Page 29 - Phoenix1998-99
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SPORTS Thursday, October I, 1998 - Page 13 Sermarini puts team Krebs undefeated effort over individual The Continued/rampage one of the 16. is also sport He chose the #12 position be- most physically trying. It takes cause it was his father's collegiate great physical conditioning to number at Ursinus, and WMC be- compete at the intercollegiate These days, everyone has been cause of the football team and his level. It also takes a lot' of mental worried about the McGwire/Sosa History Major/Secondary Educa- stamina. race to hold the homeruns-per-sea- lion Minor. Cushwa stresses the impor- son record in Major League Base- As for actual plays, Sermarini tance of such discipline, saying ball; however, the race has over- feels that his contributions to SCOT- that "Sometimes it's hard to make come team philosophy, which jun- ing are just part of being quarter- yourself go out and run everyday, ior Terror Ron Sermarini describes back. He also feels that although he but you have to." as the "team as a whole coming and his teammates are happy with The men's team is looking to before any individual." being undefeated so far, he's still improve over its performance in Standing 5' II" at 180 lbs., the waiting for the team to synthesize the past. Both Renner and Cushwa admirable quarterback said he better and play 10 the best of its are confident they can do so. doesn't go for breaking records. ability. The women also plan to make "It's great when the season's over, One personal acheivement of their mark hear the top this year. but during the season it doesn't which Sermarini was unaware is With a lot of young talent at hand, mean anything." that he placed third in the school's it is likely they too will continue Having jointly received Cen- career passing yardage (3,489) last to be successful. tennial Conference (cq Offensive year. On September 26, the team at- Player of the Week (9-14-98) with The top-place holder is Brian tended its second meet, the York Gettysburg's Paul Smith, Serma- Van Deusen '95 (7,239), whom Invitational, where the men placed rini is halfway to his regular-sea- Sermarini has a chance of passing fifth out of seven, and the women son CC honors total, for he earned if he continues at his current rate. placed second out bf five. the same horrors twice each year "1 remember watching Brian Freshman Jill Krebs won her when he was a freshman and a play," the quarterback said. "It second of two races this season sophomore. would be an honor to pass him:' with a time of 20'20", creaming He says he thinks the honors Yet, for now, Sermarini is only the second-place 3.1-mile runner are neat, but is only worried about worried aboutgoing- to the top by more than 15 seconds. helping the t~encb the-ce again, perhaps once again facing The next time you are out tak- title-again this year. Lycoming, whom he considers to ing a nice stroll around the athletic Having started at the age often be the Terror's toughest opponent fields, or you jre teeing off on the in Pop Warner ("Little League") so far. ninth hole and see the pack of 28 Ball, the Toms River North High While the Terrors are currently runners go by, give a nod in ap- (NJ) alumnus chose to play quar- fifth in Division Ill, Lycoming is preciation for the hard work they terback after having always rated number one and will be a put into their sport. Junior quarterback ROil Sermarini focuses on teamwork watched his favorite NFLer, Joe tough team to defeat Montana, on the tube. INSTANT CREDIT ~tfo Guaranteed Credit Cards with Credit Limits ~. "•. €J~a~ Up To $10,000 Within Days! ~ ~ No CREDIT, No JOB, No PARENT SIGNER, No SECURITY DEPOSIT! no credit • bad credit • no income? ~c:r~~ ( VISA ]~ Card,Think Again. .~ Want VISA & MasterCard Credit Cards? ~--------------------------------------------------------, ORDER FORM YES! I want Credit Cards immediately. GUARANTEED APPROVAL CRA, PO Box 16662, ATLANTA, GA 30321 Name . Address City . ... Stale .. .. Zip . Signature
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