Page 165 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 165
COMMENTARY Thursday, April 15, 1999 - Page 5 Letters to the editor Dear Editor, the fact that they are Greek? I am disappointed in the tone of gal descrimination. need to send a fraudulent memo to As a very concerned and some- Drinking is an unfortunate pas- the articles and in the Phoenix staff letterhead con- on fake Based on that, how can one ar- what offended Greek student, I am time of many students here. The for providing such a biased and ste- gue that we should give the gov- students issues that were never ad- cerning writing in response to the articles reality is that there are countless reotypical view of the rest of the ernment the "benefit of the doubt?" dressed. Not only did he mention printed about Gamma Sigma students who do these things and Greeks on campus. I also hope that Although I am completely against the usual stuff, meeting time, date, Sigma in the February l Sth issue are not affiliated with any fraternity the new members of Gamma Sigma the ideas presented by any hate place,and the yearbook photo, but of the Phoenix. Although the tone or sorority. Sigma realize that thcycan promote group, as a minority student I am he also wrote: of both articles bothered me, I I am personally offended so theirgoals and values without dis- comfortable enough with my own "Important housing information found the most offense in the short much because I'm tired of the gracing and attacking those of the beliefs that I don't think it is nec- for the 1999-2000 academic year paragraph found in the commen- Phoenix's constant negative por- nine social organizations which essary to deny anyone a voice. Fi- will be given out. There will also tary section. trayal of social Greeks. As hard as have been a valuable part of the nally, I am thoroughly disgusted be information for the renewal of When Ijoined a sorority, I was it may be to believe, there are so- WMC community. and outraged by the statement that and grants fully aware of the stereotypes that cial Greeks who have done hun- "They [members of volatile college student who scholarships. Any has received went along with such an associa- dreds of hours of community ser- Stephanie Craven groups] need to be shut up and money from the college must attend tion. However, I find it pitiful and vice, have excellent GPA's, partici- locked up just for being who they to renew scholarships." astonishing that our own campus pate actively in other campus orga- Dear Editor, are and what they believe." Please No one mentioned either hous- newspaper could help fuel such nizations, and ... who aren't alcohol- In response to Ron Mojica's let- remind me why the Nazis were ing or scholarships at the meeting. stereotypes. Up to this point, how ics! I know that this may be a shock ter printed in the previous edition stopped to begin with For those of us in the Class of many positive articles have you to some of you, but it's true. of The Phoenix, I'm forced to ad- 200 I who had, for whatever reason, published about the nine social fra- Perhaps the reason our massive mit that as I began reading, I agreed Michael Baker more important things to do than ternities and sororities on campus? amount of community service isn't with what Mojica had to say. Shock pose for a yearbook photograph, Granted, you were only intro- known is because the media (in- in response to the sort of ideas pre- ducing this new organization to the cluding the Phoenix) only wants to sented in Andrew Ryan's article is Dear Editor, blame me, I voted for Kelly's lies kept us from those prior and forced us to say "Don't commitments campus community, but do you point our and exaggerate the nega- understandable. However, as I con- that other guy." Who that other guy "Cheese!" That cheese stinks. I pay have to do so by portraying the tives. In reference to the commen- tinued to read, I found myself ab- was is irrelevant when the alterna- tens of thoujilnds of dollars to go other organizations in a negative tary, maybe the reason why "our solutely horrified. His scoffing at tive is Class of2001 President Jer- to this school; whether or not I want light. It seems like the only time nation's newspapers are plagued the notion that the government has emiah Kelly. to pose for a yearbook photograph positive news about us is in your with horror stories of college drink- the power to stifle minorities and Recently, Kelly proved just how is my business, especially if the paper is when people contribute ing," is that they just don't publish saying that such a belief is caused Iittle respect he has for the student business at hand is leaps and letters to the editor. articles that mention the percentage by "paranoia" is