
NEWS Thursday, October 22, 1998 - Page 3 ROTC cadets build team spirit during D.C. ten mile run BY FRANCESCA SAYLOR StaffWriler 382nd out of the total. Junior cadet Jarrod Gillam The sun had just barely begun helped contribute to Team Terror's to heat up the day at 8 am Sunday success with a time of 1:00:25, morning when the gun shot which placed him at 299th out of sounded. Instantly, 14,106 people the total and 296th out of the 9,723 of all shapes and sizes, ages and men who competed. races, moved to cross the start line for the 14thAnnual Army IO-Miler. He considered the accomplish- All of the adrenaline and feel- ment a tremendous team effort and ings of anxiety that had proceeded said, "Knowing they're 14,000 this moment were released as people OUI there pushing for the was very motivating. same thing" people from all over the world ex- Also contributing to the overall ploded into the streets of Washing- score for Team Terror, senior cadet ton, D.C. Mike Cushwa finished with a lime Amidst the hustle and bustle of I:03:26, placing 496th out of the were 15 Army ROTC cadets and total and 487th of the males. one cadre member from WMC, - "It was an awesome weaving in and out among the sea experience .. .l looked at it more as of faces, atl donning the same a fun race than a competitive race," proud ROTC flag shirt. said Cushwa. What would inspire these stu- Both Gilliam and Cushwa run dents to accomplish such a task in cross-country for WMC. the middle of their fall break? Be- Major Doyle, who was unable sides the free shirts and hot dogs to run because of a knee injury, was Major Doyle promised at the fin- Member's of WMC's ROTC program wail in the Mall in Washillgton D.G. before beginning their ten mile run. more than happy just to be there to ish of the run, most cadets felt com- support the cadets. She referred to pelled to run because of the "spirit Their motivation came from the apprehensive. Sophomore cadet together as much as possible. herself as "the mom" and held de core," or feeling of team unity, need to just finish and prove to Kelly Haker had jokingly referred as senior cadet Jane Parron said. themselves that they could do it. [Q the run as suicide, but that was within The best four finishing times to down the meeting place while ev- a team were then added eryone was running. The tradition of the event and the fun of seeing everyone again Most cadets felt compelled to run because of the Upon their return, Doyle grilled was what brought 2 Lt. Jessica the promised hot dogs and made Mongratn back for the run. "spirit de core. " sure everyone was okay. She and John even treated husband cadets Having just graduated in the spring, Mongrain made the trip Commenting about how he felt before she sprinted past her running make the team's official time. to Jimmy Co~e on the way back to WMC. from Alabama, where she is now during the 5:30am van ride to D.C., partner to the finish line. There were eight people on training. Running the IO-milerwas Rob Shoppert said, "I wasn't sure Nearly all the cadets had run- Team Terror which placed 7th out Even though the ice cream did 'old hat' to her. , if it was a mistake or not to go [at ning partners, which helped to of the 45 ROTC teams present and not prevent the soreness they felt' While several of the cadets were that lime]." But after he finished, make the time go by faster. In fact, I 10th out of 539 learns totaL the next day, the cadets felt it was veterans of the race, there were five he knew it was not. the cadets registered in two teams, The seven-person Team Green well worth it. After all, "That not kill us makes first-time runners. He was not the only one to be Terror and Green and tried to stay placed 32nd in ROTC learns and which does commented Perron. us stronger,"
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