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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ... """""" ,,' "" "'" '" Thursday. October I, 1998 - Page 14 A Sosalogical COMING SOON- POWER-PLAY POLL Perspective 8Y MICHAEl, PUSKAR Sports Editor Ideally, what America needs Is some in- temauonal recognition, and that's just what Sammy Sosa's beating out Mark McGwire in the home run race would have done. For centuries, America has been Anglocentric, stressing the value of English- (and other Caucasian-) descendants over oth- ers. And, although our society has matured in the-area of cultural diversity, the all-too- sad truth is that the nation is not yet.ready Send answers to the following for someone like Sosa, who comes from the. questions (or ideas for other ques- Dominican Republic, to hold a record in tions) to "America's pastime." hooligans, which have been severely con- I, myself, would liked to have seen Sosa demned by public opinion and justice. I] Who is your favorite football surpass McGwire for reasons of our nation's IIalso allowed for many social improve- player? blind patriotism, which makes some see ments for the unemployed youngsters of the baseball as a sport whose records should be poorest areas. They could work at the com- 2] Who is your favorite cheerleader? held by a continental Americans, such a's petition as volunteers and learn that there McGwire. It is, therefore, no wonder why are opportunities available other than gangs 31 Do you like the new mascot? those fans in attendance at Busch Stadium and crime. They were able to become in- booed when Sosa's 66th homer went up on volved and have some responsibility instead Thank you, Sports Fans! the board. of spending their lime as delinquents. They Baseball is a team sport, and the Cardi- had to learn to respect the sporting atmo- nals haven't fared as well as have the Cubs sphere and some of them told me it.was an this season; so such animosity as displayed amazing experience, which will probably Cards Los Numeros by the SI. Louis fans is understandable. takes up change their lives Tony La Russa, however, manager for Sosa, recognizing that there is no "I" in Even the French president has been a A humor section on sports figures team. "I'm so biased it's ridiculous," La great soccer fan and supporter, contribut- ing to the party atmosphere. He invited Russa told the Associated Press, "But Ithink youngsters and students to the Famous MLB Homerun Record: Sammy deserves [the National League Elysees Garden Party of the 14th of July, • Mark McGwire makes it "69"; MVP), French Independence Day. "I don't think he's done more for his team I wonder if that means he's back Could you imagine a whole country and with his ex-wife. its visitors partying together from the 12th to the 15th of July to celebrate ~J ~~;~h~~;I~e;a~g~:~~~~~~ ~~;:)t'ffl .~~~\tl~,lw~re i_Il.f'lYbook''',~',!'!lf!''''. __ '''I!'0thth' r!'o\.>u"""'-"!u<,_ •••••v"'~"X'''i' a sport victoryj! ), mustadmit that I have Though La Russa was never seen that even for the Olympics, and Valuable Player and abides by McGwire as Have any funny or interesting figures. it has been a great sharing sensation that I (no, I don't mean 36"x 24" x 36")? home-run king, it just goes to show the pro- hope everybody \'iii.! get the chance to ex- E-mail them to fessional outlook of team over individual, perience one day. something which many fans can't see. When I remember the Champs Elysees Fans are, of course, the necessary element invaded almost every day of the final week in the old ball game, and it is because of them by thousands of French and foreign people that many ball players do try to break records. singing and dancing together, I feel proud Both Sosa and McGwire wish each other the to have been involved. best, for as Sosa said, they'rejustdeing their I would again like to thank all the people jobs. who worked hard to organize this event and Yet, why is it that so many crowd into hope that we will be able to put together stadiums to see another pitcher scratch his more sport parties like this. crotch' and hock, or to get that beer, some peanuts, and a hot dog? It is, as for many fans of entertainment, to escape the pains of a culture for which we are all to blame. Our 16" CHEESE society has become so superficial, that we have 10 escape our government, not because of tyranny, but because of media hype over for only a sex scandal. Whatever hope McGwire can bring to his native land won't do diddly. $4.99 But Sosa fans are another story, and I'm not talking about Chicago citizens. Sosa's Everyday ••. All Day homeland has been ravaged by Hurricane Georges, flooding their homes and knock- ing out the sparse electricity they had. Pizza, Wings & More Inc. This crisis, however, hasn't stopped Do- minicans from watching their nation's great (410) 840 - 8338 son play ball, for it is the only thing that gives them hope. They crowd into small bars, Carryout only, No Delivery where the bartender thankfully had a back- -We also offer some of the best wings up generator, just to see Sammy smack an- other one out of there. 'The nation has come in Westminster to pray for the boy," stated Rev. Jose Arellano Guerrero, "He helps us unite." "I am at the side of the Dominicans, of -Also, check out our huge 29" pizza my people, of my nation in these difficult moments," Sosa said from Milwaukee, for only $12.50 "Hopefully these home runs .. : will bring a Located just one block from campus at Penn. Ave. & Union Street. little happiness." Across from Little Georges Convenience Store.
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