Page 162 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, April 15, 1999 - Page 2 NEWS Student director takes on 'The Dining Room' as final theater project What to do in AprillMay Sara Gruber wasn't sure what major to the play. pursue when she came to Western Maryland "I'm pitching in where I am needed and April 15 - May 7 College four years ago. But she did know even helped build the set one day," she said. that theater was out of the question. "Our department is growing, but it is still As far as she was concerned, her stage small enough that you have to work at ev- career ended with a final curtain call in high erything to get a show to go up. StudentArtShow, To May 7, Mon.-Fri., Rice Gal- noon-4 pm, Esther Prangley school. "And I can definitely tell you that there lery,jree. Fast forward to spring semester 1999, and E. Wentz Kathryn The juried Art Gruber is putting the finishing touches on a are much easier ways to earn credits," she Show features work by WMC's art ma- to do it now be- "I just really wanted added. WMC resume with roles in most student pro- cause I didn't think I'd ever get the chance jors and includes sculpture, printmaking, ductions, including becoming the first female to direct a full show after graduation. Of drawing, photography, painting, and com- student ever to complete four performance course, if I do go that way in my career, then puter graphics. labs for advanced acting students with the- I already have that experience, too." ater arts professor Ron Miller. The fast-paced show, written in 1982 by To top it off, Gruber is directing this Sarah; is pictured with two A. R. Gurney, examines the lives and rela- Books Sandwiched In, April /5, noon, McDaniel Lounge,free. year's final student production, "The Din- cast members/rom the one-ocr play which she directed in December. Her most recent tionships of several decades of what is Tom Wolfe's "A Man in Full," is be- ing Room," which opens Thursday, April 15. directorial endeavor opens April 15. known as the great American WASP, or ing hailed by many as the literary event And, of course, the senior from Media, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, but only the of the year and local book enthusiasts can Penn., a Philadelphia suburb, is a theater arts! take too much time after all. upper crust WASPs. communication dual major -and is pursuing Since Ihen about the only play bills with- "These folks aren't in a league with the discuss the long-awaited session novel at this re- with Henry view and discussion a career in theater management. She is also out her name in the cast were those for the Rockefellers," Gruber said, "but let's just say Reiff, associate professor of education picking up a minor in information systems musicals. Instead, she worked behind the they do have servants and you will never and associate dean of academic affairs. to help with the ever-changing technology scenes and left the singing parts to her friends hear them say they can't afford something. she will use in the field. who "have really good voices." That is never an issue." Chamber Music on the Hill, April 18, 7 "I swore up and do1wn' thuf I wasn't go- "I would sing in high school," she said, Room" "The Dining ing to get involved," she said. "I let theater "but T knew it wasn't my strength, and there nightly at S pm, Thursday, will be performed pm, The Great Hall, Carroll Community $5 seniorsJreefor $/0 adults, April 15, through College, consume too much time in high school, and are people here who can really sing. For those Sunday, April 18, with a Sunday matinee students. my grades slipped to B's and C's, and Ididn't shows, I decided to get experience in other performance at 2 pm. Tickets for all shows The concert, "Those Prolific French want that to happen in college." areas behind the curtain." are $5 for. adults and $3 for students. All But she did get very involved, and her That diversity was perfect training for her shows are in the understage, the Dorothy and Germans," will feature Dr. Kreider, WMC faculty musicians grades didn't waver from near perfection. current chore as stage boss of ''The Dining Elderdice Studio Theater in Alumni Hall. piano, and Barren, cello, and Kyle Engler, Katherine She is a consistent Dean's List student, usu- Room," a two-act comedy with eight actors, Gruber's parents and ahost of friends are mezzo soprano, as well as area musicians ally earning highest honors for grades be- four male and four female, each playing coming down for the show and so far, ev- tween 3.8 and 4.0. seven different roles. She puts in about five erything is on schedule, she said. cellist Esther Mellon-Thompson and vio- Gruber stepped on stage almost immedi- hours each day, including a nightly 7-10 pm "But Iwon't be satisfied until Ihear that linist Melissa Zaraya, both members of ately when she followed her new college rehearsal. The director, she said, also reads first laugh in our first performance," she