Page 37 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 37
COMMENTARY Thursday, October 22, 1998 - Page 5 Letters to the Editor Clinton Scandal US interests in the hopes he will the description of a high crime or allegations of misconduct, which now, while he is still in office, since be too distracted to retaliate. misdemeanor. were later proven, are a gross abuse he should not be impeached? Or While pleased with your paper While blaming these attacks on That committing crimes is not and violation of the public trust. should he be given a stay, so that as a whole, Iam not sure as to why Clinton's troubles is not completely an impeachable offense is absurd. That President Clinton may not he can serve out his term and go to the commentary by Chris Taugher, justified, the possible damage done In fact, as the writers of the Con- have committed a crime is irrel- jail afterwards? concerning the current White by his affair on his authority over stitution intended impeachment to evant as (0 whether he is fit to serve Either way, Iwould like to know House scandal, was printed. I find the military, already hostile to a be wielded, actions which are not out his term. exactly how he can "to the best of his article to be lacking in research draft-dodger, is a severe cause for punishable by law fall under im- Many questions have been [his] Ability, preserve, protect and and believe some of his statements concern. Clinton, the Commander peachableoffenses. raised as to the motives behind the defend the Constitution of the to make no sense. in Chief, has violated one of the Let us suppose Mr. Clinton investigation headed by Kenneth United States" as he swore to do Mr. Taugher makes the propo- articles of the Uniform Code of committed no indiscretion other Starr. These allegations were not sition that President Clinton should Military Justice. than having an affair and lying raised by Mr. Starr, nor has he when he took his oath of office. the Bill Clinton has violated not be impeached because of his Although a lengthy legal debate about it to his wife and the Ameri- caused this problem. Had Bill Clin- public trust, committed acts actions. He does not dispute that over whether he is under the juris- can public for 7 months. Many ton used discretion in his conduct deemed impeachable by past pre- Clinton committed perjury and diction of this Code can be raised, might question whether this in it- the trouble he and our country is in cedent, the Constitution and the adultery, but he believes Clinton's the fact still stands that military self is an impeachable offense. Isay would not exist. writings of our Founding Fathers, conduct to have been not of an im- officers are given dishonorable dis- yes. This inquest into the doings of and has lost the ability to effectively peachable variety and not threaten- charges for the same act Clinton Article I, sec. 3 of the Constitu- President Clinton started because serve our country. For the good of ing to the safety of this country and committed: having inappropriate tion states, "judgement in Cases of the Attorney General, an official the country, now and in the future, its people. This is where Itake is- relations with a subordinate. This President Clinton must be im- sue. peached. While admitting Clinton's guilt, Military officers are given dishonorable discharges for the same Jeremy Keil '02 Mr. Taugher forgives him because "the economy grew steadily, vio- act Clinton committed Halloween Fondue lent crimes decreased in number, In a world filled with pessi- and the deficit ceased to exist." I hypocrisy raises issues of irrever- Impeachment shall not extend fur- appointed by Mr. Clinton, felt ·the mism, skepticism, (and Glar), how do not believe a healthy nation ex- ence for the leadership of our mili- ther than to removal from Office Whitewater land dealings needed to about some positive and uplifting cuses the President's faults. tary, a leadership whose orders and disqualification to hold and be looked into. news? Ok, whatever - FREE If anything, the opposite should must be unquestionably followed enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Under the Special Prosecutor be true. The relative tranquility of in order to secure the safety of the profit under the United States." law, which Clinton extended at the FOOD!! Undergraduate Relations The our country allows us the opportu- country. While intended to ensure no beginning of his first term, Kenneth Committee, aka "URC," will host nity to ensure Constitutional ques- When the actions of our Com- judgement levied by the Congress Starr has looked into these land it's hugely popular, (and FREE) tions such as executive privilege mander in Chief cause him to lose resulted in a legal punishment, the dealings and other misconduct of Halloween Fondue in Ensor and impeachable offenses may be his ability to lead the military, he use of "honor" and " Trust" to de- Bill Clinton. Kenneth Starr has not Lounge on Thursday, October resolved without adversely draw- loses the ability to defend the Con- scribe offices of the government is dragged these proceedings along. 