Page 28 - Phoenix1998-99
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/'f '.' ( Thursday,October I, 1998-Page 12 FEATURES Kachur makes mellow debut at WMC BURN, BY AARON KNITZER Staff Writer New WMC assistant professor of English BABY, Robert Kachur is Jiving what might be con- sidered "the good life." He has ajob he loves, BURN! a wife, a family, a home, and soon he will be purchasing a goat (they are great pets and good lawn mowers). The secret of his suc- In celebration of Banned Book Week cess? Learning to relax. (Sept. 26 through Oct. 3), the Phoenix Kachur was born in the rural Hagerstown, presents for your contemplation a list of MD. At age eighteen, he entered the Uni- frequently challenged books. Enjoy! versity of Virginia for a BA in English. Says Kachur, "I went to UVA because it was the Impressions best, last, cheapest school Igot into. Ireally a language arts textbook series, edited by didn't know what I wanted." Jack Booth, et aJ. While at UVA, he met his future wife, Challenged for presenting themes of Susan. She continued on to get her M.A. in rebellion against authority. Counseling Psychology, whilehe got a job as Assistant Editor of two magazines for col- Of Mice and Men lege students, U magazine and_Student Lead- HS1NĀ·LUNTSA! by John Steinbeck ership. Kachur discovered his love of teach- English professor Robert Kachur i~'enjoying life at WMC away from the stress of the city. Challenged for profane language and ing through this position, where he had to school were over, but new ones were about Kachur was surprised that his new WMC criticism of the social system. help the interns write new artieles. to be added. The Kachur family expanded family welcomed him with more than just Kachur said that this realization gave him at this time with (he birth of his first daugh- open arms. ''The whole Department showed The Catcher in the Rye the inspiration to go to graduate school, ter, Helen. Although he enjoyed teaching, up to help me unload the trucks ... Icouldn't by J.D. Salinger where he hoped to enter a less stressful ca- the strain of a new family and the stress of believe it," he said. Challenged for use of vulgar language reer that he would enjoy more. He went with big-city living marred his new dream life. Where does Kachur envision himself in and criticism of the social system. Susan to the University of Wisconsin in Soon there were more Kachurs: his second twenty years? As a full professor, financially Madison and earned an M.A. and Ph.D. in daughter, Adelaide, was born three years af- comfortable, with lots of time for reading and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn nineteenth century British Literature and ter Helen. Dr. Kachur was now "ready to gardening. "I hope to be here, settled. by Mark Twain Composition. get away from living every single day in an We've moved around a lot in the past twelve Dropped from some high school read- ''If somebody had told me how hard it is urban area." years." ing lists because it is considered racist. to get jobs out of grad school, I may have Bill Spence, energetic WMC professor He feels that the move to WMC is the been lOO scared to do it," Kachur said. "But and Kachur's longtime friend, had a solu- biggest step towards this goal of a secure, The Chocolate War I was naive, so I just did it and it worked tion. He informed Kachur that positions relaxing lifestyle. Kachur has not been afraid by Robert Cormier out." were opening for English teachers here. So, to make drastic moves and take large risks Challenged forobsceniry, sexual con- Shortly after getting his Ph.D., Kachur after six years in Boston, the Kachur family for this goal, and he plans to enjoy the re- tent and descriptions of obscene-gestures. started teaching at Boston University. The (including cats Annie and Earthquake) wards. pressures of his earlier job and attending moved to Uniontown. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Classified **Attention College Students ** by Alvin Schwartz for encouraging and the oc- Challenged cannibal- ism and promoting Satanism Help Wanted Wait Staff Wanted cult. No Experience Necessary The Witches MAKE YOUR OWN HOURS Sell Kodak Spring Break '99 Trips Competitive Wages Plus Tips by Roald Dahl HIGHEST COMMISSION - LOWEST Flexible Hours Challenged by some for being too PRICES scary and by others for portraying witches NO COST TO YOU Within walking distance of West em Maryland College negatively. Travel FREE including food, drink & We dose at 8 so there is still time for studies and friends! . non-stop parties!!! A Wrinkle in Time WORLD CLASS VACATIONS Closed Sundays by Madeleine L'Engle 1998 STUDENT TRAVEL PLANNERS Apply in Person at: Challenged for giving a mixed mes- ''TOP PRODUCER" Harry's Main Street sage of good and evil and encouraging make-believe. 1-800-222-4432 65 West Main Street Downtown Westminster Spring Break '99- Sell Trips, Earn Cash Blubber by Judy Blume & Go Pree!l! Student Travel Services is now hiring campus reps/group organiz- CONFIDENTIAL Challenged for using unkind charac- ers. Lowest rates to Jamaica, Mexico & ters and teaching stealing, cheating and AIDS TESTING Heather Has Two Mommies Florida. Call 1-800-648-4849 lying. GOOD by Eve Merriam for promoting homosexu- Challenged WEEKLY Fall Semester 1998 ality. INCOME 12:00 - 2:00 ] Know Why the Caged Bird Sings proceaaing mail lor .EVERY OTHER TUESDAY by Maya Angelou for containing profanity Challenged nalianal company! Free and sexually explicit scenes and not rep- auppliea. postage I No September 15 & 29 resenting traditional values. selling! Bonuaeal Start immediately I Genuine October 13 & 27 opportunitylP1ease rush Note: List is from Banned in the U.S.A. November 10 & 24 Lcmg 8el.f-Addreasecl (Greenwood Press, [994), reprinted in Vent Magazine (Fall 1998). More infor- s~ 1lIl'l'e1ope to December 8 mation about banned books can be found N P C, SUITE 391 . Location - Smith House at 2045 Nt. Zion Rd MORROW, GA 30260 Call ext. 243 for an appointment
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