said. the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. friends to tryouts for "The Cherry Orchard." and re-reads the script', blocks the scenes, and ''Then I'll know that I've done my job." Eve 6, April 18, 7 pm,Gill Center, $15 She earned a part and then kept trying to meets with stage crews, as well as the ac- general admission, $12 WMC students. convince herself that theater wasn 'I going to tors. Gruber earns two credits for directing Courtesy of Public Information Monday Night Music Series, April 19, Honor and Little Hawk shares heritage 7 pm, McDaniel Lounge, free. jazz and will highlight The concert Conduct through traditional art forms other compositions from The Eric Byrd Trio's ''The Fire Within the Heart," which Board Cases Ironically, Kenneth Little Hawk began to known all my life." is set for release in early May. discover his Native American roots while He has made some of the instruments he Love Gun, April 23, 8 pm, Alumni Hall, serving in the US Anny, the same military now uses in his program, including several $7. The Honor and Conduct Board adju- unit that last century punished his people and sizes of Native American fiutes. He also A KISS tribute band performs. The dicated a case on March 22 involving two other tribes and then pushed them onto res- plays drums and rattles, composing much of concert is a fundraiser for [he Commuter Association. Students students who used a slingshot to shoot ervations. his own music. His stones come from his A later, full-time search for those ances- pellets at college property and break a grandparents, as well as tales other Native Spring Concert Series, April 25-May 7, tral ties has led him to put together a pro- window. The two students received de- Americans have told him. all performances are free. gram for non-Native Americans giving them ferred suspension from college through Little Hawk has performed throughout Spring means end of semester con- a glimpse into his Micmac and Mohawk heri- the end of the Fall 1999 semester, were the country, including the Kennedy Center certs at Western Maryland College, and required to move off campus, and made tage, including storytelling, dance and mu- in Washington, DC, and Lincoln Center in this year m~sical groups celebrate the to pay $150 restitution for the damage. season with eight programs highlighting I went back looking for my roots, learning the music classical, jazz and gospel, as well as The Honor and Conduct Board adju- Broadway show tunes and opera classics. dicated a second case on March 24 involv- and the history, and it just seemed to fit like a glove. ing three students alleged to have pos- Now it's as if this has been something that I've known College choir, April 25, 7 pm, Big Baker sessed or distributed marijuana. One stu- Chapel. dent was found responsible for possession all my life. The Madrigals, April 27, 7:30 pm, Little with the intent to distribute and suspended Baker Chapel. from the college through the end of the sic featuring native instruments. New York. Student Chamber Music Ensembles, Fall 1999 semester and placed on disci- Little Hawk will perform at 7:30 pm, on A member of the Inter-Tribal Indians of plinary probation upon returning as a stu- Tuesday, April 20, in McDaniel Lounge. New Jersey, which is where his grandpar- April 29, 7 pm, Little Baker Chapel. College band, May 2, 7 prn.Alumni.Hall. dent. The other two students were cleared Assigned to a base in Oklahoma as a para- ents settled after leaving Canada, Little Music Theater/Opera Workshop, May 3, of all charges. trooper in the 1950s, Little Hawk encoun- Hawk has appeared in several stage produc- 8 pm, Alumni Hall. tered local Native Americans while in town tions, as well as earned television and film Student Solo Recital, May 4, 7 pm, Le- The Honor and Conduct Board heard on a leave pass. He went back to their reser- credits. HalL a case on March 31 involving a student vation where they urged him to explore his However, Little Hawk presents more vine Recital May 6, 8 pm, Decker Col- Jazz Night, accused of discharging a tire extinguisher. past. After getting out of the service, Little than just a performance: he has a message lege Center Forum. The student was found responsible and Hawk attended college and "bounced to spread through his program. "We're all Gospel Choir,' May 7, 7:30 pm, Baker required to move off campus through the around" in the job market. human and all one family," he said, "so we Memorial Chapel. end of the Fall 1999 semester. The stu- "I went back looking for my roots, learn- have to show that we love each other, un- dent also had !O pay $272.90 restitution ing the music and the history, and it just conditionally. The boundaries we have are to the college. seemed to fit like a glove," he said. "Now only set up by ourselves." Couresy of Student Affair~' it's as if this has been something that I've Courtesy of Public Information Courtesy of Public Information
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