29th at 4:00 pm. There will be ing our attention away from mat- stitution and this country, thereby to show the necessity of honor and Every inquest into other dealings (FREE) Halloween treat~(FREE) ters such as war. violating his oath of office, and trust in our government officials. such as Filegate, Troopergate, and fondue for the dipping, and In fact, the only time we should must be removed from office. A man who cheats on his wife Monica Lewinsky has been ap- beverages. (Please!! (FREE) unconsciously trust our executive In concluding his article, Mr. with a subordinate is dishonorable, proved by Janet Reno and a three spiking the punch this year!l) No is during times of strife, when the Taugher states, "President Clinton and a President who lies to the judge panel overseeing the inves- So, on your way to Glar, or if safety of our nation demands we is no saint. He lied under oath and American public for 7 months can tigation. you are looking for a reason to skip unquestionably give him support. committed adultery .. The Presi- not be trusted. For this reason, Since he has been charged with out of class early, drop by for a treat Mr. Taugher also believes Clin- dent should apologize, pay a fine, Clinton should be impeached. looking into these scandals, Mr. And, for the am- ton should not be impeached be- and possibly serve some jail time." In Federalist 65, Alexander Starr has a duty, set forth in Article without the trick. up in costume and dress bitious, cause "It's not as if the President Mr. Taugher does not believe Hamilton states, concerning im- VI of the Constitution, to pursue all compete for a WMC floppy hat so put our country in jeopardy." From Clinton's actions to constitute, peachment, "The subjects of its ju- allegations related to the inquiry. graciously donated by YOUR Bar- this opinion I must also dissent. "high Crimes and Misdemeanors," risdiction are those offenses which Should he have chosen to ignore nes & Noble Bookstore. Clinton's affair and consequent as set forth in Article II, section 4 proceed from the misconduct of these allegations, he would have Questions, thoughts, comments, cover-up has caused America to of the Constitution. public men, or, in other words, from failed in his duty as a Special Pros- or just to prank call, dial ext. 286 lose respect upon the world stage. Perjury and obstruction of jus- the abuse or violation of some pub- ecutor, and would need to be re- for Randy. Indeed, the recent terrorist at- tice, crimes which Mr. Taugher ad- lic trust." moved from his post. and welcome tacks by Os ami bin Laden and mits the President to have commit- Bill Clinton has himself admit- I would like to ask Mr. Taugher Cheers, Randy Rytter '97 back ... flaunting of UN weapons inspec- ted, are felonies, and 1 can think of ted to misconduct. His use of gov- when he expects Bill Clinton to Assistant Director, tors by Iraq are very likely attempts no reason why a felony does not fit ernment employees to refute the serve his time in jail. Shall he do it Alumni Affairs to use Clinton's troubles to attack With a little help from our friends: WMC's honor code The Phoenix staff believes exams were administered in Gill phlet sent out in campus mail are class effort or books and other aids over 30 years ago the 'stu- it is time to revise the Gymnasium, and students were es- not effective means of informing appear "miraculously." written dents cared more about honor than honor code carted to the bathroom. the WMC community on the pol i- The most pressing problem is today's students do. Proctored exams can be very cies. that most students will not "break Since students no longer seem The honor code at WMC is in stressful and place a lot of pressure Not many people have time to theory a good idea. However, on the student. read all of that material. Perhaps a the code of the schoolyard," mean- to recognize the importance of the be ing that they will not be a ''tattle- it should maybe honor code, while it gives students more re- Some professors want to return more effective means would be to tale" and tell the professor about the abolished, at least for a short pe- sponsibility over their actions, we to proctoring exams, maybe not as hold an honor code proficiency cheating that is taking place in their riod of time. feel that itis unrealistic. strictly as before, but pretty close. exam or to hold a skit that is pre- classroom. Students would then have no There are several good prin- We feel that this should not nee- sented in a comical way (this seems I care if someone should ciples behind the honor code. II essarily happen. We believe that the to be effective for some things). cheats? "Why It has no effect on me!" is choice but to accept the policies set If the stu- forth by their professors. allows students to be treated like existing honor code should be Another problem is that the a common phrase heard when dis- dents wanted an honor code, they adults, and it teaches us about the changed to eliminate the entice- honor code is not consistently en- cussing the honor code. would need to take the initiative to real world. ment to cheat, but it should not be forced. Students do not take the honor write a new one. In the real world, no one will eliminated. It seems that every professor the case, Whatever be breathing down our necks to There are several problems with conducts his or her exams in a dif- code seriously. The honor code need to make their opinions students so that expec- should be redefined heard make sure we are not cheating. the honor code as it exists now. ferent way. Some leave the room tations are spelled mit more clearly. about the honor code. This is a se- Those who do cheat face serious The first problem is that many and others chose to stay and keep Students casually sign "1 have consequences. students are not aware of the JK!1i- an eye on the class, or even read neither given nor received help on rious issue and needs careful Certainly, most people want to cies that are included in the horior the newspaper. thought by faculty and students keep the honor code. We don't want code. The sections in the Student Sometimes, when a professor this examination," but they don't are before any decision is made. think really what they about Go to tonight's SGA open fo- to go back to the old days when Guide and Datebook and the pam- leaves a room, the test becomes a writing. Maybe when the code was rum and make your voice heard.
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