bordering on ig- body he would have folks believe bounds more important than attend- Perhaps the thing that offends of college students who aren't norant. While it's true that one can- he represents. He blatantly lied to me most is the constant reference trouble-making drunks. not yet be locked up for being a the Class of2ool. What's more, he ing a relatively unimportant class meeting. to social Greeks and alcohol. I Don't misinterpret my frustra- Nazi, it's perfectly legal to deny a lied on official-looking letterhead, Class of 200 I, refuse to be take won', deny that there are fraternity tion and concerns: I am thrilled to minority the rights most Americans and he signed not his name, but for granted by those who represent and sorority members who drink welcome Gamma Sigma Sigma to enjoy. "Administration." you. Consider all of the informa- far more than they should and they our campus! It's great that students For example, in Delaware and The lies referred to here con- tion at hand when voting for next may not see studying as a huge have shown enough initiative to many other states, it is legal to deny cerned a class meeting that was year's class officers. priority, but why does this auto- start such an organization because a homosexual ajob because of his scheduled for the purpose of tak- matically have to be attributed to I'm sure it's not an easy task. or her sexuality. It is a form of le- ing a yearbook photo. Kelly felt the Nathan Francis Carter Williams Don't bother me now, I'm having a bad day: PMS and you Lisa Dale- Van Auken Let me start out by warning should have to ignore it. you. offers advice to. the victims 2. Government chocolate ra- If you can't deal with what you ofPMS. tions: I hate to admit it, but the ru- are going to read, don't read it. mors are true. It is possible to eat You know, girls and boys, that Akin to having a monthly flu, ten solid chocolate Easter Bunnies there are some days that things just we drag ourselves to work and in an hour. don't go your way. . smile, often doing our best to act 3. In general, all Hallmarkcom- Days when you wake up for like nothing is wrong. mercials should be banned. Those class fifteen minutes late. We try to explain ourselves. "I sappy, frilly, injections of pure pa- Days when you run out the door have PMS," we say. thos are real tear-jerkers. (Not that in your slippers, with your skirt On some days the equation ex- it takes much). tucked into your underwear, only pands into the more meaningful "I 4. We need a way to identify to find it is raining, and you don't AM PMS." ourselves as PMSing. Sometimes, have time for sneakers. But mostly, we're just annoyed the "don't-mess-with-me-I-will., Days when the lack of money with everything that comes with hurt-you-if-you-breathe-wrong" in your bank account makes your being chick in general. (Chicken looks are not enough. I.Q. look good. General?) Maybe big . red warning pins Well, those days are just stupid If we do complain, as some- saying "unstable material: handle luck; catastrophe after catastrophe times happens when your body with extreme caution" would be dropped on you with the predict- mutinies against your brain in an suitable. ability of a bird pooping on your uncontrollable riot of swirling hor- 5. Finally, we need PMS edu- head. rnones. chances are we are not look- cation month. But for those of us of the more ing for sympathy, just relief. I know you're probably think- "delicate sex," bad days are as pre- I bet you are sick of hearing ing we already had that in Febru- dictable as ful! moons. people complain about· PMS and ary, but trust me, they're different. I am writing of the dreaded "pe- other related problems. And if you have a problem with riod" of time when a girl is con- Well, do something about it. that, you can come take it up with demned to four to eight days of Here's my plan. me. discomfort, moodiness, and even I think it will make the world a But I think it would be in your pam. better place. best interests to wait until the mys- We, as women, have a regular I. One excused day off a month terious ticking sound has gone cycle and predictor of bad days. for women: Why, when you're sick away. For the Coolest Stickworld Apparel, Greeting Like clockwork, (I mean like - as a dog and ready to accuse the Otherwise just lie low for a the irritating ticking of a bomb entire world of anything, should while. And remember, it'll all be Cards, Games, and Accessories, Visit Us at slowly getting closer to exploding) you have to go to work? over soon. we have days when we literally Just because we get sick on a At least, until next month. can't get out of bed. regular basis doesn't mean we
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