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FEATURES Thursday, October 22, 1998 - Page 9 H oroscopes Peace Corps provides African adventure and cultural experience An October of changes BY CHRISTIAN WILWOHL Note: A band of masked squirrels attacked and killed (slowly) ContributillgWriter the people who wrote last issue's horoscopes. Fortunately, the out- laws, though unapologetic. have agreed to write horoscopes for the As WMC's Class of '98 ventures Phoenix until replacement astrologers are located. And subsequently into the real world of jobs and killed (slowly). graduate school, one of its members will follow an extraordinary, alter- Libra (9/24 - 10123) nate career path. Jonathon graduate A great Saturday night will tum into a very ugly Sunday Shacat Recent has joined the U.S. Peace morning. You should have known better than to try a Corps and will establish and main- drink called Bloody Afterbirth. tain fisheries in Gabon, Africa as part of the Rural Fish Culture Ex- Scorpio (10/24 - 11122) tension Project. You're a Scorpio. Nobody likes you. Although the Spanish major plans to eventually pursue a career in journalism, he hopes to first gain Sagittarius (I 1123 - 12121) a stronger "cultural perspective, This week, you will have to choose between hot monkey being able to relate to people and love and a really good (but pretty much asexual) grilled where they're from," via the Peace Corps. Shacat believes that journal- cheese sandwich. Choose wisely. ists playa tremendous role in soci- ety, and that such a perspective is Capricorn (12/22 - 1120) "necessary and essential good jour- You will wear a white baseball hat and khakis at least nalism." once in the next week. Maybe more than that. But ev- When Shacat returns to the eryone knows you shower naked. United States in two years, he looks forward to working as a journalist in Washington, D.C. Eventually, he Aquarius (1/21 - 2/19) hopes to transfer to a foreign bureau Oh, Aquarius. You would not need to read this horo- to report world news. scope if you would use your telescope to gaze at the stars. "Even though the Peace Corps for doors Try that just once this week instead of watching the may open "it has nothing me," says Shacat, to do with Capricorns' shower. Naked. my joining the Peace Corps. Upon completing my post, I will have an Pisces (2/30 - 3120) experience inside myself of living Your sign is the Phish. But if you keep spending all of in a foreign country." Shacat is looking forward to his Recent WMC graduate, Jonathon Shacat, is currently training with the your money on sensimilla, you won't be able to afford experience, despite the adversities Peace Corps before leaving for Gabon, Africa. tickets to any shows. he may encounter. He describes his country, he will also have the op- whole world out there, so much out future living conditions as poor, portunity to learn French, Gabon's there to be seen." Aries (3/21 - 4119) with no running water, electricity, official language. His experience in Spain One among you is guilty of stealing the new Soul Cough- or telephone access. The slow mail As a child, Shacar can remem- prompted Shacat to think more se- ing album from WMCR. The stars have foretold of your system will also make communica- ber watching a Peace Corps com- riously about the Peace Corps. "I tion with those back home difficult. a woman in a rice field mercial: doomed existence, fire and brimstone in your future, or In case of emergencies, the Peace and the slogan 'The Peace Corps---- knew it was no longer just a dream, Icould accomplish." but something at least some bad egg salad. Pull the rudder down pull Corps will guarantee a faster com- the toughest job you'll ever love." He also believes that his semes- the rudder down. munication process. He did not think about this for sev- ter in Spain helped him through the Although Shacat admits that it eral years, until he spoke to a Peace application and screening process. may be difficult to adjust quickly Taurus (4/20 - 5/20) Corps representative at a WMC ca- "I needed to relate [the questions] to the situation, he states firmly that reer fair during freshman year. to something in my past in order to Tear the roof off the mother this week. Everyone finds he wants to "go and experience an- He attributes much of his de- answer them. It was easy to relate your combination of supersexiness and irresistible bliss other culture. If this is the way I sire to join the Peace Corps to his them to Spain." to be manna for their souls and erogenous zones. Oh, have to do it, I'm willing to adapt." semester abroad in Seville, Spain. While in Gabon, Shacat plans wait. That's Leo. This week, pretend you're a Leo. Overcoming obstacles should "Before going to Spain, I was very to send articles about his experi- only enhance Shncat's experience. closed," Sbacat says of his first in- ence to local newspapers back In addition to gaining Peace Corps temational experience. "By study- home. Gemini (5/21 - 6120) responsibilities and exploring a new ing abroad, I realized there is a Put on some electro and dance naked this week. Just be sure to pull your blind down. An Aquarius is watching. Upcoming Van Gogh for it! Westminster Cancer (6/22 -7/23) Events This week vow to delete all chain mail. And spend only A presentation of seventy seminal works showcasing Van Gogh's 12 hours looking at porn on the Internet. You're worse evolution from novice to master artist. The Downtown Westminster than an Aquarius. Farmer's Market. Featuring lo- WHAT: "Van Gogh's "Van Gogh's: Masterpieces from the Van Gogh cally grown produce, honey and Museum, Amsterdam" baked goods. Located in the Leo (7/24 - 8123) Sherwood Square Parking Lot at See Taurus, first two lines. WHEN: Now through January 3rd Route 27 and Distillery Drive. 8 lOAM - 5 PM, Mon. - SaL am to noon, October 24. For more tlAM-6PM,Sun. information, call Karen Tucker at Virgo (8/24 - 9123) 410-8488-4363. Revolution! This week mess with people. Wear your WHERE: National Gallery of Art gut out laughing at rusty metal. Or go play beer pong. 4th St. at Constitution Ave., NW, Washington The Fall and Christmas Arts and Crafts Show at the Reese Volun- TICKETS: FREE, 1800 - 2500 tickets available everyday at West teerFireHall, 1745 Baltimore Bou- Building Pass desk, 6th St. and Constitution Ave., starting at noon. levard (Route 140). 8 am to 4 pm, By Matthew Thomas For more information, call (202) 842-6689. October 24. Call Betsy Alexander for more information at 410-848- 4363.
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